
Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

author:Hansen English

Share a wave of foreign grammar practice paper with everyone, a total of 24 sets. Seeing the grammar checklist is guaranteed to be exciting for the English teacher as well.

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!
Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

The layout is very vivid and not guaranteed that all children will enjoy it (it's homework, after all), but at least they will all be eye-catching. Who can refuse a homework paper that is completely different from the usual monotonous and boring?

Layout highlights (partial)

must or mustn't用法

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

do or does用法

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Am, is, are usage

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

was or were用法

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!
Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

There is-There are用法

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

some any用法

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Present continuous tense usage

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Question word usage

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Frequency adverb usage

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Extensive practice of azimuth prepositions in various tenses

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!
Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!
Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Reflexive pronoun usage

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Orientation preposition usage

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

General question words

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

Superlative usage of adjectives

Another wave of extranet grammar practice paper, beautifully designed and comprehensive!

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