
After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

author:How to say history

The wind direction on the island has changed dramatically! Our ambassador said that he could take over Taiwan at any time, and the Taiwan military was ready to start training Lai Ching-de's "escape plan"? In less than 48 hours, Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their tunes one after another, saying that the KMT is not "Taiwan independence" and will definitely not come together with "Taiwan independence."

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

My ambassador said that he would close the stage at any time

Lu Shaye, the mainland's ambassador to France, gave a speech at the seminar to mark the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, in which he mentioned the issue of the Taiwan region. The Chinese Government has the right to take back Taiwan's governance at any time.

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

I hope that the Taiwan authorities will clearly recognize the fact that the reason why the mainland does not want to use force to achieve this goal is because it does not want the compatriots in the Taiwan region to be harmed by the scourge of war, not that it cannot use force, and if someone does not want "one country, two systems," then "one country, one system" should be implemented.

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

Ambassador Lu Shaye's tough stance and the "Opinions" on punishing "Taiwan independence" diehards issued some time ago have attracted wide attention from everyone, and they have released a number of major signals, which are an important part of the mainland's series of measures to counter and punish "Taiwan independence" separatist acts.

Recently, 23 million people on the island have been inexplicably "Taiwan independence," which makes them very indignant

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

After the release of the "Opinions" on punishing "independence," Lai Qingde clamored that "the heaviest death sentence will affect ninety percent of the people in the Taiwan region." When he said this kind of thing, he was simply talking nonsense, and it was obviously an attempt to drag the entire Taiwan people into the water and use him as a back-up. Lai Qingde just wanted to change his concept and expand the target of punishment in the "Opinions" from "Taiwan independence" diehards to all the people on the island, in an attempt to further provoke cross-strait confrontation

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

Later, Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council even said that it recommended that the public avoid non-essential travel to the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao, and that the travel alert for the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao should be raised to "orange" from now on.

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

However, the people on the island did not accept the DPP authorities' trick at all, and they came out one after another to bombard Lai Qingde's erroneous remarks; some people directly said, "Lai Qingde's face is so big, the whole people will come to 'Taiwan independence' as soon as they open their mouths," and some people sarcastically said: "It turns out that I am 'Taiwan independence,' so why don't I know?" ”。 Through these remarks, we can see how speechless and angry the people on the island are at this behavior of the Taiwan authorities!

Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their words one after another

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

Jiang Wanan and Hou Youyi changed their tune one after another, criticizing the DPP authorities represented by Lai Ching-te for trying to block cross-strait exchanges and for demanding that the Taiwan people refrain from visiting the mainland as much as possible. New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi said that the two sides of the strait should communicate well, and "cross-strait dialogue is better than doing it against each other." Mr. Jiang called for communication with the mainland, not escalating tensions.

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

However, on cross-strait issues, their replies are very conservative, and the attitude of the Chinese Kuomintang has always been rather vacillating; although it has clearly defined its anti-"Taiwan independence" policy, there are still a large number of "blue skins and green bones" within them.

The Taiwan military is ready to start training two "escape plans"?

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

It has been learned that Taiwan's "Han Kuang-40" exercise will be conducted from 22 to 26 July. The Taiwan authorities said that the exercise would be "the closest to actual combat in the past years" and that the confrontation between the "imaginary enemy" had been cancelled, and the defense department of the Taiwan authorities had directly warned the public that they might see the troops' equipment malfunctioning, the officers and men not being skilled, and the clothing and grooming were not in order.

What is surprising is that the Taiwan military's "closest to actual combat" exercise actually practiced two "escapes."

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

One practice: Lai Qingde's "escape plan"

According to Taiwanese media reports, both Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen have designed escape plans for themselves in advance, and Tsai Ing-wen has practiced many times before, and dispatching "clouded leopard" armored vehicles to practice evacuation has become an indispensable part of the exercise.

In this regard, Xie Nan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Taiwan Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that no matter how Lai Qingde drills, no matter where he goes, he will not be able to escape the justice he deserves.

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

Second Exercise: The "Escape Plan" of Wartime Deserters of the Anti-Taiwan Army

According to the analysis of public opinion on the island, the so-called "Han Kuang exercise" is actually not a "exercise" at all, but a "show." In this regard, Zhang Yanting, former "deputy commander" of the Taiwan Air Force, said. "Which exercise, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, has not had an imaginary enemy? How can we fight without enemy information and targets? ”

In response to a question about desertion during the war, Mei Jiashu, "chief of staff" of the Taiwan armed forces, said that "it will definitely happen," and also said that this year's "Han Kuang exercise" will include the situation of desertions in the Taiwan army, so that the troops can continue to practice.

After the showdown between our ambassador and the Taiwan authorities, Hou Youyi and Jiang Wanan defected! Lai Qingde is desperate to find an escape route!

We would like to warn the 'Taiwan independence' elements of Lai Ching-te and his ilk: Those who play with fire will burn themselves. Those who forget their ancestors, betray the motherland, and split the country will never come to a good end, and will be spurned by the people and judged by history!

The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the stories of the characters in the article are designed to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. In order to improve the reading experience, the content of the article may be simply polished, so please look at this incident rationally and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, time copyright or picture infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it~


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The Taiwan military is ready to start training two "escape plans"?