
Working together to build a drug-free campus

author:Guangdong life network financial media

"Working together to build a drug-free campus"

——Boluo County's "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity and education theme activity was held in Shiba Town

On the occasion of the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, in order to further enhance the awareness of national anti-drug and create a good atmosphere for national anti-drug control, on the morning of June 25, under the guidance of the Office of Huizhou Municipal Anti-Drug Committee, sponsored by the Office of the Boluo County Anti-Drug Committee and the People's Government of Shiba Town, Boluo County, and undertaken by the Huizhou Anti-Drug Association, the 2024 Boluo County "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day publicity and education theme activity was held in Shiba Middle School. Gan Weixun, deputy head of the county government, deputy director of the county anti-narcotics committee and director of the county public security bureau, Liang Shuchun, executive deputy secretary of the county political and legal committee, Fang Min, full-time deputy secretary of the party committee of the organ directly under the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, leaders in charge of member units of the county anti-drug committee, staff of the county anti-drug office, members of the three sets of leading groups of Shiba Town, secretaries and security officers of each village (community), teams of each village (community), teachers and students of Shiba Middle School, leaders in charge of each town (street) and person in charge of the anti-drug office about 2,000 people participated in the activity.

Working together to build a drug-free campus
Working together to build a drug-free campus

The event was divided into three parts: theme conference, garden interaction, and publicity and display, and the conference kicked off in the opening of the host. In his speech, the student representative of Shiba Middle School said that he would actively participate in anti-drug activities, publicize the dangers of drugs, and convey drug knowledge to the people around him, so that more people can actively participate in the anti-drug action.

Gan Weixun, deputy head of the county government, deputy director of the county anti-narcotics committee, and director of the county public security bureau, pointed out in his speech that all departments should conscientiously unify their thinking and action with the overall arrangements and specific requirements of the county's anti-narcotics work, profoundly understand the seriousness of the harm caused by narcotics, and further enhance their sense of political responsibility, historical mission, and work urgency in doing a good job in anti-narcotics work. He stressed: First, we should do a good job in anti-narcotics work in the spirit of being highly responsible. All departments in the county should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important instructions on anti-narcotics work, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the National Narcotics Control Commission, do a solid job of basic anti-narcotics work, constantly promote anti-narcotics work to achieve new results, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the goal of banning narcotics. Second, we should win the battle against narcotics with a high-pressure and strong posture. We have always adhered to the attitude of "forbearance and zero tolerance" towards drug violations and crimes, closely focused on the rigid requirement of "the drug problem cannot rebound", adhered to the general tone of "opening the road + combining crackdown and prevention", and took the "root-breaking" action as the starting point, actively adapted to the new police operation mode of "professional + mechanism + big data", and constantly consolidated and expanded the overall positive trend of the drug situation. The third is to take efficient and effective measures to ensure the effectiveness of drug control. Firmly establish the concept of "comprehensive management", fully integrate resources, give full play to the enthusiasm of all parties, strive to form a pattern of joint management and comprehensive management of anti-narcotics work, resolutely fight the people's war against drugs in the new era, minimize the social harm of drugs, contribute to the defense of political security, maintain social stability and ensure people's tranquility, and present the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with outstanding achievements.

Cherish life, refuse drugs, and make your due contribution to the national anti-drug efforts. Under the leadership of Zhong Shaozhen, deputy secretary of the Party committee and mayor of Shiba Town, the participating leaders, guests, teachers and students collectively swore an oath and jointly read out the anti-drug oath.

At the event site, the conference announced the honors won in the "Work Together to Build a Drug-free Campus" Anti-drug Painting Creation Contest in Shiba Town, and presented awards to the winning students on the spot.

After the theme conference, all the staff steadily displayed the anti-drug propaganda activities and participated in the garden activities. With the theme of "anti-drug", the garden activities set up games such as "anti-drug music", "bounce away drugs", "attack bowling", "anti-drug logo collision" and set up a knowledge exhibition area, so that students can skillfully integrate anti-drug knowledge into the game, so that students can master anti-drug knowledge in play, interesting and entertaining way, many students participate in the game challenge in groups, each time they complete a game challenge, you can get a stamp, and you can redeem the prize when you collect the park card, which is widely welcomed by the students.

Working together to build a drug-free campus
Working together to build a drug-free campus
Working together to build a drug-free campus

Anti-narcotics propaganda and education work has a long way to go. At the same time, it effectively disseminates anti-drug knowledge and carries forward the anti-drug spirit, and calls on the broad masses of cadres, teachers and students to actively participate in anti-drug actions, so as to form a consensus on everyone's participation in anti-drug work in the whole society, and jointly build an anti-drug work pattern of mass prevention and control in the whole society.