
Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings

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Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings
Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings
Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings


General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that if the young generation has ideals and responsibilities, the country will have a future, the nation will have hope, and there will be a steady stream of powerful forces to achieve our development goals. In order to improve the political and theoretical level, cultural and moral quality and professional work skills of young cadres, and advocate the reading style of "reading more, reading good books, and being good at reading" among the majority of young people, the Xiangtan Municipal Transportation Bureau will open a column of "Positive Youth, Traffic Travel丨 Joyful Reading" from now on, so as to improve cultural quality, cultivate moral sentiments, stimulate the strength of endeavor, and promote the transmission of books through reading.

Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings

Joy of reading is youth and sharing

Issue 16

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Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings

"Positive Youth, Traffic Travel" Joy Reading Sharer

Yuan Wei, a cadre of the Xiangtan Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment.

Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings

Introduction: "History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" is a historical work on the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea compiled by the Institute of Military History of the Academy of Military Sciences. The book is divided into three volumes, the first, the middle, and the second, and records in detail the background, process, and results of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Through rich historical materials and research results, the complexity and arduousness of this war, as well as the heroic and fearless and tenacious fighting spirit displayed by the Chinese People's Volunteers in the war, are comprehensively displayed. This work is not only an academic work, but also a work of great historical value and practical significance. It helps people understand the historical background, process, and significance of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and promotes the patriotism and revolutionary heroic spirit of the Chinese People's Volunteers. At the same time, it also has a certain reference value for the study of modern warfare and international relations.

Reading experience

The Road to Military Career –

Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has a feeling

When I finished reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" with reverence and awe, my heart was deeply shocked, and my past military career also flashed back in my mind like a movie, and the two collided and blended with each other, which made me feel a lot of emotion.

Reading between the lines of that book, I felt as if I had traveled through time and space, and witnessed the heroic and fearless figures of the volunteer soldiers. They took firm steps and resolutely rushed to the battlefield, and in the extremely harsh environment, the firmness and fearlessness revealed in their eyes made me, a former soldier, also moved. In my military career, I have experienced sweat, cold wind, and crawling...... I used to feel extremely hard, but compared with the ice and snow, lack of food and clothing faced by the volunteer soldiers, it is really insignificant.

Recalling my days in the army, my daily routine and well-trained daily routine made me deeply aware of the importance of discipline. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the absolute obedience of the volunteers to discipline reached the extreme. In the midst of a hail of bullets, they strictly carried out their orders and never flinched. This high degree of discipline and execution is the key to victory. I used to work closely with my comrades in various tasks, and I understand that the power of a team is endless. And the volunteers relied on each other in a foreign country, bringing the spirit of unity to the top. They can sacrifice their lives and forget their deaths without hesitation for their comrades-in-arms, and this pure and deep comradeship brings tears to my eyes.

On the battlefield, the outstanding military wisdom and strategic vision displayed by the volunteers can be called classics. They can flexibly adjust their tactics according to different terrain and enemy conditions, and skillfully deal with the enemy. This reminded me of the tactical training and military studies I received in the army, although it was far less than the complex situations they faced, but it also made me understand that as a soldier, it is not enough to have blood and courage, but also to have a flexible mind and superb military qualities. In military drills one after another, I have worked hard to improve my adaptability and decision-making level, and the experience and wisdom in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea have given me endless inspiration. Now, although I have left that green military uniform, the imprint of my military career will never be erased. The spiritual strength drawn from the "History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" also illuminates my path forward like a torch. It always reminds me to maintain that steadfastness and courage, and not to give up easily no matter what difficulties I encounter. We must cherish the hard-won peaceful life now, because it was bought by countless martyrs with their lives. At the same time, I should also take them as an example, strive to shine in my own post, and contribute to the development of the country and society.

The deeds of those heroes and martyrs who died in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea are like bright stars, forever hanging high in the sky of history. Their spirit inspires us to keep working hard and moving forward. I am proud that I was a soldier, and even more proud that our great motherland has such a singing and weeping history. Let us always remember the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, inherit and carry forward the great spirit of the Volunteers, let this spirit shine more brightly in the new era, and inspire us to make unremitting efforts to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


Positive Youth, Traffic Travel|Joy Reading · Yuan Wei: The Road to Military Travel-Reading "The History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" has feelings

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