
Disgusting! "Salty pig hands" in the entertainment industry are frequent, how can victims protect their rights?

author:Liu Jiahan popular science


The entertainment industry has always been a high-profile industry, and every move of celebrities will become the focus of public attention. With the rise of social media, the private lives of celebrities have gradually been amplified, and some disgraceful events will also be exposed, triggering widespread public discussion and reflection. Recently, a groping pig hand incident was exposed in the entertainment industry, involving male actors who frequently "itched" in intimate scenes and violated the personal space of actresses.

1. The groping pig hand incident was exposed, and the immoral behavior behind the star attracted attention

Disgusting! "Salty pig hands" in the entertainment industry are frequent, how can victims protect their rights?

Recently, a groping pig hand incident was exposed in the entertainment industry, it is reported that the actor involved in the filming of a film and television drama, and the actress had an intimate scene, but during the filming process, the actor frequently appeared "technical itching" behavior, obviously using the play to make love, violating the actress's personal space, and the actress did not choose to remain silent after encountering this situation, but reflected the situation to the crew for the first time, hoping to be handled and maintained.

Disgusting! "Salty pig hands" in the entertainment industry are frequent, how can victims protect their rights?

For a while, the exposure of this incident was very high, and it also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens and fans, everyone expressed their indignation at such behavior, and also expressed their admiration for the actress's bravery and resoluteness, and believed that the actress should be given due support and protection, and also hoped that the crew could take this incident seriously, give fair treatment and solutions, and not tolerate adultery, otherwise it will set a very bad precedent for other actors, and it will also have a negative impact on the development of the entire film and television industry.

2. The immoral behavior of celebrities affects the perception of the work and the image of the entertainment industry

The exposure of this groping incident has also made people have a deep reflection on the behavior of celebrities, celebrities as public figures, their every move will receive widespread attention, so in the process of participating in the filming of film and television dramas, no matter what kind of scene, they should know how to respect others, and they should not violate others, let alone use their power and status to harm other actors.

The frequent occurrence of "technical itching" behaviors by some celebrities is undoubtedly a public infringement of other people's personal space, which will not only make the victim feel very disgusting and indignant, but also seriously affect the perception of the work.

The public questions the moral bottom line and professional ethics of the entertainment industry, believing that there are some unhealthy unspoken rules and interest exchanges in the entertainment industry, and some celebrities will cater to these immoral requirements in order to get better development opportunities, while ignoring their artistic quality and professional ethics.

Third, the entertainment industry needs to re-examine the moral bottom line and professional conscience

The exposure of this groping pig hand incident has sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry, and it has also made the entire industry should have a deep reflection on its own development status, the moral bottom line and professional conscience are the important guarantees for the development of the entertainment industry, only on this basis, can entertainment works really move the audience, and can also make the entertainment industry have better development prospects.

In the face of similar incidents, the entertainment industry should not choose to be silent and cover-up, but should bravely meet the supervision and questioning of public opinion, and should also give the public a satisfactory answer, so that everyone can see the importance and attitude of the public opinion circle to moral issues, only in this way can we win the public's understanding and support, and can we lay a solid foundation for the healthy development of the entertainment industry.

When the audience chooses the stars to support, they should also have their own independent judgments and opinions, and they can't just look at the surface of the stars, and ignore their moral character and professional ethics.

Fourth, actors should stick to the bottom line of their profession and succeed with strength and hard work

For actors, in the career development of the entertainment industry, they should always keep in mind their professional bottom line, and should not cater to some unhealthy requirements at the expense of morality.

Actors should also be soberly aware that only through their own strength and efforts can they stand out in the fierce competition and achieve real success, so they should continue to improve their acting skills and artistic accomplishment, and use excellent works and performances to move the hearts of the audience and influence the positive energy of the society.

Disgusting! "Salty pig hands" in the entertainment industry are frequent, how can victims protect their rights?


The moral issue of the entertainment industry has always been a topic of great concern, and the exposure of similar groping incidents has also given us a good inspiration, whether it is a public figure in the entertainment industry, or an ordinary member of society, we should always pay attention to our moral cultivation and professional ethics, only on this basis, can we establish a healthy and harmonious interpersonal relationship, and can also make positive contributions to the development and progress of society.

We should also be brave to face and solve moral problems, no matter what kind of work we are engaged in, we should have our own principles and bottom lines, and we should also be brave to uphold justice and fairness, only through everyone's efforts and common participation can we create a truly beautiful social environment, and also bring more warmth and hope to our lives.

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