
Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

author:The world speaks bluntly

On June 20, 2024, the cultural and artistic exchange ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China and the 30th anniversary of Perfect China was held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, with the theme of "Working Together for a Perfect Future". On the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia, Perfect (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Perfect Company) has been established for 30 years, and there is no better arrangement than the annual meeting held in Malaysia, where the dream began.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Perfect China's 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting.

As Gu Runjin, chairman of Perfect Company, said at the cultural and artistic exchange ceremony on the same day, as the third generation of Chinese in Malaysia, it is an honor to witness the glorious 50 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia, 50 is not only a number, but also represents half a century of deep friendship and witnessed the two peoples moving forward hand in hand. "Thirty years ago, with a long and unwavering friendship between our two countries, we founded Perfect Company and have continued to grow steadily ever since. We believe that the next 30 years of Perfect Company will be written in the next 50 years of friendship between the two countries. ”

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Malaysia's Tan Sri Royal Dato, Chairman of Perfect Company Korun Kim JP.

Today, the 30-year-old perfect company is still moving forward on the road of pursuing perfection. As one of the leading enterprises in China's direct selling, Perfect Company has solved the employment problem of hundreds of thousands of people, invested tens of billions of yuan in construction across the country, and invested more than 1 billion yuan in public welfare and charity.

It seems that the perfect company, which has become the head of direct selling in China, has lived up to everyone's expectations.

Many people have told Knowledge Economy that they don't know how perfection succeeds. But looking back on the development process of Perfect Company in the past 30 years, there will be a deep feeling - will there be a company that has developed better than Perfect under the same conditions?

This is Perfect, an enterprise with the vision of becoming an excellent provider of health and beauty services for all mankind, and an overseas Chinese enterprise that makes people feel heartfelt and emotional.

Look up to the sky and roar

"We believe that the next 30 years of Perfect Company will be written in the next 50 years of friendship between the two countries."

——Gu Qingjin

On June 20, at the 30th anniversary annual meeting of Perfect China held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with the theme of "Create a Perfect Future with One Heart", Datuk of Malaysia's Tan Sri Royal Family and Chairman of Perfect Company, Mr. Gu Runjin JP, said that this year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia, and also the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Perfect Company, which is an important year for the future. Thirty years ago, thanks to the long and unwavering friendship between China and Malaysia, Perfect Company was founded and has continued to grow steadily since then.

Also in June 2024, Perfect Company will hold seminars in the Maldives, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia, and entrepreneurial partners will go to carry out team building in batches. On June 20th, everyone gathered in Malaysia to bless the perfect 30th birthday and share the excitement of the annual meeting.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

In June 2024, Perfect Company held seminars in the Maldives, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.

The collective appearance of the representatives of Perfect Company and its entrepreneurial partners in Malaysia is a grand tribute to Perfect Company's unremitting struggle and pursuit of excellence over the past 30 years.

Malaysia is the best overseas country to retain Chinese education, all of which depends on the local Chinese people's nostalgia for their homeland and their persistence in Chinese culture. For decades, the local Chinese and overseas Chinese have insisted on setting up Chinese schools at their own expense and teaching Chinese simplified, which has gradually achieved amazing results. It is precisely under the obsession of the Malaysian Chinese overseas Chinese that they can have a deeper emotional and communication connection with their homeland, which eventually promotes many people to come to China and take root and start a business.

"All along, the Malaysian Chinese Art Association has played an active role in promoting people-to-people exchanges, enhancing the friendship between the two peoples, and helping the cooperation between the two countries to expand deeply. At a new historical starting point, the cooperation between China and Malaysia has broad prospects, and it is believed that we will continue to promote cooperation in various fields and make great strides forward hand in hand. In the future, we will continue to seize the opportunity, give full play to our influence and leading role as a bridge, pass on the China-Malaysia friendship from generation to generation, spread it along the Belt and Road Initiative, and work together to build a more sustainable and blooming Silk Road of Health and Happiness. Gu Runjin said.

In 2005, the reporter of "Knowledge Economy" interviewed Gu Runjin for the first time and wrote an article "How Perfection is Made", Gu Runjin said at the time: "The reason why we are named 'perfect' is because there is no perfect thing in the world, but we take it as our goal and continue to pursue it until it is close." The reporter of this magazine also wrote: "To choose 'perfection' is to choose the challenge, to choose to stay away from hypocrisy - to survive brightly, or to fall down, no one can blaspheme the word 'perfect'." ”

In the tide of the times, Perfect Company has grown from a few employees and a small rented office at the beginning of its establishment to a modern enterprise deeply engaged in the big health industry. "From nothing, from small to large, from big to strong." Xu Guowei, vice chairman of Perfect Company, said.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Xu Guowei, vice chairman of Perfect Company.

A typical case is Perfect Aloe Vera Gel, a super item from Perfect Company. According to incomplete statistics, in the past 30 years, more than 500 million Perfect Aloe Vera Gels have been sold through Perfect Company's officially authorized channels. Its brand value in 2022 was assessed at RMB 5.227 billion and was selected as one of the "500 Most Valuable Brands in China in 2023".

Standing at the starting point of the next 30 years, Perfect Company will focus on five major areas in the future - scientific research and innovation, brand renewal, business empowerment, digital intelligence upgrading, and corporate culture based on the four trends of the times of health industry, silver economy, service experience, and new quality productivity, continue to insist on making good use of products, good reputation, and good service, polish the golden sign of "Perfect", continue to empower partners to develop their businesses efficiently, create higher value, and make every effort to build a new situation of high-quality development of Perfect Company.

