
Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

author:Wang Gekan Sports

Recently, the TV series "Ink Rain and Clouds" not only made Wu Jinyan's star shine again, but also pushed Wang Xingyue into the public eye.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

With the explosion of fame, his personal privacy and past behavior have gradually been excavated and have become the focus of heated discussions on the Internet.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

The more popular it is, the easier it is to be singled out. Wang Xingyue is no exception, his popularity is like opening Pandora's box, and even some not-so-glorious history has been picked up.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

Xingyue was found to have followed some "private" accounts. This may not be much when he is still a little transparent, after all, who doesn't have a few little secrets? But once you become a public figure, these small actions are as obvious as dust under a magnifying glass.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

Next, a more dramatic scene was staged, Wang Xingyue was exposed to age fraud. According to netizens, Wang Xingyue's age registration when he was hospitalized in 2017 showed that he should be 24 years old now, and his age was seriously inconsistent with public information.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

If this netizen had not chosen to be a detective but a historian, many of the mysteries in history would have been solved long ago. How old the star is is now a public guessing game.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

Although these revelations have attracted widespread attention and discussion, Wang Xingyue has not responded to these accusations so far, which makes the incident even more confusing.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

Mr. Wang's reticence may be motivated by a public relations strategy, or perhaps because he is still looking for the best way to deal with the crisis.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

Despite all the doubts, Wang Xingyue's career does not seem to have been affected much. He is still active on major screens and event scenes, and continues to win the hearts of the audience through his own efforts.

Collapse of the house as soon as the fire starts? Black material is flying all over the sky! Wang Xingyue, who even cheated on his age, was about to be stripped off his underwear

What do you think, friends?

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