
Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)

author:Festive Sunshine Khq
Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)

Center for Medieval History

Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)

《Tang Studies》

(Volume 29)

Edited by Ye Wei

Peking University Press, March 2024


Price: 158.00 RMB


Column: Text Production and Book Culture (Curated by Tang Wen)

An Investigation of the Articles Cited in the Book of Liang and the Book of Sui Nie Wenmeng (3)

After Tang Taizong's Expedition to Liao, Singing and Activities and the Turning of Zhenguan's Poetic Style: The Collection of Hanlin Scholars in the Ancient Japanese-Tibetan Manuscript and Yin Fan's "Zhenguan's End of the Standard Gradually Rises" Notes Cha Ping Qiu (35)

Tang Zhongzong's Life and Final Political Scheme: Centered on the Records of the Jinglong LibraryWu Zhen (65)

Tang Xuanzong's Book of the King of Silla and the Book of the King of Japan: A Study of the Edicts Contained in the Qujiang Collection Tongling (99)

From the Perspective of Tang Humanities: The System of Tang Zuo's Demotion and Relocation of Officials: Focusing on the Anthologies of Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, and Liu Yuxi Liu Zhenlun (123)

Reading "Gaoling Ling Liu Jun's Monument of Love" on the past of Guanzhong Zheng Bai Erqu Water Conservancy Lu Bo (169)

Types of Writing and Institutional Formation: A Narrative of the Virtues and Politics of the Tang Dynasty as Seen in the Weidan Heritage Monument Xu Ziyue (197)

"Guiyuan Pen Cultivation Collection" New Examination Zeng Lei (217)

Observation of the source: Southern Song Dynasty Shu carving "Sun Ke's Anthology" base Li Tan Xia Jing (259)

New Late Tang Dynasty Book "Double Gold" Examination Fu Jiayin (281)

Re-understanding of the Twelve Lines of Song Shu Engraved Books of the Tang Dynasty: The Reality of the Books of the Yuan Dynasty Shi Xiang (297)


The "Concept of the End of the Law" of the Third Order Religion Liu Yi (313)

Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, Feng Yiyan's Feng Buddha Examination: Focusing on Stone Carvings, Shen Guoguang (337)

The Genealogy of the "First Ancestor": A Glimpse of the Han and Tang Dynasties and the Ritual System Meng Kaizhuo (371)

"The Epitaph of Princess Yang of the Late Wei Lintao" and the Late Wei Emperor's Change of Throne Zhang Xiaowen (403)

The Historical Events of the Chen Dynasty as Seen in the Tomb of Chen Shi Li Haobo (423)

The Relocation of the Mausoleum of the Sui Emperor, the Reconstruction of the Book of Mourning and the Orthodox Construction of the Zhenguan Regime Zhu Chaolong (447)

A New Evidence of the History of the Relationship between the Tang Dynasty and Linyi in the Early Years of Zhenguan: Focusing on the Epitaph of Yuan Rail Dong Yongqiang (483)

"Tang Cao Huaizhi's Epitaph and Preface" and Dunhuang Sogdian Cao Feng Peihong (507)

Sui and Tang Dynasty Copying the Source Li Baiyang (533)

From Koujing to Wangtu: The Local Situation of Ziqing Before and After Xianzong Yuan and the Use of Troops Wu Xiaofeng (555)

Changing Generations to Communicate and Thinking of Garrison: Revisiting the Military Period and Organizational Form of the Autumn Soldiers in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty Song Xinyun (591)

Sent to Gancheng: In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the town sent the general to enter the imperial examination Zhang Zhaoyang (613)

On the total material mountain Zhang Kaiyue (635)

Khitan State Uncle's Account and Secret Group Chen Xiaowei (653)

A Review of the Study of the "Curious" Fashion in Tang Literature Zhang Fengchu (673)

book review

"Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology New Tomb Inscription"

"New China Unearthed Epitaph (Shaanxi)" Qiu Luming (711)

The Imperial Court, the Feudal Towns, and the Local Tyrants: The Regional Politics and Social Order of the Jianghuai River in the Late Tang Dynasty Zeng Lei (721)

"Five Generations in the Inscription" Trilogy - "Five Generations of Women under the World Change", "Five Generations of Warriors", "Five Generations of Warriors", "Five Generations of Civil and Military Monks" Hu Yaofei, Xie Yurong (733)

2023 Tang History Research Books (743)

Volume 29: Index of Authors' Research or Study Units and Articles (753)

Introduction and Manuscript of Tang Studies (755)

Posts Suchi (759)

Catalogue in English and Chinese

Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)
Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)
Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)
Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)
Ye Wei, editor-in-chief, published the twenty-ninth volume of Tang Studies|202407-03 (No. 2763)

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