Fierce ambition

"The dream of starting a business in this homeland has always supported us to keep moving forward in the right direction."

——Gu Qingjin

In the wave of reform and opening up, countless overseas Chinese, with their deep affection and friendship for their ancestral homeland, have returned to China to invest and start businesses, contributing their own strength to the construction and development of their hometowns. Gu Runjin, chairman of Perfect Company, is one of them.

Born in Malaysia in 1959, Gurunjin is a third-generation Chinese. His ancestral home is Wugui Mountain, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, and his grandfather came to Malaysia to work hard in the early 20th century.

Since childhood, Gu Runjin inherited the diligence and tenacity of his parents, and began to deliver newspapers to subsidize his family when he was in elementary school. When he was older, he went to the construction site every summer vacation to do small jobs, and in order to earn an extra two dollars an hour, he used to do dangerous work on scaffolding outside high-rise buildings to carry building materials. After joining the society, Gu Runjin has always insisted on working part-time, and during the peak period, while being the owner of a construction company, he also worked part-time to promote insurance and sell New Year's goods. Gu Runjin said: "These are all influenced by my parents, and it is the tenacity and diligence of Chinese that flow in my blood. He made up his mind early on that he would rather work hard for half his life than work hard for a lifetime.

Although he lives in Malaysia and is far away from his homeland, he learns and speaks Mandarin, and his connection with his ancestral home country of China has not been broken. Since he was a child, he grew up in traditional Chinese stories such as Tang monks learning scriptures, Su Wu shepherding sheep, and serving the country with loyalty. When he grew up, his idols became Chinese business elites such as Tan Kah Kee, Xie Yichu, and Guo Henian, and he dreamed of one day returning to his hometown like them and contributing to China's development.

After that, Gu Runjin heard more and more news about China, and the spring breeze of reform and opening up made Guangdong the forefront of opening up. At the same time, Malaysia's relations with China have also made new developments, and the Malaysian government has relaxed the restrictions on Chinese people returning to their hometowns to seek their roots.

Gu Runjin never thought that the fate of the "little me" far away in Malaysia would be changed in the tide of reform and opening up. At that time, he had gone to the society to make a living, and after more than ten years of hard work, his career improved, and he also accumulated some savings. Gu Runjin has never forgotten his father's entrustment: "If you make money, you must go back to your hometown in China." Finally, in March 1990, Gu Runjin set foot on the homeland of his dreams with the Malaysian Zhongshan Association of Relatives.

The vast land, the ancient culture, the enthusiastic villagers, the lively scene of colorful flags fluttering everywhere, and the rapid development of the hometown economy...... Everything is strange and familiar. Perhaps this is the charm of his hometown, the wanderer does not want to leave when he returns, at that moment, Gu Runjin made up his mind to return to his ancestral country and return to his hometown to start a business. With the enthusiasm of repaying the hometown, Gu Runjin did not hesitate to choose the company's headquarters in his hometown Zhongshan.

In 1994, together with his business partners, Gurunjin founded Perfect Company in his hometown of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. Gu Runjin's life has also opened a new page.

Returning to his ancestral home with the nostalgia of several generations, starting a business is in the right place and at the right time, for Gu Runjin, it is even more necessary to work hard and not slack off. At that time, he and his partners rode their bicycles around the streets, hoping to produce a product that was really in demand. Not long after, they found that Chinese mainland families rarely use shower gel, and most hotels and families use soap, so they decided to make daily chemical products, promote shower gel to China, and gradually expand their business scope to health food, small kitchenware, cosmetics, cleaning products and personal care products and other mass consumer goods, serving the health and beauty of the people.

In China, the dream of starting a business has always supported Gurunjin, and after 30 years of development, Perfect Company has made great progress. What has changed is the scale of the enterprise, and what has not changed is the original intention.

Since the establishment of Perfect Company, the leaders of Perfect Company have made "three unchanged" commitments to the society and consumers: the concept of providing consumers with high-quality products and services remains unchanged; The concept of providing career development opportunities for the perfect business partner remains unchanged; Adhere to the concept of investment and long-term development in China. These "three constant" principles not only represent the original intention of Perfect Company, but also the solid cornerstone of Perfect Company's sustainable growth.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Perfect South China Base is committed to leading the transformation and upgrading with intelligent manufacturing.

Datuk Hu Ruilian, Vice Chairman of Perfect Company and Datuk of DSTM Malaysia, said that from the first product, the first production line to the first set of health concepts, from R&D products to the exploration of life sciences...... Perfect Company has been constantly exploring the scientific meaning of human health and beauty, and is heading towards a sustainable future.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Dato' of DSTM Malaysia and Vice Chairman of Perfect Company Hu Ruilian.

Thirty fame, dust and earth

"From an economic power to a brand power, there is a long way to go, and we need a number of excellent enterprises and brands to support, and we are willing to do one of them."

——Gu Qingjin

Thirty years of overseas Chinese enterprises have a deep affection for China and a heart for China; Thirty years of spring and autumn fruits, brilliant writing.

The 30th anniversary of Perfect Company is not only a milestone in the development of the enterprise, but also a microcosm of the rapid development of overseas Chinese enterprises benefiting from the reform and opening up, witnessing the deepening friendship between China and Malaysia, and accompanying the transformation and upgrading of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

In 2021, the headquarters of Perfect Company officially moved to Perfect Golden Eagle Plaza.

