
A shares: July is off to a good start as scheduled, and tomorrow, regain 3,000 points in one go?

author:Trend Radar 168

Today is a special day, of course, July also staged a good start as scheduled, which is a birthday gift from all shareholders. However, the weak opening trend still made many people angry, after all, foreign capital suspended trading, and domestic capital was so disgusting and smashed, it is indeed a bit too much to say. Fortunately, the disk protection team has carried it, so will A shares be able to take advantage of the situation to regain 3,000 points tomorrow?

A shares: July is off to a good start as scheduled, and tomorrow, regain 3,000 points in one go?

Let's start with the data. The number of rising stocks in the two cities was 3,581, and the number of falling stocks was 1,619. The problem now is that the amount of energy is not enough to support the sustainable market of the second class of stocks, but the eight types of stocks have obviously been abandoned by the funds, the fork in the road, high interest or growth? That's a problem!

In terms of sentiment, there are 39 stocks with a daily limit, 9 stocks with a downward limit, and 66 stocks with a decline of more than 5%. The data shows that the relay sentiment is basically the same as last Friday, indicating that today is not dominated by tourist capital. However, in addition to the strong stocks making up for the decline, there are also low-level stocks that have begun to accelerate their falls, and liquidity imbalance is still the biggest problem at present.

In terms of plates, the rare earth concept of the weekend opened to lead the rise, but the consumption concepts such as real estate, fertilizer, cycle, electricity, utilities and airport tourism came later. As for the technology growth stocks advocated by the news over the weekend, they are collectively lying at the top of the list of decliners, conspiracy or conspiracy?

Judging from the performance of individual stocks and sectors, today's good start in July is mainly bought by the disk protection team, but this kind of mediocre growth is a variety that wins in stable performance, which is like chicken ribs for small and medium-sized funds, and it is a pity to abandon it tastelessly! The key is that the official media is so blowing, and the disk protection team doesn't buy it, is this really relying on retail investors to rejuvenate the country through science and technology?

A shares: July is off to a good start as scheduled, and tomorrow, regain 3,000 points in one go?

There are a lot of questions, let's answer them one by one! It is difficult to hold a new round of dividends, and the previous huddles are all new funds that continue to buy, which has created a slow bull trend. However, now that the issuance of funds is cold, the new funds are close to none, which are basically the amount of stock in the market, or the incremental funds provided by the disk protection team, and retail investors are basically rarely involved in the above varieties.

However, from the perspective of conspiracy theories, it cannot be ruled out here that it is a top-level conspiracy. Very simply, the strength here is not large-scale cooperation, and the second is not the strength of the leading attributes, so it cannot be ruled out that the main force deliberately pulled to the climax, and finally let retail investors can't stand it, cut off growth stocks, and buy dividend stocks in a remedial way.

I've said it repeatedly before, the chips are fixed, so who threw you the chips in the relay at a high level? And then who took the chips you cut the meat in the low position? Between one in and one out, the chips change hands, and finally the high entry buys, and the low entry makes a lot of money, which is the cruelty of the transaction.

This kind of conspiracy is not uncommon, but it still works! reminds me of a joke that if low-rent housing has toilets, the people who really need it may never be able to get in line; If the stock market can make money, it stands to reason that you have to find a relationship to open an account; If a stock is really good, either you can't buy it, or when you buy it, it will basically go up.

A shares: July is off to a good start as scheduled, and tomorrow, regain 3,000 points in one go?

On the surface, it's a joke, but it's true in reality. To sum up, before the blockbuster meeting in July, the market staged a repair rebound with a high probability, but the Shanghai Composite Index did not recover 3,000 points in 4 days, and the amount of energy did not cooperate with the amplification, so don't be blindly optimistic and look at the weak anti-repair. Pay attention to the rhythm in response, remember not to blindly chase the rise and fall, and follow the rhythm that you can understand.

Tomorrow, the market will take advantage of the situation to regain the 3,000-point mark, but if you can't make up for the acceleration, you should be careful to rush up the risk of falling. And last Friday's strong sector was not sustainable at all, and today's leaders are not at all sustainable, except for low-level real estate, others are still more and less moving. Continue to wait patiently for the main technology to return, and wait for the style to switch again! Follow me, I'm @TrendRadar168!