
A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!

author:Uncle Diet said

Hello everyone, I'm Doudou! Are you also struggling to lose stubborn waist and abdominal fat? Tried all kinds of methods, but always got half the result? Today, I would like to introduce you to a super simple but very effective "belly reduction" action - beggar squat.

A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!

Not only is this move easy to learn, but it can also significantly reduce waist and abdominal fat, helping you to achieve a slim body with ease.

A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!

The origin and principle of the beggar's squat

The beggar squat, as the name suggests, imitates the posture of a beggar squatting. The principle of this movement is to squeeze the abdomen and tighten the muscles when squatting, promote the burning of fat in the waist and abdomen, and at the same time exercise the legs and core muscles to achieve the effect of body shaping. The reason why people choose beggar squat is that it is not only simple and easy, does not require any equipment, but can also be performed anytime and anywhere, with remarkable results.

The correct posture of the beggar squatting

For a beggar to perform best in a squat, proper posture is key. Here are the detailed steps:

  1. Stand up straight: Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly outward.
  2. Hands folded: Keep your hands together in front of your chest with your palms facing each other, keeping them relaxed.
  3. Squat slowly: Bend your knees and slowly squat your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  4. Tighten your abdomen: During the squat, pay attention to tightening your abdominal muscles and feel the squeeze in your abdomen.
  5. Balance: Keep your back straight when squatting, keep your weight on your heels, and avoid leaning forward or leaning back.
  6. Maintain the position: Hold the squat position for 5-10 seconds and feel the stretch and tension of the muscles.
  7. Stand up slowly: Stand up slowly, return to a standing position, and repeat the movement.
A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!

Precautions for beggars squatting

Although the beggar squat is a simple action, there are still a few things to pay attention to during the practice:

  1. Don't be overly pushy: beginners don't have to aim for getting it right from the start, gradually increase the time and number of exercises according to their ability.
  2. Breathe smoothly: Breathe evenly throughout the breath and avoid holding your breath to avoid unnecessary tension and fatigue.
  3. Pay attention to correct posture: Ensure that the movement is standard in each exercise to avoid joint and muscle damage caused by incorrect posture.
  4. Stick to practice: Only by practicing every day can you see results. It is recommended to do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps per day.
A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!

The benefits of beggar squatting

Beggar squats are not only effective in losing waist and belly fat, but also bring many other benefits:

  1. Curve the whole body: Tone your legs and core muscles to create a firm full-body line.
  2. Improves balance: Enhances the body's sense of balance and coordination.
  3. Boosts metabolism: Increases metabolism in the body and helps to burn fat throughout the body.
  4. Improves posture: Corrects bad posture and strengthens the back and waist.
A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!

To sum up, beggar squat is a simple and effective weight loss action that with the right posture and consistent practice, it will not only lose stubborn waist and belly fat, but also bring many whole-body health benefits. I hope you can keep practicing and have an ideal body as soon as possible!

If my sharing is helpful to you, please like and forward it to support! Today's weight loss notes are shared here, and if you don't understand, you can leave a message to me in the comment area. I'm Doudou, and I'm not there at 12 o'clock every day! Thank you for being so good and coming to see my sharing! Thanksgiving, I wish you all better and better!

A simple and effective "belly loss" action, easy to drop the scale without rebounding!