Thirty and standing

In 1994, it was the embryonic period of direct selling in China, and the market was mixed. The perfection of the new life, they have always maintained the original intention of an overseas traveler, and have not lost their way in the torrent of history. In the end, we perfectly chose the most correct way to open this industry, overcame many difficulties along the way, and became one of the ten foreign-funded direct selling enterprises that are allowed to transform, and successfully obtained the China direct selling business license, becoming one of the first enterprises to achieve 10 billion yuan of performance, and growing into a leading enterprise in China's direct selling.

In terms of empowering the market, rooted in China for 30 years, Perfect Company's product sales and services cover all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government in China, and have set up 34 branches, 6 offices and more than 10,000 service centers (including shallots). At the same time, product sales and services have been expanded to Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and other countries. Perfect Company has also joined hands with Perfect People to go through 36 countries and regions to see the world.

In terms of infrastructure, Perfect Company has invested in the construction of bases in China with a total area of more than 1,100 acres and an investment of more than 10 billion yuan in the past 30 years. Perfect Company was founded in 1994; In 1997, the Perfect Building was completed and opened; In 2000, the first phase of the new perfect factory was completed; In 2002, the foundation stone of the second phase of the perfect new factory was laid; In 2004, the foundation stone of Perfect Yangzhou Base was laid; In 2010, Yangzhou Perfect Commodity Co., Ltd. opened; In 2011, the foundation stone of Perfect South China Base was laid; In 2017, the construction of Perfect Huaibei Base started, and in 2018, the construction of Shanghai Hongqiao Perfect Science and Technology Innovation Center started; In 2019, the Perfect South China Base was completed; In 2021, Perfect New Headquarters will be located in the most lively core area of Zhongshan, the heart of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In the past four years, Perfect Company has invested more than 4 billion yuan in base construction, digital upgrading, and supply chain construction.

In terms of scientific research, from only having a very small laboratory in that year, to the official completion of the "Perfect Life and Health Science and Technology Research Institute" (hereinafter referred to as "Perfect Life Science Institute") in 2019, to create a scientific research brand strength that no one has, no one has me, and no one has a strong one, and Perfect Company has built the product barriers of the enterprise with scientific research and innovation. In view of the development trend of the direct selling industry, Perfect Company takes "technology originality" as the breakthrough point and carries out key layouts in accordance with the coupling promotion of "platform-talent-project", forming the driving force of perfect scientific and technological innovation; Formulate a scientific research system construction plan from the seven dimensions of new technology, product, research center construction, innovation platform, talent team, and scientific research image promotion, create an ecological chain from core technology to industrialization, and realize the industrialization of scientific research achievements and the commercialization of scientific research projects.

In the past 6 years, Perfect Biosciences has achieved leapfrog results in the construction of scientific research platforms, the introduction of talents, and the transformation of core projects, focusing on the four fields of "bioactive peptides", "natural plants", "traditional Chinese medicine" and "microecology", and has carried out cooperation in "production, learning, research and application", extending from focusing on the research and development of good products to exploring life sciences. At present, Perfect Company has 18 innovation platforms and 10 joint laboratories.

In addition, Perfect Company has successively cooperated with well-known universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad, such as Rutgers University, China Food and Fermentation Industry Research Institute, Jinan University, Jiangnan University, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, etc., and has achieved corresponding results. In 2023, Perfect Company will join hands with the government, enterprises, universities, scientific research institutions and other parties to establish the "Perfect Skin Health Research Center" and launch the "Perfect Health Ecological Innovation Alliance" to promote the positive cycle of "production, learning, research and application", and realize the sharing of innovation resources and complementary advantages.

At present, Perfect Company has realized the industrialization of core technologies such as bifida yeast and fibronectin, star raw materials of cosmetics with independent intellectual property rights, and perfect probiotics, perfect sea buckthorn protein peptides, and rare saponins of health food, forming a number of perfect core technologies to realize the industrial application of scientific and technological achievements. Perfect Company is entering the era of original technology based on life sciences, from "building platforms, setting up projects, and attracting talents" to self-developed raw materials, exclusive patents and academic achievements, building a perfect scientific research moat.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Staff in the Perfect Life and Health Science and Technology Research Institute.

Perfect Company has also established the market concept of "customer-centric, product-based, service-oriented" from the beginning of its establishment, and pursued a win-win situation. Over the years, Perfect Company has actively explored and practiced intelligent service platforms, built and continuously improved self-service services such as Shallot Mall, 400 Intelligent Voice Platform, and Intelligent Robot Shallot, providing consumers and entrepreneurial partners with a more relaxed way of life and entrepreneurship, and realizing the efficiency of perfect digital marketing and community marketing through digital upgrading, and empowering market development.

In 2021, the headquarters of Perfect Company officially moved to Zhongshan Perfect Golden Eagle Plaza. Perfect Golden Eagle Plaza is the core project of Zhongshan City's old city renovation iteration, with an investment of more than 5 billion yuan, covering an area of 100,000 square meters, a built-up area of 580,000 square meters, and a building height of 238 meters.

A piece of sincerity

Although it is an overseas Chinese-funded enterprise, Perfect Company is a national enterprise born and raised in China, with a sincere heart of overseas Chinese businessmen, adhering to the compatriot spirit of "the same root, the same origin, and the bloodline", constantly absorbing the nutritional energy of national culture, vigorously advocating the excellent traditional Chinese culture, carrying forward the feelings of overseas Chinese businessmen who love their homeland, condensing overseas Chinese hearts, gathering overseas Chinese wisdom, and giving full play to overseas Chinese strength, building a "heart-to-heart bridge" between Chinese mainland and overseas Chinese compatriots, and enhancing the long-standing root family friendship.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

The Party Committee of Perfect (China) Co., Ltd. organized party members to go to the red education base in Shaoshan, Hunan Province to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention and forging ahead".

