
When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house

author:Liberty beach el

Let's talk about this Gada, in the northeast, let's nag you today, a strange thing happened on the beach. We have a fisherman here, named Li Erniu, our fishing expert here, every time he goes to sea, it is a bumper harvest, and the small life of the family is called a prosperous one. But on a windy and rainy night, Li Erniu came back from fishing and found that something was wrong at home.

He pushed open the door, and the room was dark, and the oil lamp on the stove was still shining. He habitually shouted: "Daughter-in-law, I'm back!" But there was silence in response. Li Erniu's heart sank, he hurriedly entered the house, lit a match, and saw by the light of the fire, his daughter-in-law was sitting on the edge of the bed, her head down, and she didn't know what to do with her hands. He took a closer look, oh my God, my daughter-in-law was pale, her eyes were hollow, and she was stuffing something in her mouth.

Li Erniu was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Daughter-in-law, what are you doing here?" He reached out to grab the things in his daughter-in-law's hand, but the daughter-in-law pushed Li Erniu as if she had fallen into an evil spirit, pushing Li Erniu and staggering. Li Erniu steadied himself, and when he looked at it again, it turned out to be white insects, like chopsticks, and it made people's scalps numb.

When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house

Li Erniu muttered in his heart, what the hell is going on? He endured the nausea and grabbed his daughter-in-law's arm, wanting to ask for an understanding. But the daughter-in-law seemed to be controlled by something, muttering to herself, and Li Erniu couldn't understand a word of what she said. At this moment, Li Erniu's eyes were sharp and he found that something seemed to be moving on the beam. When he looked up, there was a black figure hanging on the beam, with long hair fluttering, like a female ghost.

Li Erniu was so frightened that he quickly let go of his daughter-in-law's arm, picked up the fishing net by the wall, and threw it towards the beam. When the fishing net was scattered, it was like having eyes, and it was impartial to catch the black shadow on the beams of the house. Li Erniu was bold and walked out with a fishing net. When I got to the courtyard, I looked through the moonlight, and my God, the net was caught in the fishing net by a stranger dressed in black.

After the stranger was caught in the net, he didn't struggle, just looked at Li Erniu coldly. Li Erniu's heart straightened up, and he asked in a trembling voice, "...... you Who are you? Why is it in my house? The stranger sneered and said, "I am a distant relative of your daughter-in-law, and I have come to visit you when I pass by here." I didn't expect you, a man, to be so rude that you would dare to do something to me. ”

When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house

As soon as Li Erniu heard this, he understood a rough idea in his heart. He turned around and went back to the house, only to see that his daughter-in-law had returned to normal and was looking at him blankly. Li Erniu told her daughter-in-law about the matter just now, and when her daughter-in-law heard it, her face was as white as paper, she hurriedly waved her hand, and said straight in her mouth: "Where do I know this distant relative?" Li Erniu knew it in his heart, he strode into the courtyard, and shouted to the stranger in black: "I don't care who you are, and I don't care what the purpose of your coming to our house is." Fuck me off, or I'm going to do it!" The man in black snorted coldly, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "What do you think you can do with me?" Tell you, I know how to do magic. As he spoke, he took out something from his arms and threw it at Li Erniu. Li Erniu's eyes were quick, and he caught it as soon as he could. When he looked closely, it turned out to be a small wooden figure with some messy symbols painted on it. Li Erniu's heart sank, and he said that this person is really not a good stubble.

