
Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

author:Bunny view of the car

From just entering a driving school to learn to practice driving, to completing the driver's license test to get a driver's license, and then to driving normally on the road, it is something that every driving test person needs to experience. For many people, they can't let go when driving, and it is easy to ignore the details of driving and traffic laws, so that driving on the road often brings inconvenience to themselves and others, and it is also more likely to cause traffic violations and deduct points, and even endanger the personal safety of themselves and others in serious cases. Therefore, if you have these 7 habits of driving, then you can be regarded as a master, if you can account for more than 4, it means that you are a qualified old driver, let's see how many you meet!

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

1. Pull the handbrake when parking

There are a lot of accidents, are caused by parking forgot to pull the handbrake, after all, there are still a small number of automatic parking models, so driving must deliberately develop the habit of pulling the handbrake when parking, naturally it can be able to maintain the energy response, especially now there are many signal light intersections, some car owners are waiting for the red light, stepping on the brake and other signal lights, do not discuss the gear is N gear or D gear, this is not right or wrong, but once the time is long, may be distracted to do other things, The right foot will move away unconsciously, even if it is in N gear, if there is a slope, it will cause the car to slip.

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

2. Develop the habit of looking at the inner rearview mirror and the left and right exterior rearview mirrors

You must know that the danger when driving not only comes from the front, but also from the left and right sides or the rear, only by understanding the situation around the body, can you put yourself in a relatively safe position, which is particularly important for driving at high speeds, so you should deliberately develop the habit of observing these three mirrors when driving, and pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

3. Slow down first in case of emergency

This is what the old driver often says, "give speed and do not give way", in the event of an emergency, to slow down first, do not instinctively go to the direction to avoid, the speed of the city is not fast, if the direction of avoidance, it is only the responsibility and car damage problem, but if you bring this habit to the highway, the speed of the high-speed is very fast, suddenly fierce direction, it is very easy to cause the vehicle to lose control, this is not a problem of responsibility, but their own personal safety issues, so when encountering an emergency, remember to slow down first, do not blindly avoid.

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

Fourth, be careful of blind spots

Many accidents are caused by blind spots, originally looked no danger but suddenly rushed pedestrians or non-motorized vehicles, so you usually need to pay attention when driving, when you see a vehicle or building in front of you to block your vision, take the initiative to slow down and prepare for braking, to ensure that you can see the situation behind the blind spot before making a decision, do not blindly accelerate.

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

5. Change lanes and turn signals

This may be funny to many drivers, isn't this the most basic common sense? But often the more basic common sense, the more people will make mistakes, the general novice driver will not forget, the more novice drivers are more cautious driving, but there are many old drivers feel that their driving skills are very good, often change lanes without turning signals, may be lucky once or twice without problems, but over time no one dares to guarantee, especially at high speeds, if you do not play the turn signal does not give other vehicles a clear driving intention, the accident is involved in their own declaration of safety. Therefore, whenever you need to change lanes or turn when driving, you must first turn on your turn signal, even if there is no car next to or behind you.

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

6. Develop the habit of preparing for brakes

Whether it is manual transmission or automatic transmission, it is to use the right foot to control the accelerator and brake, when there is no need to step on the accelerator, many drivers and friends are used to putting the right foot on the foot pad, this habit is not right, once the emergency braking situation occurs, it will affect the vehicle braking time, so when you don't need to step on the accelerator, put your right foot on the brake pedal, and it should be noted that you should not put your foot on the accelerator, if you encounter an emergency, due to nervousness, it is the accelerator that you step on.

Driving with these 7 habits is an old driver, ordinary people account for 4 is good, how many can you occupy?

7. Be calm when driving

This point is also the most important, as a qualified driver, the mentality must be good, I believe everyone has heard of road rage, this even some old drivers will commit, the first six points may be related to technology, this is to hone their own mind, do not fight not to grab no road rage, only in this way is the safest to drive.

The above is the old driver will have 7 driving habits, driving skills is not to see the driving age, or how fast the car can be regarded as an old driver, often those inconspicuous details can highlight a person's real driving proficiency, the above good habits into instinctive reactions, for their own future driving is also very helpful, I hope the above content can be helpful to the driver friends, also welcome to share with your relatives and friends, to see who is the real "old driver".