Gu Runjin once said that although he is an overseas Chinese, he is devoted to the national spirit and traditional Chinese culture, and is committed to promoting and spreading the spirit of overseas Chinese and Chinese culture to the world.

In order to more deeply integrate into the pulse of China's development, Perfect Company regards non-public party building as the "red engine" of the company's development.

In August 2003, less than ten years after the establishment of Perfect Company, the company actively responded to the call of the country and set up the first party branch in Zhongshan headquarters, and then successively set up party branches in branches to carry out party building activities. In 2014, the first overseas Chinese-funded enterprise party committee in Zhongshan was established. In the past ten years, the number of party members of Perfect Company has grown from 23 to more than 400, an increase of nearly 20 times; 36 grassroots party branches spread across the land of China and inherited the red gene.

"The Party Committee of Perfect Company pays attention to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members in the development of activities, and continuously promotes the development of the enterprise by strengthening the construction of Party organizations." The Party Committee of Perfect Company said that the company explored a new model of party building and enterprise development at the same frequency and resonance, which not only realized the innovative breakthrough in the party building work of overseas Chinese-funded enterprises, but also further straightened out the internal operation system and management mode of the enterprise, so that the functions of enterprise operation and management and the functions of party organizations serving the grassroots were organically integrated and mutually promoted.

Perfect Company has built "four platforms" for innovation: the party building grid management platform, which is led by the "big grid" of the company's party committee and the "small grid" of 36 party branches, so as to achieve "comprehensive headquarters and branch characteristics"; Party member learning and education platform, innovate the "Internet + Party Building" platform, and promote the learning and education of Party members "at their fingertips" with the help of multimedia and mobile carriers; The company's party members play a vanguard and exemplary role to lead the platform, and realize the organic integration of party building and enterprise production; The public welfare volunteer service platform innovates the "public welfare + party building" model, and the party committee leads all party members to actively participate in public welfare projects such as Chinese education, the Hope Project, and the Mother's Water Cellar.

As a non-public enterprise, party building has played an irreplaceable role in the development of Perfect Company. Nowadays, non-public party building has become an accelerator for the steady development of Perfect Company, and the four major platforms have forged the "red engine" of party building of overseas Chinese enterprises with perfect characteristics, making the century-old dream of "Perfect" more brilliant and solid.

With the achievements made in the party building work of overseas Chinese enterprises over the years, Perfect Company has successively won the honorary titles of "National Advanced Collective of Women's Contributions", "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Guangdong Province", "Demonstration Site of Party Building Work of 'Two New' Organizations in Guangdong Province" and so on. In 2022, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League awarded 293 grassroots youth league organizations including the Youth League Committee of Perfect Company the honorary title of "National May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee".

Eight thousand miles of clouds and moons

"The rise of the Chinese nation, in which overseas Chinese businessmen have promoted economic development, and more importantly, in the new historical period, assume the responsibility of promoting the public welfare culture of the Chinese nation, and make public welfare China a world language."

——Gu Qingjin

If you have to write about one of the most significant highlights of Perfect Company, our reporter chose it for public charity. This is also the place that has left the deepest impression on the reporter of this magazine in the past two decades of following up Perfect Company.

The road of public welfare and charity of Gurunjin and Perfect Company is somewhat impulsive due to some feelings. In 1994, on the opening day of Perfect Company, it donated 100,000 yuan to Zhongshan Bo'ai Hospital to support the development of Zhongshan's medical industry. At that time, 100,000 yuan was definitely a lot of money for Perfect Company, and no one knew if the company could develop. But that's it, the concept of "take from the society, use for the society" has taken root in Perfect Company. With the continuous development and growth of the company, the road of perfect public welfare and charity is "out of control".

Over the past 30 years, Perfect has donated to various social welfare undertakings, including the Hope Project, the development of the western region, charity disaster relief, environmental protection and other fields, and has gradually formed a charity and public welfare system project with the main body of donating to build Hope Primary School and initiating the Hope Teacher Project, promoting the Mother's Water Cellar, advocating unpaid blood donation, participating in the Charity Walk, supporting Chinese education, and promoting anti-drug causes. As of December 2023, Perfect Company has donated more than 1 billion yuan to various social welfare undertakings. Today, this concept has penetrated into the soul of perfect people, and has also become one of the most important genes to achieve "100 years of perfection".

As an overseas Chinese-funded enterprise, "Public Welfare China, Concentric from All Corners of the World" is a true portrayal of Perfect Company's many years of taking root in China and actively practicing social responsibility. Perfect Company said that in the future, in the process of continuously improving its own operating mechanism and actively improving its organizational structure, it will take the initiative and consciously assume internal and external social responsibilities, take "the inheritance and expansion of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation" as its own responsibility, contribute to the construction of a harmonious society, and make every effort to promote the "harmonious progress of the Chinese world".

The breadth and depth of Perfect Company's participation in public welfare and charity activities are amazing, and the professionalism and effective follow-up of its project operation are even more impressive.

Therefore, Gurunjin has won the highest government award in the field of public welfare and charity in China for 7 times, the "China Charity Award", and has successively won the "Most Influential Charity Leader Award", "China Hope Project Contribution Award", "National Advanced Individual in Anti-drug Work", "National Advanced Individual in Flood Relief", "Top Ten Philanthropists", "World Outstanding Chinese Award", "Outstanding Contribution Award for Enthusiastic Overseas Chinese Educators" and other honorary titles. Perfect Company has also won many awards such as "National Top 100 Star Overseas Chinese Enterprises", "China Charity Special Contribution Award", "National Unpaid Blood Donation Promotion Award" and "Charity Promoter Award".