At this moment, the man in black suddenly turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared into the night sky with a whoosh. Li Erniu and his daughter-in-law, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do. Early the next morning, Li Erniu took the little wooden man to the Taoist priest in the town. The Taoist priest looked at the little wooden man, frowned, and said, "This is evil magic!" Looks like you're in trouble with something unclean. The Taoist priest told Li Erniu that the man in black was an evil cultivator who specialized in harming people with evil magic. He came to your house last night just to disadvantage your daughter-in-law. Fortunately, you took action in time and caught him with a fishing net, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable! When Li Erniu heard this, he understood in his heart. He hurriedly asked the Taoist priest how to crack it. The Taoist priest thought for a moment and said, "When you go back, cut off a strand of your daughter-in-law's hair, wrap it in a red cloth, and put it on the stove." Then light a stick of incense in the courtyard, burn incense and worship the gods, and pray for the blessings of the gods. This should be able to temporarily crack the evil art of the cult. Li Erniu thanked him for his kindness, said goodbye to the Taoist priest, and hurried home. He did as the Taoist priest instructed, one by one. Sure enough, since then, nothing strange has happened to the family. The man in black never appeared again. This matter has spread on our beach. Everyone said that Li Erniu was a blessed man, not only had good fishing skills, did not panic in case of trouble, but also knew how to ask Taoist priests for help. But that's not the end of it. Although Li Erniu cracked the evil art of evil cultivation, he always felt unsteady in his heart. He pondered, since this evil cultivator could come to the door, it must have some plan. He had to think of a way to completely drive out this evil cultivator in order to ensure the peace of his family. So, Li Erniu found a few old fishermen in the town and discussed countermeasures with them. These old fishermen have been begging for a living at sea all their lives, and they are well-informed, and as soon as they heard what Li Erniu said, they came up with ideas one after another. Some of our Gada fishermen said that they had to invite a Taoist priest to come to their homes to do things, and some said that they had to set up a formation at home to suppress the evil cultivators. Li Erniu listened to these ideas, and felt that they all made sense, but he felt that this matter had to be more secure. He pondered for a moment and said, "We have to think of a trick to let that evil cultivator get out of here, so that he won't have to come back to us again." When the old fishermen heard this, they were stunned. They thought to themselves, this evil cultivator is not something to be messed with, how can they just leave? But Li Erniu, this kid, has a lot of ideas, he slapped his thigh and said, "I have an idea, let's try it." It turned out that Li Erniu had thought of a trick. He asked the old fishermen to help him, got some large logs, and built a tall wooden shelf in the yard. After the shelves were set up, he asked his daughter-in-law to go to the town to buy some red paper, yellow paper, incense and candles. When everything was ready, Li Erniu stood on the wooden shelf, holding incense in his hand, and began to recite the incantation. What kind of incantation was he chanting? We don't know, anyway, I learned it from a Taoist priest, saying that it can drive away evil and avoid harm. After reading for a while, Li Erniu lit the incense and threw it under the wooden shelf. As soon as the incense touched the ground, a flame ignited. In the firelight, Li Erniu took out a small wooden figure and put it next to the fire. At this moment, a puff of black smoke suddenly rose from under the wooden shelf. The black smoke gathered more and more, and finally formed a human form. When everyone saw it, they were all stunned, it turned out that this black smoke was the stranger in black last night! As soon as the evil cultivator saw that he had been discovered, he roared angrily and pounced on Li Erniu. Li Erniu had already prepared, and with a wave of his hand, the fishing net flew out, and the evil cultivator was caught again. After being caught in the net, the evil cultivator struggled to escape. But how could Li Erniu let him succeed? He grabbed the rope of the fishing net and pulled it hard, pulling the evil cultivator to the fire. As soon as the evil cultivator saw the fire, he was so frightened that his soul flew away. He begged for mercy again and again, saying that he was willing to leave, and he would never dare to harass Li Erniu's family again. When Li Erniu heard this, he sneered and said, "You should have been like this a long time ago!" Now I'll give you a ride! With that, he threw the cultivator into the fire. The evil cultivator screamed in the fire, and in a short time it was burned to ashes. Seeing this, Li Erniu breathed a sigh of relief, and then dismantled the wooden frame with the old fishermen. Since then, nothing strange has happened to Li Erniu's family. He and his daughter-in-law still live a peaceful life, going out to sea to fish every day, and going home at night to eat and sleep. As for the evil cultivator, it is said that after his death, he became a powerful ghost and wandered around the sea, but he no longer dared to harass Li Erniu's family. This thing is spreading all over our seaside. Li Erniu is a well-known capable person in our Gada, not only has the courage to fight wits and courage with those evil and crooked guys, but also can come up with some brilliant ideas to drive them away. Since then, Li Erniu's name has been well-known in the town, and when everyone mentions him, they all give him a thumbs up. But what about Li Erniu himself? He didn't take these things seriously, he still went out to sea to fish every day, and lived an ordinary but full life.

