
Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

author:Spectator Chronicle

In the long river of education, every child is a unique star, shining with his own light.

However, when two stars meet at the same time and in the same place, people's eyes are often attracted to the brighter one.

Huang Yibo, known as the "five-bar boy", his light once shone throughout his childhood; And his classmates, the children known as "disdainful brothers", are accumulating strength in obscurity.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

As time passed, the two embarked on different paths in life, one chose a private school, and the other stepped into the halls of Harvard.

This discussion of the winners is not only a comparison between two teenagers, but also a profound reflection on education, life choices and values.

(All the content of the text statement has reliable information sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article. )

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

1. The childhood of "five-bar boys" and "disdainful brothers".

In a primary school in Jiangcheng, Huang Yibo's name is almost unknown to everyone.

He, the boy who has been known as "someone else's child" since he was a child, exudes a unique temperament in every gesture.

Whenever he walked into the classroom, his straight posture and steady pace reminded people of the ancient adage of "standing like a pine and sitting like a clock".

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

His aura is powerful, as if he was born with a kind of leadership charisma, which is involuntarily admirable.

Huang Yibo's childhood is like a brilliant history of honor.

His childhood was surrounded by all kinds of honors and halos, as if he was destined to be the center of attention.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

He has watched "News Network" since he was a child, paying attention to the country's major affairs; When he was seven or eight years old, he was able to read the People's Daily every day, and he had extraordinary sensitivity and insights into current affairs and politics.

This kind of performance is beyond the reach of children of the same age.

In many periodicals across the country, Huang Yibo's name appears frequently.

His articles are incisive and insightful, and they are deeply loved by readers.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

His articles are not only numerous, but also of high quality, and each one is a masterpiece.

Therefore, he has won many honors such as the National Five-Star Eagle Medal, the National Top Ten Youth Nomination Award, and the National 100 Outstanding Chinese Teenagers, and has become the pride of the whole school and the city.

However, under the light of Huang Yibo, there is a neglected figure - "disdainful brother".

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

He and Huang Yibo are classmates, but compared to Huang Yibo's dazzling, his presence in elementary school is not strong.

He often sat in the corner of the classroom, silently flipping through his favorite books, disdainful of Huang Yibo's honor and aura.

His eyes revealed a different kind of firmness and confidence, as if he had already seen through the prosperity and impetuousness of this world.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

Disdain's childhood was not as glamorous as Huang Yibo's, but he had a heart that longed for knowledge.

He enjoys reading books of all genres, from history to literature, from technology to art.

He is a quick thinker and imaginative, and often has some eye-catching ideas and questions.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

However, due to his introverted personality and poor words, his talent was not fully displayed and recognized.

As time passed, both Disdain and Huang Yibo entered high school.

In this new environment, Disdain began to show his extraordinary ability to learn.

With a solid foundation and a wide range of knowledge, he has achieved excellent results in his studies.

Not only are his results among the best, but he has also won numerous awards in various competitions.

His talent and strength began to be recognized and appreciated by his teachers and classmates.

At this time, Huang Yibo, although he still maintained excellent grades and honors, began to feel an unprecedented pressure in his heart.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

He found that he was no longer the omnipotent "child of someone else's family", and his light began to be overshadowed by his disdainful brother and other excellent classmates.

He began to reflect on his past and future, thinking about how to better exploit his strengths and potential.

By chance, Huang Yibo and Disdain were selected as class representatives to participate in the school's debate competition.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

In the competition, the two of them expressed their opinions and went head-to-head, showing their unique talents and charms.

In the end, they won the competition with their outstanding performance and also won honor for the class.

This competition not only made the relationship between the two of them more harmonious, but also made them more deeply aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

Since then, Huang Yibo and Disdain have become each other's best friends and rivals.

They learn from each other, encourage each other, and move forward hand in hand on the road of growth.

They have proved with their efforts and talents that "other people's children" are not unattainable dreams, as long as they put in enough effort and sweat, everyone can become a hero in their hearts.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

Second, the choice of private and Harvard

In the scorching summer, the announcement of the college entrance examination results is like a storm that swept the hearts of countless families.

For Huang Yibo, this summer has been extraordinarily long and heavy.

Huang Yibo sat on the balcony of his house, holding the report card tightly in his hand, which reads "Total score: 477".

This number, for him, was like a sharp sword, piercing deep into his heart.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

He looked up at the sky, and the glare of the sun seemed to mock him for his failure.