Launched in 1989, Project Hope is a public welfare brand with a long history and far-reaching influence in China's public welfare undertakings, and it is also a public welfare project in which Perfect Company is deeply involved. Since 1997, when the first Perfect Hope Primary School was built in Yan'an, the holy land of the revolution, Perfect Company began to donate and build Hope Primary Schools in poverty-stricken areas across the country, and has since formed an indissoluble bond with the Hope Project. As of December 2023, Perfect has donated a total of more than 120 million yuan to the China Youth Development Foundation to support a number of public welfare projects to promote youth development, including the "Hope Project", and donated to build more than 100 hope primary schools all over the country, like sparks, sending warmth and light to children in poor areas.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

In December 2009, Gu Runjin, chairman of Perfect Company, attended the completion ceremony of Perfect Long March Hope Primary School in Ruijin Shanshan, Jiangxi Province.

At the same time, Perfect Company and Project Hope grow together, fully support the upgrading and development of Project Hope, support "Perfect Hope Volunteers", and promote the "100 Project Hope Messengers and Perfect Love Messengers" to visit Malaysia, which facilitates the implementation of Project Hope's first overseas funding.

"When I see that children in the mountainous areas are unable to go to school because of poverty, I feel very sad. No matter how poor you are, education can change a child's life, and even change a village. Education is the best gift for a child. Among the many public welfare undertakings, Gu Runjin, chairman of Perfect Company, pays the most attention to education. No matter how busy he is at work, Gu Runjin visits the children of Hope Primary School every year and brings them gifts.

According to the data of the CYDF, among the companies that donated to the Hope Project, Perfect Company ranked among the best in terms of the total amount of donations and the number of schools to be built. Perfect Company is also one of the first enterprises in mainland China to complete the donation of 100 hope primary schools.

Mother Water Cellar

So far, it has donated more than 120 million yuan to the China Women's Development Foundation, solved the problem of water for tens of thousands of people, and also brought widespread attention to the problems of women and children from all walks of life.

The "Mother's Water Cellar" is a centralized water supply project, a charity project launched by the China Women's Development Foundation in 2000, focusing on helping the people in the western region, especially women, to get rid of poverty and backwardness caused by severe water shortages.

Perfect Company was the first company to support the Mother Water Cellar project. Perfect Company was invited to the headquarters of the All-China Women's Federation for a discussion and watched a video about the living conditions of people in arid areas. After watching the video, the board of directors of the company was deeply touched and immediately decided to double the donation and donate some more materials at the same time. For more than 20 years, Perfect Company's dedication to the "Mother Water Cellar" has gone far beyond the meaning of "donation". While becoming a well-known public welfare brand in the society, "Mother Water Cellar" has also become an important public welfare project of Perfect Company, which has been integrated into the genes of Perfect Corporate Culture.

As the public welfare ambassador of "Mother Water Cellar", Hu Ruilian, vice chairman of Perfect Company, often walks in the fields in the western region, goes deep into the project donation points, listens to the requirements and ideas of the local people, and tracks the implementation of the project. Whether it is a gathering of family and friends or a gathering of entrepreneurs, he does not forget to introduce the "Mother Water Cellar" project to them, and arouse more people's attention to the water-scarce areas in the northwest.

For more than 20 years, Perfect Company has organized many visits to the western region and paid a return visit to the "Mother's Water Cellar", turning each return visit into a new starting point for donations, and driving more and more social forces to understand and participate. Perfect Company has successively led suppliers, overseas partners, and caring people at home and abroad to pay a return visit, and specially donated special funds for the promotion of the "Mother's Water Cellar" public welfare project.

Since then, a series of projects with the theme of "Mother" have been developed, from "Mother's Water Cellar" to "Mother's Parcel" and "Mother's Health Express", and the activities of "Skills Training for Single-parent Poor Mothers" and "Care for Women and Families in Difficulty" have been held, and the influence of related public welfare has become more and more significant. Many beneficiary villages in Gansu and other places have spontaneously changed their names to "Perfect Village" to commemorate and thank Perfect Company for its dedication and love.

100 Thousand Stores Blood Donation

Recalling the experience of donating blood for the first time in 1999, Xu Guowei, vice chairman of Perfect Company, was full of emotion. At that time, after learning that the Zhongshan blood station was facing ischemia, Perfect Company launched a blood donation initiative to the company's employees, which was his first blood donation and the beginning of unpaid blood donation for more than 20 years.

Give a drop of blood and share a piece of heaven. Since 1999, Perfect Company has carried out unpaid blood donation activities year after year, and since 2004, it has held the "Perfect 100 Cities and 1000 Stores Blood Donation Activity" every year. Under the leadership of Perfect Company's leaders, Perfect employees, entrepreneurial partners and their families actively participated, up to now, the total number of blood donations has exceeded 300,000 people, the total amount of blood donations has exceeded 82 million ml, and 6 Perfect people have successfully donated hematopoietic stem cells. The "Perfect Blood Donation Volunteer Team" has 32 detachments, distributed throughout the country, on standby all year round, where there is a blood shortage in China, there will be a perfect blood donation volunteer team.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Since 1999, Perfect Company has carried out unpaid blood donation activities year after year, and since 2004, it has held the "Perfect 100 Cities and 1000 Stores Blood Donation Activity" every year.

