
There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

author:Grassroots sword training

The information is extracted from the Internet; Chinese-style elegant life in Guangxi

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

It is best for people to condense into a pebble, lurk to the bottom, and let time rush through the body like water, and they only know that they are in the water, and they do not feel the flow of water. - Yang Jiang

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Figure丨 Liqin

Only after truly living and understanding can we realize that the meaning of life lies in improving the mind and tempering the soul. Throughout his life, he constantly improves his cultivation in order to overcome the weaknesses of human nature itself. - Charlie Munger

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Picture丨Four two mountain people

Everything is changing, only humanity remains the same. - Hu Xueyan

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Figure丨Ink marks Wuchen

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow's troubles be bothered. I just want to finish the day happily, hard, and gently. - Osamu Dazai, "Novel Lantern"

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Figure丨 Liqin

The rose wears sharp thorns, which do not turn into thorns. It only defends its own spring blossom from being ravaged by wild beasts. - Gu Cheng

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Figure丨Stubborn play stone is incomplete

The fun of middle age is to know life and know yourself, so as to do what you can do and enjoy the life you can enjoy. - Liang Shiqiu

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Picture丨Lonely Lai

Cherishing is the ultimate love. - Feng Jicai

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Figure丨 Liqin

Too intense happiness and too intense sorrow have one thing in common: the same need to stay away from the crowd. ——Zhang Ailing, "Eighteen Springs"

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Picture丨Freshwater room

I work what I love so I can be happy. - Ernest Hemingway

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Most of them have an open-minded mind and a cheerful personality, and they can relax themselves, enjoy tranquility, watch the development of the outside world, plan for future progress, and recover their vitality and momentum after being busy and excited. ——Liu Yong

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time

Picture丨Freshwater room

What do people live for?

Writer Li Yinhe replied: "No why, nothing, being alive is just a state of human beings, just like a fish, a tree, a beetle, we come to the human world, we consume some substances, change some substances around us, and then pass away."

In this case, how should we face such a meaningless life? The only thing I can figure out is that I want to live my life in a more comfortable and happy state.

That is, what Heidegger calls the poetic dwelling, whether it is material life, spiritual life, emotional life, I just need that little bit of essence, the most beautiful, the most poetic, the most suitable for me.

To live to enjoy all these feelings, to die to say goodbye to all these feelings, that's what my life is all about. ”

(This article is from: Jiang Pu Shou Shi Zhai, the copyright belongs to the original author!) Submissions for exchange/business cooperation, welcome to hook up

There is no other way to live life well, one day at a time