
Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

author:Cloudside small carp entertainment
Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent


As soon as the drama "Lonely Battle in the Maze" was launched, many netizens couldn't help but want to complain, and the airborne TV series thought it would give us a big surprise, but as everyone knows, it was bigger.

There are so many loopholes and flaws in the play that it seems to be deliberate, which makes people wonder if the screenwriter is playing some kind of "finding fault" game, is the audience too serious, or is this drama really full of problems?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The logic of the plot

After watching the first four episodes, my head was almost knotted.

The logic of this plot is simply laughable.

The most classic thing is that the actor was drawn like a human-shaped blood bag, but he can still be alive.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

What kind of superhuman physique is this, even if Captain America comes, he will have to lie down for a few days, right?

Or is it that in their world, human blood can be as abundant as tap water?

As a military doctor, the heroine actually treats herself as a guinea pig and casually injects herself with untested serum.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

This operation is simply challenging the bottom line of medical ethics.

Many viewers wondered if she was playing a game, and if there was such a military doctor, it would be more appropriate to suggest that she should be a stuntman.

And the head of the underground party, who easily exposed himself.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Is this comrade taking the word "underground" as a deaf ear?

is so high-profile, it may feel like you are walking the red carpet.

Working behind enemy lines, and still not paying attention to safety, I sweat for him.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

When it comes to historical details, it is even more laughable.

The weapons and equipment are out of step with the times, the costumes seem to be borrowed from modern crews, and the descriptions of historical events are also Zhang Guan Li Dai.

It's really hard not to wonder if the historical details of this show are really looking for information.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

But then again, these problems are not unique to this show.

Nowadays, many historical dramas have this problem, as if they think that the audience is historically blind.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Now is the information age, the audience can find out the truth with their fingers, so fooling people, aren't you afraid of being slapped in the face?

Maybe in the end, this drama will surprise us?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Actor performance

These characters feel like they were pieced together from different scripts.

One second he was a loyal revolutionary, and the next he became a wall-to-wall grass.

This change speed is faster than the change of face in Sichuan Opera.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The motivations of some characters are simply confusing.

One moment you can sacrifice everything for the sake of the country, and the next you shake your position because of a little thing.

The male protagonist Huang Jingyu is very handsome, but unfortunately his acting skills do not match his appearance.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Especially those scenes that require delicate performances, it feels like watching a meme contest.

With empty eyes and single emotions, he is simply acting in a mime with body language.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The funniest thing is that on a dangerous occasion, this comrade agent can still secretly shed tears.

The point is, you are an agent and not the male protagonist of an idol drama, how can you be so easily emotional? Not afraid to reveal your identity?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

is the heroine Xin Zhilei, her acting skills are still online, and she is handsome.

Looking at her sassy appearance, I wonder if she is playing herself.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Because of her own temperament, she can suppress this role, and now she looks even better.

However, among such a group of actors with exaggerated acting skills, her performance seems a little out of place.

The most important thing is that her acting skills seem to be a little too strong in this drama.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Other actors, the old actors are quite decent, at least they won't let people play.

But those young actors, the acting skills are really a bit strange.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

This drama has given us an opportunity to redefine what "acting" is.

Maybe if you can read the lines without laughing with a blank face, you can already be regarded as an acting school, right?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Point of suspense

After watching these episodes, I wonder if the screenwriter has confused "spy war" with "idol drama".

This drama is known as a spy war drama, but where is the suspense?

The whole plot structure is like a plate of loose sand, many plots are redundant, and it seems that they haven't been talked about when they talk about it, and people want to scratch their heads.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The funniest thing is the so-called "thrilling" scenes, for example, when the agent is being hunted down, shouldn't it be tense and exciting?

As a result, the rhythm is so slow that it looks like watching a square dance, is it afraid that it will be too exciting and scare people?

The setting of some plots is simply challenging the audience's IQ.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The secret code of the agents is actually some bad street sayings.

Is this an agent or talking about cross talk, if I were an enemy, I would probably laugh so hard that I couldn't stand up with laughter when I heard this kind of code.

and the plot of throwing himself into the net, which is simply speechless.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The funniest thing is that some important information in the play is actually explained through the characters' self-talk.

This is an agent, not a chatterbox!

Could it be that the audience is a master of mind reading, and they have to let the characters say what is in their hearts.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Being able to make a spy war drama like this can be regarded as a talent.

The plot structure and details of this drama are really eye-opening to the audience.

At least it gave us a chance to experience what it's like to have a "brain hole".

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem so bad?

In this fast-paced era, it's a pleasure to find a drama that makes people relax their brains so much, isn't it?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The presentation of details

To be honest, after watching these episodes, I don't know if it's a flaw or a problem.

The art design of this drama is really eye-opening.

How does the scene from the Republic of China period look so much like the warehouse of a modern factory?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

Those props felt like they were picked up from a flea market.

The funniest thing is the special effects, this special effect level, the explosion scene is like a big firecracker, and the gunfight scene is like setting off fireworks.

This drama is known as a blockbuster spy war drama, but after watching it, I just want to say: The blockbuster is quite heavy, but I don't know where the weight is.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The most speechless are those tearful plots, is this a spy war drama or an idol drama?

The agents cry more often than my mother watched Qiong Yao's drama, you are here to carry out the mission, not to participate in the "who cries the worst" competition!

may want the audience to redefine what a "boutique drama" is, and give the audience a contrast?

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent

The cast is really strong, however, it feels like a lot of the plot is a bit too hard.

There is really a kind of filming a lot of idol plots under the guise of suspense dramas, and such plots are really hard to like.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent


Although there are many problems with this drama, its emergence is also a stage in the development of domestic dramas.

With the improvement of audience requirements and the continuous progress of the industry, there will be more excellent works presented in front of us in the future.

Let us contribute to the progress of China's film and television industry, demand with higher standards, appreciate with a more inclusive attitude, and jointly promote the vigorous development of China's film and television industry.

Boy! "Lonely Lost City" has received a lot of bad reviews at the beginning of the broadcast, but the reasons for the audience's bad reviews are surprisingly consistent