The reporter of "Knowledge Economy" has participated in the Chongqing station activity of "Perfect 100 Cities, 1000 Stores, 10,000 Stores" for many times. Almost every summer, it is a time when the blood bank is particularly nervous about blood, so every summer Perfect Chongqing Branch will lend a helping hand in time. Dozens of blood donation volunteers received registration, blood testing, and blood drawing, and everyone was active and orderly.

Among the perfect people who participated in blood donation, there were many people who donated blood many times for free. For example, representatives of Perfect Venture Partners, who are over 60 years old, have participated in 19 unpaid blood donation activities. "Only by improving oneself can we have a better life. I am very touched by the positive and selfless dedication of every perfect person, and of course, it is also the duty and obligation of every citizen to contribute to society. So says the perfect entrepreneurial partner who participated in the blood donation.

Chinese Education

Chinese language education is China's national language learning and inheritance of Chinese culture for tens of millions of overseas Chinese, especially Chinese teenagers, and is known as the "Rooting Project" and "Hope Project" of the Chinese nation overseas. Since 2011 and as of December 2023, Perfect Company has donated a total of 177 million yuan to the China Chinese Education Foundation, which not only builds a broad platform for cultural exchanges between Chinese and overseas Chinese, but also promotes the construction of the "Belt and Road" to take root in countries along the route at the cultural level, helping the inheritance of Chinese civilization and growing endlessly.

As a third-generation Malaysian Chinese, Gu Runjin, chairman of Perfect Company, has studied and grown up in a Chinese school since he was a child, and has a special affection and personal experience for the cause of Chinese education. "Learning Chinese well and using Chinese well is of great significance and far-reaching impact to the 60 million overseas Chinese." He believes that this cause is related to the inheritance of Chinese culture overseas, and the perception of China by the descendants of overseas Chinese, and he himself has benefited from this, so that he has the opportunity to return to China to create a perfect company.

Perfect Company has successively carried out and implemented a number of projects such as "Chinese Education Famous Teacher Tour Group", "Overseas Chinese Teacher Training Course", "Chinese Language Teacher Perfect Remote Training", "Chinese Culture Real Classroom (Online Live Class)", etc., which have effectively promoted the development of Chinese education in the world. Among them, Perfect Company has made a fixed donation every year to fund the "Perfect Distance Training for Chinese Teachers" project, which has gone through 16 years and has brought fresh water to the development and inheritance of Chinese education. At the same time, Perfect Company has also successively supported the construction of 100 overseas Chinese education demonstration schools, Jinan University Chinese Education Base, as well as the library of Malaysian New Century College and the 100-member orchestra of Malaysian Xunren Middle School.

Perfect Company also builds a bridge so that the new generation of overseas Chinese have the opportunity to return to their ancestral home country and experience the rapid development of China, while actively promoting the excellent Chinese culture to "go global". "Chinese Culture Tour (Cultural Camp)", "Malaysian Chinese Education Elite China Perfect Tour", "Perfect Evergreen" Malaysia Youth Winter Olympics Volunteer Training Winter Camp, "Chinese Learning Paradise", "Overseas Red Candle Hometown Tour", title sponsorship of the World Table Tennis Team Championships, holding China-Malaysia cultural exchange and art festivals and other projects, opening a window for overseas Chinese to understand China and Chinese culture, while spreading the excellent Chinese culture, promoting the economic, cultural, Exchanges and cooperation in sports and other fields.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

On December 6, 2019, 100 Chinese youth campers from Malaysia participated in the "2019 China Culture Tour - 'Belt and Road' Perfect Guangdong Winter Camp".

Anti-drug cause

On June 1, 2024, on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the "Anti-drug Law of the People's Republic of China", with the support of Perfect Company, the China Anti-Drug Foundation and the Sichuan Provincial Narcotics Control Office jointly held the launch of the Liangshan Xichang National Anti-drug Publicity Month and the "Aerobic · "FUN Walk" anti-drug public welfare health walk.

Anti-narcotics work is a great cause that "benefits the present generation and the future generations," and it requires the extensive participation of the whole society. Since 2006, as of December 2023, Perfect Company has donated a total of 74 million yuan to the China Anti-Drug Foundation. Gu Runjin served as the vice chairman of the first and second councils of the China Anti-Drug Foundation, and actively supported China's anti-drug cause. In 2015, Gurunjin was awarded the honorary title of "National Advanced Individual in Anti-drug Work".

In 2018, the Perfect Zhongshan Anti-drug Education Base (Zhongshan Anti-drug Education Science Museum) jointly funded by the China Anti-Drug Foundation, Zhongshan Municipal People's Government and Perfect Company was opened. The Zhongshan Anti-drug Education Base covers an area of 1,270 square meters and consists of three parts: anti-drug history, anti-drug publicity and education display and anti-drug volunteer service center. The completion of the venue has provided a new main front for the anti-drug work in Zhongshan City to face the broad masses of citizens, and enhanced the awareness of the whole people, especially young people, to prevent and reject drugs.

Charity walk

"Charity Walk" is an original fund-raising activity in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, and it is also the longest lasting charity event for 10,000 people in the country, and Perfect Company is the most staunch supporter of the event. "Helping the needy, saving the dead and helping the wounded, respecting the elderly and helping the disabled" is the theme of the previous 10,000 people in Zhongshan City. Perfect Company donated 500,000 yuan for the first time in 1996, and has participated in the charity activities every year since then, with a total donation of more than 41 million yuan so far, sprinkling perfect love all over the land of Zhongshan and dedicating selfless love to the charity of Zhongshan City.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Since 1996, Perfect Company has actively participated in the "Charity Walk" every year to help those in need.

