
Be at one's wits' end! The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan on all sides, and Lin Feifan had no choice but to send drones to monitor

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Text—Xie Zhichuan

In the past few days, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has continuously dispatched military planes and warships to "encircle Taiwan" on all sides. Lin Feifan only said that they were going to send drones to monitor, but in fact it had no effect. The dispatch of drones has indicated that the DPP has nothing to do, and the most important thing is that the PLA is conducting exercises, and if it turns from an exercise to an encirclement, it can be put into practice immediately. We conduct further analysis on this matter.

Be at one's wits' end! The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan on all sides, and Lin Feifan had no choice but to send drones to monitor

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is not dispatched by one base, but by many bases. From the PLA's air force, navy, and mainland coast guard vessels, the three are cooperating with each other and are conducting constant drills on the "encirclement of Taiwan" and contingency measures in any situation. Therefore, it is said that "raising troops for a thousand days should be used for a while," and now is the time for the mainland to train its troops.

Therefore, the People's Liberation Army of the mainland said that if any "Taiwan independence" forces want to separate Taiwan from the motherland, they will be crushed to pieces and no bones remain. This is very reasonable, because now that Taiwan has been completely surrounded, Lin Feifan can only send drones. In fact, the point of this exercise is that it is only a small-scale practice of encirclement now, and when the next step is to carry out the "Joint Sword-2024B", it may be a normalized exercise.

At this time, Taiwan's important energy ships will not be able to enter, such as the last "United Sword-2024A" exercise, which made Taiwan's natural gas ships unable to enter Taiwan. The two-day exercise led to the fact that for three days the ship could not get close to Taiwan. Because Taiwan charters foreign LNG carriers, and the captains of these ships are foreigners, they are reluctant to enter the exercise area and do not want to take risks.

Be at one's wits' end! The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan on all sides, and Lin Feifan had no choice but to send drones to monitor

Moreover, as long as the exercise continues to expand and the scope continues to expand, the military risk of any ship carrying energy, grain, or raw materials will increase, the cost of the Taiwan side will increase, and the price of goods in Taiwan will eventually rise. At that time, the Taiwanese will have to do it themselves.

Lai Qingde talks about the "two-state theory" all day long, and he never leaves his mouth that "the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other." In the past, Ma Ying-jeou regarded the "92 Consensus" as a holy canon, and he must call it the "92 Consensus"; At present, Lai Qingde will definitely call it the "two-state theory" and "the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other." In particular, when he participated in the speech of the graduates of the Taiwan Military Academy, it can be seen that he had never endured hardships when he was a soldier, so he did not know the feelings of the robe at all, so he still had to read the draft of the speech. And when he heard the Whampoa school song sung, his small expression continued, and if the Japanese national anthem was played to him at this time, he might be very quiet and respectful, because he really wanted to be a Japanese.

If he really wanted to, he should immediately resign and go to live in Japan and drink nuclear wastewater. After all, about 70% of Japan's groundwater contains carcinogens, and that's because U.S. bases are discharging them everywhere. As long as the U.S. military stayed, that place must have been very polluted. Because Americans emit emissions from so many bases around the world, they are accustomed to it. When the base is unusable, they move out.

Be at one's wits' end! The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan on all sides, and Lin Feifan had no choice but to send drones to monitor

The Okinawa base is now moving to Kadena because the Okinawa base has been contaminated. Now these bases on the main island of Japan will soon face relocation, after all, the source of the pollution has been identified. The Taiwan side really wants to see how miserable Japan will be in the future, and it should not just want the Japanese.

Military insurance alone will make Taiwan unbearable. If this exercise lasts for a week, there will be no natural gas in Taiwan. 3-4% of Taiwan's electricity is generated by natural gas, and there is no electricity to use in the hot summer. The factory was shut down, there was no air conditioning in the office, and the people of Taiwan were crying out for heaven and earth. Only then will everyone know that it turns out that choosing the wrong person has to pay such a big price.

In fact, don't worry, the price is to sit at the desk and sweat desperately, the mobile phone can't be charged, the tablet can't be used, the computer will probably lose power, and everything will resume manual work, which is the fate of choosing the wrong person. After all, choosing Lai Ching-te, who wants to engage in "Taiwan independence" all day long, is of little use to Taiwan. What's more, there is Lin Feifan, who is useless and will only speak wildly all day long, and will only ask the Americans what to do.

Be at one's wits' end! The People's Liberation Army surrounded Taiwan on all sides, and Lin Feifan had no choice but to send drones to monitor

Americans also felt helpless when they met him, and felt that this person was unusable, and he actually became Lai Qingde's henchman. It can be seen that there is really no one around Lai Qingde. I think when there is a crisis, everyone will be able to see it. Lai Qingde may regret it and cry bitterly.

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