
Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

author:Xiaobeijun micro-comment

The "melon" in the entertainment industry is really more explosive than the other, I thought that a certain melon was enough to explode, but in the next second, a more explosive one broke out, no wonder the online complaints about the entertainment industry have not stopped, no, some time ago, there was a legendary "Director Shen sleeping with the door" incident, and this melon may subvert everyone's cognition.

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!


Who is Director Shen?

I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet? The "melon" in the entertainment industry seems to be ripe again, and many actresses have pointed the finger at a male director, and the focus of the spearhead is that the director surnamed Shen, whose name has not been revealed, seems to be a well-known "obscene man" in the circle.

It can be seen from the screenshots of the chat records exposed by the actresses that Director Shen's brain may have been dominated by the lower body for a long time, not only openly harassing the actress, but also playing the threatening game after the other party made it clear that he "refused", with a face of "you have nothing good to eat if you are exposed", which makes people feel disgusting.

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

Soon, this "sleeping door" incident set off by Director Shen became popular, and he naturally attracted the attention of countless netizens, after all, in these years, netizens are most active in surfing and eating melons, where there are melons, there are energetic melon-eating netizens.

However, this matter did not get to the point of being known to everyone at first, because there was only one female star who reported Director Shen's behavior, but after a person boldly opened the microphone, many female stars who had been harassed by Director Shen stood up one after another, threw out evidence, and vowed to ruin Director Shen's reputation.

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

While exclaiming, "This melon is big and round", netizens were shocked again by the chaos in the entertainment industry, it turns out that the unspoken rules in this circle are so serious! When Director Shen's big melon is exploded, it means that there may be more amazing big melons in the dark!

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

At present, there are different opinions on the Internet about Director Shen's identity, after all, there has not been a victim who has directly named Director Shen's full name on the Internet, but if you follow the clues, there may always be netizens who can find out the true details of Director Shen.


Why was Director Shen exposed?

It is said that the exposed Director Shen is still quite famous in the circle, and his reputation in the industry has always been good, so at the beginning, there were many netizens who came to the smell of it and expressed "disbelief", thinking that this was a nonsense hype, but the problem is that if an actress appeared to "hammer him", it turned out that a series of actresses came directly to "hammer him".

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

And when the "sleeping door" incident became more and more noisy, netizens' opinions also diverged, for example, on the issue of discussing "why Director Shen was exposed", some netizens thought, "Under this kind of thing, how can anyone be completely clean?" Director Shen's disgusting doesn't need to be commented on, but the group of actresses who exposed him are probably not pure victims. ”

Some netizens also think, "Is Director Shen's stench a matter of one or two days?" That being the case, why hasn't anyone reported it? Perhaps this exposure is also due to the conflict of interests between each other. ”

Some netizens think, "Why are these actresses who dare to stand up and speak out being criticized?" First of all, compared with Director Shen, they are obviously newcomers in the circle, how dare newcomers argue with the directors who have been famous in the circle for a long time? Don't want to eat this bowl of entertainment industry?

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

Secondly, the unspoken rules seem to have been tacitly accepted in the entertainment industry for a long time, how can the arms be twisted over the thighs? If they stand up and speak out now, they may get short-term support from public opinion, but if they still want to mix in this circle, I am afraid it will be difficult, after all, their "bravery" is to break the established rules in this stinking circle.

Again, I don't know how difficult it is for others, don't talk about right and wrong, how many girls are willing to break the news when they encounter such a disgusting thing?

Therefore, the main reason why Director Shen was exposed was that he would kill himself if he committed many injustices!


Spicy comments from netizens

With the continuous fermentation of the "Director Shen Sleeping Door" incident, the heated discussion among netizens has also reached a climax, and some netizens complained: "When will this so-called 'normal unspoken rule behavior' in the circle be the end?" Sooner or later, the entertainment industry will be finished at the hands of this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp. ”

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

Some netizens sarcastically said: "The entertainment industry is really a place outside the law and a place of the Three Realms!" What a 'magical' filthy existence! ”

Big melon! Director Shen accompanies the sleeping door to reveal the secret! The actress's chat record was exposed, and netizens' comments lit up!

Some netizens said: "This kind of person is also worthy of being a director? What kind of films can he export? Won't it really mislead teenagers? It is suggested that this kind of real-name system should be dealt with, so that the big guy can open their eyes and see what breed of cattle and horses can do such a ruinous thing. ”

To be honest, the "unspoken rules" of the entertainment industry have indeed not been a matter of one or two days for a long time, but why has this situation never been eliminated? Maybe it's because the punishment is not strong enough, and the initiator of this foul smell has not been found, of course, it may not be easy to find the source, why? I know it all!