
The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

author:New fingertips

On the morning of July 1, the town of Wharf Pu in Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference, which was presided over by Cai Ji, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor. The meeting was held in the form of video conference, and more than 170 people attended the meeting at the main venue, including all members of the party and government teams, cadres of organs and stations, secretaries of village (community) party organizations, commended objects and representatives of old party members who have been glorious in the party for 50 years, and other village cadres and party members of each branch participated in the meeting in 20 village (community) branch venues through the "cloud party building" system.

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

Li Bingbing, secretary of the town party committee, delivered a speech

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

Cai Ji, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor of the town, presided over the meeting

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

Yang Min, deputy secretary of the town party committee, read out the commendation document

At the meeting, Li Bingbing, secretary of the town party committee, delivered a speech, expressing his gratitude to the retired old party members who have contributed to the economic development of Wharf Pu Town, extending holiday greetings to the majority of party members and cadres, and briefly summarizing the work of Wharf Pu Town in the first half of the year.

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

Review the oath of joining the party

The meeting required that in order to further strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, the majority of party members and cadres should do four things: first, they must strengthen their beliefs, temper their party spirit, and strive for new improvements in forging political character; the second is to be diligent in learning and thinking, hard work, and show new achievements in tempering excellent skills; Third, it is necessary to be pragmatic and re-act, strengthen the foundation, and set a new benchmark in consolidating grassroots organizations; Fourth, it is necessary to exercise strict self-discipline, strive to set an example, and show a new image while always maintaining the advanced nature. Encourage the party members of the town to work together, take responsibility, actively perform their duties, and contribute to the high-quality development of various undertakings in Wharf Pu Town with more enthusiasm, more pragmatic style, and more powerful actions.

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

The members of the team awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

The team members awarded medals to the advanced grassroots party organizations

At the meeting, all party members solemnly swore in front of the party flag and reviewed the oath of joining the party. In order to carry forward the advanced and stimulate the fighting spirit, the conference read out the "Decision of the Lixian Wharf Pu Town Committee of the Communist Party of China on Commending Advanced Grass-roots Party Organizations, Outstanding Communist Party Members and Outstanding Party Workers", encouraging everyone to take the initiative to learn advanced models, carry forward the advanced spirit, establish a sense of striving for excellence in the work, and show the loyalty and responsibility of party members and cadres with first-class work performance. Subsequently, all the team members awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the 10 representatives of old party members, and awarded medals to the advanced grassroots party organizations, encouraging them to cherish the honor, be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, and make persistent efforts.

Source: Li County Wharf Pu Town

Author: Zhang Yaqiong

The wharf shop town of Lixian County held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" commendation conference

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