
An article tells you why you chose a single move?


Individual enrollment (referred to as single enrollment) is an enrollment method held independently by higher vocational colleges, mainly for graduates of ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools. This enrollment method divides majors into different categories, and conducts examinations, fills in applications, and admits students according to categories. Ordinary high school graduates can choose from 10 categories to 10 categories, while secondary vocational school graduates can choose 10 professional categories such as construction, machinery, agriculture and forestry.

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The enrollment targets of single enrollment include senior high school students, current and previous graduates of secondary vocational schools, and social candidates. The admission process is completed in April of each year, and if you are not admitted by the single recruitment, you can still continue to take the college entrance examination. Once admitted through the single recruitment, the candidates will no longer need to take the college entrance examination, and the treatment of the candidates admitted by the single enrollment is exactly the same as that of the candidates admitted to the college entrance examination, including academic qualifications, graduation certificates, tuition fees, conditions for college promotion, national funding policies, etc.

The following categories of candidates can be considered for admission to higher vocational colleges through single recruitment:

1. Ordinary high school students with weak cultural foundation;

2. Students who have difficulty passing the college entrance examination to enter undergraduate institutions;

3. Repeat students and unsuccessful students in previous years;

4. Current or previous vocational high school, technical secondary school, technical school students;

5. Social candidates who are already employed but wish to continue to upgrade their academic qualifications.

Ordinary high school graduates and secondary vocational school graduates can choose the category to apply for according to their own situation. Regular high school graduates can choose any of the categories for general high school graduates, but they cannot choose the category for secondary vocational graduates. Secondary vocational school graduates can choose the category for secondary vocational graduates or the category for ordinary high school graduates, but only one of the two can be chosen.

In 2024, 75 colleges and universities in Hebei Province and 13 colleges and universities outside the province will enroll students through single enrollment, and the specific list of colleges and universities for 2025 needs to wait for the official release.

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Single-trick question bank

Choosing the single enrollment route means that you will face a challenge that is different from the college entrance examination. In order to better cope with this challenge, a powerful learning tool - single-enrollment online school, came into being.

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The Single Enrollment Online School is a platform that provides online learning services for single-enrollment candidates. It brings together a wealth of single-recruitment preparation resources, including course videos of various professional categories, past past questions, mock exams, expert analysis, etc. Through the single-enrollment online school, candidates can carry out systematic learning and targeted training anytime and anywhere, so as to better prepare for the single-enrollment exam.

An article tells you why you chose a single move?

Single-enrollment online school

The single-enrollment online school also provides auxiliary functions such as learning progress tracking, personalized tutoring, and learning questions and answers to help candidates prepare for the exam more efficiently. At the same time, it cooperates with many vocational colleges and education and training institutions to provide candidates with the latest single-enrollment policies and enrollment information, so that candidates can keep abreast of and grasp the relevant developments, which your institution needs.

An article tells you why you chose a single move?

Single-enrollment exams

The advantage of single recruitment is that it provides candidates with an earlier chance of admission than the college entrance examination. If the single-enrollment exam fails, the candidate still has the opportunity to take the college entrance examination, which is equivalent to one more chance of being admitted to the university. For candidates with less than ideal scores, single-move is a better choice because the single-move exam is relatively simple and has a better chance of passing. Many colleges and universities that admit students through single enrollment usually have a much higher score if they are admitted through the college entrance examination.

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