
The woman shared that the house worth tens of millions was lived in by her mother as a warehouse, netizen: The tattered house is better than me

author:Fireworks in the world 005

Nostalgia is a sentiment shared by many elders, who tend to keep every item that carries their memory, even if their usefulness in everyday life no longer exists.

In this way, the home is gradually filled with traces of time, and all kinds of old objects occupy most of the space, creating a quiet atmosphere, and also reflecting the owner's cherishing and reluctance to cherish the good times of the past. Make your home a welcoming museum full of emotions and memories.

As a result, the spacious house is occupied by old objects and cannot be settled. A good house has been turned into a storage room. It is difficult for young people to accept this phenomenon.

The woman shared that the house worth tens of millions was lived in by her mother as a warehouse, netizen: The tattered house is better than me

Recently, a woman shared a scene where a house worth tens of millions was turned into a warehouse by her mother. Netizens complained, I didn't expect the tattered to live better than me.

The woman shared that her mother currently lives alone, and she doesn't know how to say it when the family is in chaos.

This house is located in Wangjing, Beijing, in a bustling commercial street, worth more than 10 million. Such an expensive house was used as a storage room by my mother.

It's not that my daughter doesn't help her clean up, if I clean up for her, she will cut off the relationship with me, anyway, she won't be allowed to throw away any rags.

The woman filmed the scene of walking into her mother's house and shared it online.

Walk out of the stairs and into the hallway, which is narrow but full of stuff. The exercise bike is an old actor, and it has long been useless, so it is not allowed to be thrown away.

Go in a little further and put a painting against the wall. This painting has been here for 10 years, and it will not be moved. To say that my mother used this shared area for real money.

The woman shared that the house worth tens of millions was lived in by her mother as a warehouse, netizen: The tattered house is better than me

I'm going to meet a neighbor like this, I don't think I can sleep at night, and this space is for you to use properly.

When you walk in the door, hang a curtain at the door, isn't this a proper big room? The house is very large, with three bedrooms and one living room, but it is full of all kinds of unnecessary things.

The woman complained, introducing my mother's house is a bit like walking into science, and 30 seconds have not yet entered the topic.

After passing through two corridors, I walked into my mother's house. The entrance door is the shoe cabinet, and the shoe cabinet is stuffed with shoes that are not worn, and the mother has food on it.

I really can't control this, out of sight is pure, anyway, I don't eat.

At present, I really don't know how to clean up this house. I won't let you throw anything, and if you throw it away, you'll be in a hurry, and the things on the table will fall to the ground. Every day when I eat, I dig out a field.

The woman shared that the house worth tens of millions was lived in by her mother as a warehouse, netizen: The tattered house is better than me

Anyway, this one, I can't stay for a day, although the house is a little messy, but it's really not dirty, you see this place is twice brighter, but there are many things.

Don't let you throw it, there can be four or five kettles on the table, put the table full, and the 200-square-meter house is not enough for my mother to live.

The woman said that she shared this scene on the Internet, and many netizens said that there were the same elderly people at home. The hardest-hit area is after 6070.

A fan told me before that the cleanest place in my mother's bathroom is the toilet, because only the toilet is empty, and I took it all. Even the toilet was full of stuff.

Netizens watched the woman's sharing, laughed, and some netizens said that there are the same old people in my family, and there are so many things at home that even flies can't fly in.

The woman shared that the house worth tens of millions was lived in by her mother as a warehouse, netizen: The tattered house is better than me

Some netizens said that my mother was also the same style, and some time ago she cleaned up and threw a bunch of rags, and stomped her feet in a hurry, like Wanguan's family property was robbed by robbers, and then she picked it up before it was over.

Author's point of view

Judging from the woman's sharing, there are indeed too many things piled up at home.

Many things are no longer used, but they are still collected by the old man. A good house has become a warehouse.

The house is spacious and bright, because there are so many things piled up, it can't live in that kind of comfort, it's a pity! As a young generation, I really can't figure it out!

What do you have to say about that?