
Helping post-disaster reconstruction, civil affairs cadres show their responsibility - Taoyuan Civil Affairs presents "July 1st"

author:New fingertips

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to help the disaster area rebuild their homes and help the people in need tide over the difficulties, all the cadres and workers of the Taoyuan County Civil Affairs Bureau have generously donated money to carry out love fundraising activities and dedicate their own strength to the people affected by the disaster, and have raised nearly 20,000 yuan in donations.

Helping post-disaster reconstruction, civil affairs cadres show their responsibility - Taoyuan Civil Affairs presents "July 1st"

Organize love fundraising on the spot

Subsequently, Long Yanhui, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Taoyuan County Civil Affairs Bureau, took all the party members to review the oath of joining the party, and the sonorous and heroic voice echoed in the ears for a long time, so that the hearts of every party member were shocked and baptized again.

Helping post-disaster reconstruction, civil affairs cadres show their responsibility - Taoyuan Civil Affairs presents "July 1st"

Review the oath of joining the party

Finally, Long Yanhui also expressed condolences to party members in difficulty and paid door-to-door visits to retired old party members.

Helping post-disaster reconstruction, civil affairs cadres show their responsibility - Taoyuan Civil Affairs presents "July 1st"
Helping post-disaster reconstruction, civil affairs cadres show their responsibility - Taoyuan Civil Affairs presents "July 1st"

Condolences to party members in difficulty and door-to-door visits

All party members and comrades have expressed that in the future work, we must not forget the original intention of civil affairs, keep in mind the mission of civil affairs, always keep the safety and security of the people in difficulty in mind, think about what the masses think, be anxious about what the masses are anxious about, and strive to do practical and good things for the people in difficulty.

Source: Fingertip News

Author: Guo Han

Editor: Liu Meixin

Helping post-disaster reconstruction, civil affairs cadres show their responsibility - Taoyuan Civil Affairs presents "July 1st"