
Don't want to have belly fat? Then pay attention, the following 8 foods are best eaten less!

author:Ancient Medicine White Xiao Bai

In modern society, people's pursuit of beauty has never stopped, especially for the management of the body. Abdominal fat is not only unsightly, but can also pose health risks. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) focuses on reconciling yin and yang, balancing the five internal organs, and diet, as an important part of health preservation, is closely related to the accumulation of abdominal fat. Today, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, we will analyze those foods that are easy to cause belly fat and provide corresponding health advice.

Don't want to have belly fat? Then pay attention, the following 8 foods are best eaten less!

1. Sweetened drinks and sweets - Too much sugar hurts the stomach and spleen

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweetness enters the spleen, and a moderate amount of sweets can nourish the spleen, but excessive consumption will lead to dysfunction of spleen transport, and dampness will grow inward, thus forming abdominal fat. Modern research has also shown that foods high in sugar can easily trigger insulin resistance and promote fat accumulation. Therefore, controlling your sweet intake is an important step in keeping your abdomen flat.

2. Alcohol - Alcohol hurts the liver and spleen, and fat is difficult to eliminate

Traditional Chinese medicine regards alcohol as a damp and hot substance, and long-term consumption will damage the liver and spleen, resulting in poor flow of qi and blood, and obstruction of fat metabolism. In TCM theory, the liver is mainly drained, and excessive alcohol consumption will affect liver function, making it easier for fat to be deposited in the abdomen. Reducing alcohol intake helps restore the normal metabolic function of the liver.

Don't want to have belly fat? Then pay attention, the following 8 foods are best eaten less!

3. High-starch foods - starch stagnates the spleen and produces dampness

Although starchy foods such as white bread and rice can provide energy, excessive consumption will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, resulting in indigestion and internal moisture. Traditional Chinese medicine advocates "coarse tea and light rice", and it is recommended to choose whole grains, grains and other fiber-rich foods to help the spleen and stomach transport and reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat.

4. Fried food - oil heat hurts yin, phlegm and dampness are endogenous

Fried food is high in calories and has a high fat content, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is hot in nature, and eating too much food is easy to hurt yin fluid, produce internal heat, and at the same time hinder the movement of the spleen and stomach, forming phlegm and dampness. Long-term consumption of fried food not only affects digestion, but also causes a gradual increase in belly fat.

Don't want to have belly fat? Then pay attention, the following 8 foods are best eaten less!

5. Processed Meat - Botulism hurts the liver and fat accumulation

Processed meats such as sausages and ham contain more additives and preservatives, which are regarded as "external evils" in traditional Chinese medicine, which can harm the liver, affect the liver's excretory function, and cause fat to not be metabolized normally. Reducing your intake of processed meat can help protect liver health and reduce belly fat.

6. High-salt foods - Salt hurts kidney qi and stagnates with dampness

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that salty taste enters the kidneys, and an appropriate amount of salt can nourish the kidneys, but excessive amounts will damage kidney qi, affect water metabolism, and lead to stagnation of water and dampness. High-salt foods are often accompanied by high sodium, which can easily cause edema and make the abdomen look more bloated. Controlling salt intake can help maintain kidney health and promote water balance in the body.

Don't want to have belly fat? Then pay attention, the following 8 foods are best eaten less!

7. Trans Fat Foods - Trans Wounds, Poor Qi and Blood

Trans fats are mainly found in margarine, fried foods and other foods, which are believed by traditional Chinese medicine to harm the veins and cause poor flow of qi and blood. If the qi and blood are not smooth, the metabolism will slow down and the fat will accumulate more easily. Avoiding trans fats can help keep blood flowing and reduce belly fat.

8. Refined Carbohydrates - Refined carbohydrates are denourished and the spleen and stomach are weakened

Refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white rice lose many nutrients during processing, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that such ingredients are "powerless", and long-term consumption will lead to weakness of the spleen and stomach, and weak transportation, thus causing the accumulation of abdominal fat. Choosing unrefined whole grains can better nourish the spleen and stomach and help reduce belly fat.

The problem of belly fat is not solved overnight, but is the result of long-term accumulation of eating habits. By adjusting the diet structure and reducing the intake of the above 8 foods, TCM health care can not only help us stay away from belly fat, but also improve the overall health level. Let's start today and use the wisdom of Chinese medicine to guide our diet and move towards the goal of a healthy and flat belly!


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