"Son, don't be too upset." Huang Yibo's mother comforted softly, "Perhaps, this is just a small setback in your life." ”

Huang Yibo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He knows exactly what this result means to him.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

He used to be the best in the school, a top student in the eyes of his classmates, and the pride of his teachers.

However, the college entrance examination gave him a heavy blow and caused him to fall from the clouds to the bottom.

At this moment, a news item was broadcast on TV: "Congratulations to our student 'Disdain' for successfully obtaining the admission letter of Harvard University with excellent grades and excellent comprehensive quality!" On the screen, a sunny and handsome boy is holding an admission letter with a confident smile on his face.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

Huang Yibo looked at the picture on TV, and his heart was mixed.

He used to be classmates with "Disdainful Brother", and both of them were academic tyrants.

However, the gaokao pushed them down a very different path.

Huang Yibo fell into deep contemplation.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

A few days later, Huang Yibo received acceptance letters from several private schools.

He sat in his room, looking at the notices carefully, hesitating in his heart.

He knew that these schools, while not as glamorous as the university of his dreams, were also an opportunity to further his education.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

However, will he be able to accept such a reality?

At this moment, Huang Yibo's mobile phone rang.

It was a call from the "disdainful brother".

"Hey, art fair? I heard that you have received acceptance letters from some private schools, congratulations! On the other end of the phone, the voice of "disdainful brother" was full of enthusiasm.

"Thank you." Huang Yibo responded lightly, "What about you? When are you going to report to Harvard University? ”

"Haha, it's going to be a while." "Brother-in-disdain," he said, "but I've already started to prepare my luggage."

What about you? Any plans? ”

Huang Yibo was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I'm still thinking about it." ”

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

"Consider what?" "Disdainful brother" asked curiously, "Are you worried that these schools are not as good as you think?" ”

"Perhaps." Huang Yibo sighed, "But it's more about the confusion and anxiety about the future. ”

"In fact, no matter which path you choose, you have to believe that you can go further." "Disdainful brother" said seriously, "You have always been an excellent person, don't deny yourself because of a failure." ”

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

Huang Yibo listened to the words of "disdainful brother", and a warm current surged in his heart.

He took a deep breath and said firmly, "You're right.

I can't give up on myself just because I fail.

I'm going to choose to keep going! ”

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

After hanging up the phone, Huang Yibo held the notice in his hand tightly.

He knows that no matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, he will face them bravely.

Because he believes that as long as he doesn't give up, he will definitely be able to find his own piece of sky.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

3. The contest between academic qualifications and ability

In this discussion of winners, the focus tends to be on academic qualifications.

After all, Harvard University is one of the top institutions of higher learning in the world, and being able to enter such a school for further study is undoubtedly a great affirmation of a person's academic ability and comprehensive quality.

The private school chosen by Huang Yibo is obviously not comparable to Harvard in terms of popularity and academic level.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

However, a high degree of education does not necessarily mean greater achievement in the future, and a low degree of education does not necessarily mean that there is no ability.

Although Huang Yibo failed to achieve the desired results in the college entrance examination, his past honors and halos, as well as his talent and potential in other aspects, make people look forward to his future development.

Although the "disdainful brother" successfully entered Harvard University, there is still a long way to go, and whether he can maintain such an academic status and achieve higher achievements still needs time to verify.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner


Looking back on the growth process and life choices of the "Five Bar Boys" and the "Disdainful Brothers", it is not difficult for us to find that everyone has their own path and choice.

Although Huang Yibo and "Disdainful Brother" have chosen different paths, they have both made good achievements in their respective fields.

Whether it is a private school or Harvard University, it is just a stage on their life path.

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

The real winners are not those who have a high degree or how many honors they have received, but those who can stick to their dreams, constantly pursue progress, have the courage to face challenges and ultimately realize their self-worth.

Therefore, when evaluating a person's success, we should not only pay attention to his academic qualifications or achievements, but also pay attention to his growth process, life choices and contributions to society.

Only in this way can we truly understand what a real winner is, and can we inspire more people to pursue their dreams and realize their self-worth.


Sohu Entertainment Ten years later, the five-bar boy - Huang Yibo

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner

Sohu Entertainment How is the five-bar teenager Huang Yibo doing?

Looking back at the "five-bar boy" and "disdainful brother", one is private, one is Harvard, who is the winner