Since 2020, Zhongshan City has carried out the selection of the Golden Chrysanthemum Award for Charity Commemorative Medal every year, and Perfect Company has won the "Golden Chrysanthemum Medal" for three consecutive years.

Emergency relief

In the emergency relief of various disasters, Perfect Company responds quickly and is an exemplary model.

The reporter of "Knowledge Economy" once heard a story at the Chongqing Charity Federation. One year, Perfect Company held an event in Chongqing to donate 50,000 yuan, but unexpectedly, She Mingzhe, then the executive vice president of the Municipal Charity Federation, said that he would go to participate in the event in person. Everyone expressed their incomprehension and felt that the president would never participate in such a small event before. Behind this, there is a big story: late at night on December 23, 2003, a huge natural gas blowout accident occurred in Luojiazhai, Gaoqiao Town, Kaixian County, Chongqing Municipality (now Kaizhou District), causing hundreds of deaths and injuries and tens of thousands of emergency evacuations. After seeing the news on TV, Gu Runjin silently carried millions of yuan in cash, went to the disaster area, and distributed relief funds to the evacuated victims one by one, and finally donated a total of 2.3 million yuan to the disaster area. At that time, the secretary of the Kaixian County Party Committee was She Mingzhe, who said that he would remember the name Perfect Company for the rest of his life.

In 2008, our reporter also followed Perfect Company into the 5.12 earthquake disaster relief area, and after the first donation of 8 million yuan, Perfect Company increased its assistance for 9 consecutive times, with a total donation of more than 30 million yuan, and also paid special attention to the help of employees and entrepreneurial partners in the disaster area.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

In the emergency relief of various disasters, Perfect Company responds quickly and is an exemplary model.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020, Perfect Company immediately set up an epidemic prevention emergency team, and on January 26, it donated 5 million yuan to help Wuhan and Hubei epidemic areas, becoming one of the first enterprises to respond and support the fight against the epidemic. According to statistics, Perfect Company has donated more than 47.5 million yuan during the epidemic.

In addition, in the 1998 flood, Perfect Company donated 5.36 million yuan to the Jiujiang disaster area, in 2008 the snow disaster donated tens of millions of yuan of spring plowing materials to several severely affected provinces, in 2009 donated NT$10 million to the compatriots in the typhoon "Morakot" disaster area in Taiwan, China, in 2010 donated 10 million yuan to the compatriots in the Yushu earthquake-stricken area, and in 2010 donated 5 million yuan to the compatriots in the southwest arid area...... Behind every act of kindness is a sincere Chinese heart of Perfect Company.

Since the first donation, Gurunjin and Perfect Company have gone through 30 years of philanthropy. For the future, Gu Runjin said, "Charity has only a starting point, and love has no end." ”

Public Welfare Video Festival

On December 18, 2023, our reporter participated in the "2023 7th Perfect Public Welfare Image Festival" at the venue of Zhongshan Perfect South China Base. As the program progressed, "Basketball Girl" Qian Hongyan, "The First Chinese Sign Language Lawyer" Tang Shuai, Hanmei, the legal person of the Yangtze River Source Ecological and Environmental Protection Center, Zhou Hui, the initiator of the "Daisy Home" children's hospice ward, Li Yunhe, a restorer of the Dunhuang Academy, Wang Gang, the captain of the Xiamen Shuguang Rescue Team, Liu Dewen, the "soul ferryman" of Taiwan, China, and Zhang Congshun, the anti-drug hero of Yunnan, were put on the screen one after another. At the meeting, Perfect Company donated 50 million yuan through the "Perfect Benevolence Public Welfare Fund".

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

The Perfect Public Welfare Film Festival uses images to discover love and record warmth with lenses.

In 2015, Perfect Company held the first public welfare image festival, which has been held for seven sessions so far, nearly 10 spring and autumn, and raised a total of 350 million yuan.

The event was initiated and hosted by the Perfect Public Welfare Culture Communication Fund and major well-known public welfare organizations in China, using images to discover and record the "most beautiful good deeds" around them, telling the public welfare stories of ordinary people, breaking the boundaries of public welfare, gathering the strength of all parties, building bridges and sharing public welfare, maximizing the benefits of each public welfare action, making public welfare images the most effective way of public welfare education and communication, and promoting the popularization of public welfare for all.

The Perfect Public Welfare Video Festival uses images to discover love, records warmth with the lens, and also conveys a new public welfare attitude to the society: seeing itself is a kind of love, and public welfare images are to let love and power be seen by more people. Gu Runjin said: "We hope to build a stage for ordinary people, so that more public welfare people can be seen, so that their stories and spirit can be promoted and carried forward." At the same time, through this platform, we will gather and unite more public welfare people, make the public welfare stage bigger and bigger, and make public welfare undertakings better and better. ”

The Perfect Public Welfare Video Festival has grown into a mature public welfare brand, which has become a true portrayal of Perfect Company's active practice of social responsibility, and has also made the Perfect family more soulful and more rooted.


"Perfect adheres to long-term investment and development in China, and will rely on digital transformation in the future to seek a high-quality development path for China's direct selling industry.

——Gu Qingjin

In recent years, in the face of the ever-changing consumer market, Perfect Company has actively responded and continuously accelerated its digital transformation and upgrading. Looking forward to the future, Perfect Company said that it will continue to help improve the marketing power of the market through digital marketing tools, and adhere to scientific and technological innovation as the engine; Accelerate the implementation of the "Healthy China" strategy and accelerate the layout of the big health industry.

