
Don't know how many dishes to buy for dinner? This article will take you through the →

author:Dot vision

Breakfast was not wanted or casually eaten

Lunch is simply eaten out

Dinner is eaten like crazy at home

This is a lot of students and office workers today

The current situation of three meals a day

In fact

Most families take dinner more seriously

Because this meal can not only be

Let every member of the family eat the dishes they want to eat

It's also a time for the family to be happy

Don't know how many dishes to buy for dinner? This article will take you through the →

For dinner, there are two main extreme phenomena at present, one is to eat more, and the other is to skip dinner directly.

Eating too much or too much greasy dinner can lead to obesity, affect blood sugar control, and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. If you skip dinner for a long time, you may suffer from low blood sugar due to hunger, and even induce gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases.

Don't know how many dishes to buy for dinner? This article will take you through the →


How should dinner be eaten?

How much should I eat?

Below, let's take you to do the math!

Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), our dinner accounts for 30%-35% of the day's energy and nutrients, including 4-5 foods, and it is advisable to consume them from 18:00 to 20:00. The specific intake of different types of food can be evenly distributed among the meals in Table 1 according to the food in Table 1.

Don't know how many dishes to buy for dinner? This article will take you through the →

Table 1 Recommended dietary intake for different age groups


Considering that we eat less vegetables for breakfast, we consume 300-500 grams of vegetables per day in a day, we might as well purchase about 250 grams of vegetables per person for dinner, and a family of four can buy 2-3 kinds of vegetables (about 1-1.5 catties) to cook dishes with two vegetables.


We may purchase two kinds of meat for dinner, one for livestock and poultry meat (such as pork, beef, chicken, etc.), and one for fish and shrimp, and cook two meat dishes. For the amount of meat dishes, we can purchase according to the amount of meat dishes in Table 1 1/2.

Don't know how many dishes to buy for dinner? This article will take you through the →

staple food

The indispensable food in our dinner is basically about 1-1.5 bowls per person to meet the needs of dinner. When we need to pay attention, when steaming rice, we may wish to add some grains, about 1/3 of the amount.

If our vegetables for the day include potatoes, yams, and taro, we can appropriately reduce the intake of rice or steamed bread. In addition, we can also steam corn, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, etc., instead of some rice or steamed buns, as a staple food, each person can be small half a corn or a purple sweet potato.


In addition, we can also make a relatively light soup soup such as vegetable mushroom soup, seaweed egg soup, tomato egg soup, etc., with a small bowl per person.

Cooking with oil

We basically have a 3 tablespoon (1 tablespoon ≈15ml) per person per day. Considering that there is less oil for breakfast, we can cook 1-1.5 tablespoons per person for dinner. In order to reduce the amount of cooking oil, we can choose more cooking methods such as steaming, boiling and stir-frying, and less frying and frying.

Fruit milk

Don't know how many dishes to buy for dinner? This article will take you through the →

If we don't consume fruit or milk during the day, we can consume about 200 grams of fruit or a glass of 300 ml of milk for a period of time after dinner.

Be sure how much you eat each day

We can avoid obesity

or malnutrition

Source: Chongqing Market Regulation, China Good Nutrition