In the dead of night, Li Erniu always likes to stand in his yard, looking at the stars in the sky, and silently make a wish in his heart: May there be less bad water and more bright halls in this world. In this way, the story of Li Erniu has been passed down from generation to generation on our seaside. Whenever he is mentioned, everyone will say: "This Li Erniu is really a great man!" ”

When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house

Li Erniu's reputation is getting louder and louder in the seaside town, and his bravery and wisdom have not only won the admiration of the villagers, but also become a legend in the town. Whenever night falls, the fishing fire is lit, people sit around the kang, and mention the story of Li Erniu's wisdom and evil cultivation, and listen to people's enthusiasm, as if he is the brave and fearless fisherman.

As the days passed, the small life of Li Erniu's family became more and more prosperous. His fishing skills are getting better and better, and every time he goes out to sea, he can return with a full load, and the small days of his family are getting more and more nourishing. His daughter-in-law is also becoming more and more virtuous, the house is well organized, and she always prepares food for Li Erniu, so that he can feel the warmth of home every time he comes back from the sea.

But just when Li Erniu thought that life would always be so peaceful, an unexpected letter broke the tranquility. The town's postman sent him a letter from a distant big city, and the recipient was none other than Li Erniu. He opened the envelope and saw that it contained an invitation to a big city to attend a fishing fair. The expo brings together fishery experts from all over the country and is a good opportunity to showcase technology and exchange experience.

When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house

Li Erniu took the invitation card, and his heart was full of thoughts. On the one hand, he was happy to have such an opportunity, but on the other hand, he was worried about what would happen to his family. But after some careful consideration, he decided to go to the big city to participate in the fair, after all, it was a rare opportunity to open his eyes. Before leaving, Li Erniu deliberately went to the Taoist priest in the town to ask the Taoist priest to bless his family and ensure that his family was safe and sound during his absence. When the Taoist priest heard his request, he drew a talisman for him to hang at the door, and told him to be careful.

With the Taoist priest's talisman and the blessings of the villagers, Li Erniu embarked on a journey to the big city. Going south and north, he has suffered a lot of sins along the way, but how can we Northeast men easily admit defeat, they have passed one hurdle after another, and finally came to their destination. At that lively expo, he showed his skills, showed our Northeast fishing skills to masters all over the country one by one, exchanged experiences, harvested a lot, and felt the beauty in his heart.

But just when he was happily enjoying the joy of success, a phone call came, which made him tremble. It turned out that during the time he was not at home, something strange happened at home. His daughter-in-law suddenly became chattering, muttering alone in the house, and gesturing to the air, which made people worry when they looked at it. As soon as Li Erniu heard the news, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, immediately bought a ticket, and rushed home overnight.

When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house

When he got home, he pushed the door and saw his daughter-in-law sitting there, her eyes hollow, as if she had lost her soul. He leaned over to see that there was a strange mark on his daughter-in-law's wrist, and there was a ghostly light. Li Erniu's heart tightened, thinking that this must be the evil cultivator who came to make trouble again. He hurriedly took out the talisman given by the Taoist priest and snapped it on his daughter-in-law's wrist. As soon as the talisman paper was attached, the sigil made a sizzling sound, and then disappeared with a swish. As soon as the daughter-in-law came to her senses, she looked at Li Erniu with tears in her eyes and was full of gratitude.

His daughter-in-law told him that when she was in a daze, she felt controlled by a mysterious force, and she couldn't be the master. Now that she's back to normal, I'm so grateful. When Li Erniu heard this, he was also afraid for a while, he knew that he could save his daughter-in-law this time, thanks to the Taoist priest and the talisman. He felt a heavier burden on his shoulders and was determined to protect his family and the sea.

Since then, Li Erniu has not only continued his fishing business, but also often patrols the beach to guard against the return of the evil cultivator. He used his own experience and wisdom to help the villagers solve problems at sea, and became a hero in everyone's eyes. As for that evil cultivator, it is said that he no longer dared to come to Li Erniu's house for trouble, and gradually, his figure disappeared from people's sight and became a legend.

When the fisherman returned at night, he saw that his wife was behaving strangely and strangely, so he cast a fishing net on the beams of the house