In 2019, Perfect Company put forward the concept of "second entrepreneurship", and at the same time began to accelerate digital transformation and upgrading, not only implementing the "digital intelligence" strategy in the production process, but also actively building digital capabilities in the circulation and sales process, so as to accurately empower marketing and seize market opportunities.

In fact, as early as 2004, in order to cope with the fierce competition in the industry, Perfect Company introduced a lean production model, using QCC, proposals, lean six sigma and other methods to empower the company's R&D, manufacturing, quality control, service and other business processes in an all-round way; Around 2005, Perfect Company began to explore intelligent factories to reduce costs, shorten production cycles and improve production quality.

Since then, with the emergence and rise of digital intelligent technology, Perfect Company has keenly captured the gain effect brought by technological innovation, and began to accelerate the pace of "digital intelligence", promoted the development of "digital intelligence" as a strategic goal, and invested heavily in building an integrated business process.

In 2017, Perfect Company's "intelligent, digital, and green" South China base was officially put into operation, and with the base's intelligent manufacturing workshop as a pilot, it is committed to building a national intelligent manufacturing demonstration base, and with the actual performance of "digital intelligence" reform, it will obtain the third-level certification of intelligent manufacturing capability maturity in 2022.

Taking Perfect Company's flagship product "Perfect Aloe Vera Gel" as an example, in the intelligent manufacturing workshops of Perfect South China Base and Yangzhou Base, an average of 6 aloe vera gels are off the production line in less than 1 second, and nearly 100,000 aloe vera gels are sold to domestic and foreign consumers every day. According to the data of Perfect Company, after digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading, the production efficiency of the company's workshop has been greatly improved, the per capita output value has increased by 46%, and the product defect rate has decreased by 35.6%.

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It is located in the perfect Yangzhou base in Jiangsu.

Through the development of digital "Internet +", Perfect Company has realized the coordinated and efficient operation of production and management. This forward-looking digital transformation has put Perfect Company at the forefront of the industry with remarkable results.

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Perfect aloe vera gel production line.

Since 2019, Perfect Company has actively embraced the digital transformation strategy and launched the onion IP "Shallot Boy" and "Shallot Girl" and the online platform "Shallot Mall", providing business partners with intelligent product recommendation, one-click sharing platform and efficient tools, achieving a win-win situation of smart shopping and business growth. In 2022, the company joined hands with Tencent Smart Retail to launch the "Perfect Digital Marketing Project", using the enterprise and micro SCRM tools to expand private domain operations, improve marketing effects, and innovatively launched the "Perfect Light Innovation Camp", led by the 6G concept (gathering good looks, gathering easy to use, gathering good food, gathering good listening, gathering good learning, and gathering fun), through new tools such as the Enterprise WeChat Salon Assistant and the Shallot School, to help entrepreneurial partners easily manage marketing activities, track the effect in real time, and make the learning and entrepreneurship process easier and more interesting.

With the help of the iterative upgrading of "digital intelligence" technology, Perfect Company has gradually realized two-wheel drive in the two major fields of health management and precision skin care, and used the scientific and cutting-edge "product + service" business closed-loop model to provide a valuable reference path for the transformation and upgrading of the big health industry, and effectively promote the entire industry to accelerate towards high-quality development in the wave of digital intelligence.

At the critical development moment of Perfect's 30th anniversary, in 2023, Perfect Company has formulated a three-year plan of "Welcome, Celebrate, and Enlighten" around its development strategy, launched eight major "encouragement" measures, accurately empowered business development from multiple dimensions, and carried out comprehensive value enhancement from products to brands through the release of a series of brand plans, and continued to deepen digital precision marketing with innovative and upgraded experience scenarios and more professional "product + service" solutions. Build diversified activity scenarios, stimulate market vitality, create a unique competitive career platform, and provide flexible and diverse career development plans for different groups of people, helping them expand more efficiently, start a business more easily, and live a more perfect life.

On December 18, 2023, the "2023 Perfect Life and Health Forum" with the theme of "New Kinetic Energy of Science and Technology, Healthy New Future" was held in Zhongshan, Guangdong, and the "Perfect Health Ecological Innovation Alliance" was officially launched.

Perfect The Chinese heart of an overseas Chinese enterprise

Perfect Institute of Biological Sciences has achieved leapfrog results in the construction of scientific research platforms, the introduction of talents, and the transformation of core projects.

When it comes to long-term development, Gu Runjin believes that China's reform and opening up and the open economy of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have brought a new business environment for overseas Chinese businessmen, and the future development blueprint of the perfect company must be closely related to the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and China's development.

"In the new historical starting point and new development opportunities, let us use three 30 years to achieve a hundred years of perfection, create greater social value, and move towards a broader future." Gu Runjin said that at present, China is focusing on expanding domestic demand, promoting high-level opening up, developing new quality productive forces, and promoting high-quality and stable economic development through innovation. "We are both investors and beneficiaries; It is both a co-builder and a sharer. As an overseas Chinese enterprise, we will always have a sincere heart of 'overseas Chinese businessmen', adhere to the long-term investment and development in China, and seek high-quality development of enterprises in China's economic development with overseas Chinese heart, overseas Chinese feelings, overseas Chinese wisdom and overseas Chinese strength. ”

Such perfection is longed for!

Author|Huang Yongjian, Chen Jie

Source: Knowledge Economy

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