
The Anxiang County People's Court held a celebration of the "July 1st" flag-raising and review of the oath of joining the party

author:New fingertips

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the red gene, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the court team, on July 1, the Anxiang County People's Court held a grand ceremony to welcome the "July 1st" national flag raising and review the oath of joining the party.

The Anxiang County People's Court held a celebration of the "July 1st" flag-raising and review of the oath of joining the party

At 8 a.m., the national flag guard, composed of three judicial police officers, marched vigorously to escort the national flag into the stadium. Accompanied by the passionate national anthem, the five-star red flag slowly rose, and the cadres and police officers of the whole hospital lined up neatly and saluted the national flag. Subsequently, He Kai, assistant judge of the Big Whale Harbor Court, spoke under the national flag as a representative of the regular party members, and he said that as a young court in the new era, he will always maintain the quality of loyalty, integrity, and responsibility, and contribute to the high-quality development of the Anxiang Court with practical actions of knowing and taking responsibility.

The Anxiang County People's Court held a celebration of the "July 1st" flag-raising and review of the oath of joining the party
The Anxiang County People's Court held a celebration of the "July 1st" flag-raising and review of the oath of joining the party

After the flag-raising ceremony of "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" After the flag-raising ceremony, Wang Qingquan, secretary of the party group and president of the Anxiang Court, led all party members and police officers to face the party flag, raise their right hands to review the oath of joining the party, and revisit the original intention of joining the party.

Source: Fingertip News

Author: Chen Lei, Qi Kebin

Editor: Yi Sainan

The Anxiang County People's Court held a celebration of the "July 1st" flag-raising and review of the oath of joining the party

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