
The drama version of Zhen Huan's biography swapped the characters of Zhen Huan and An Lingrong in the original book, so that there is today's An Lingrong

author:Guan Guan's audio-visual life

Zhen Huan, the big heroine in the TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan", when she first entered the palace, she was a standard love brain plus idealism, trying in vain to find a one-hearted person in a place like the harem where there is no one-hearted person. So as soon as Zhen Huan entered the palace, she began to call herself sick and avoid favors. After falling in love with the emperor by fate, he was disheartened because he was a stand-in and invited himself out of the palace. In the end, in the palace, Zhen Huan was completely blackened into a big heroine who only had power and didn't want anything else.

The drama version of Zhen Huan's biography swapped the characters of Zhen Huan and An Lingrong in the original book, so that there is today's An Lingrong

And An Lingrong wanted to be friends with Zhen Huan because of his poor family background, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he insisted on being friends with Zhen Huan because of Zhen Huan's righteousness. Later, because he felt that Zhen Huan and Shen Meizhuang excluded him, only the queen was really good to him, so he joined the queen's camp without hesitation and became a sharp blade for the queen to deal with Zhen Huan. But in the end, he brought about his own destruction and went to the road of destruction.

I have to say that "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can be so popular, and the screenwriter and director really contribute to it. Because after reading the original book, you will know that the characters of Zhen Huan and An Lingrong, especially in the early stage, are almost interchanged.

The drama version of Zhen Huan's biography swapped the characters of Zhen Huan and An Lingrong in the original book, so that there is today's An Lingrong

In the original work, Zhen Huan was not a fuel-efficient lamp from the beginning, let alone a love brain. She is a smart person who is called "Zhuge among Women" by her father, and she is calculating. And An Lingrong was an ignorant and ignorant show girl who was sent to the draft at the beginning. Seeing that An Lingrong has a docile personality and a beautiful appearance, although she is not a big beauty, but in the place where the harem beauties gather, there is also a lack of such a pitiful style as An Lingrong. So at the beginning, Zhen Huan told Shen Meizhuang that she wanted to win over Shen Meizhuang.

In order to win over An Lingrong, after learning that she was selected, he asked his brother Zhen Heng to take An Lingrong to Zhen's mansion to live, so that An Lingrong could thank the Zhen family for their help, and in the future he could help Shen Meizhuang, the little sister who must be selected, in the palace.

An Lingrong has been led by Zhen Huan's nose, thinking that Zhen Huan is the most trustworthy person in the world.

It's just that Zhen Huan didn't expect that she was also elected to the palace. And what's even worse is that it was precisely because of her own calculations that An Lingrong fell in love with Zhen Heng, who went to pick her up.

But soon Zhen Huan's sister Shen Meizhuang was confined for fake pregnancy and competing for favor, and Zhen Huan was isolated in the palace. finally had a familiar sister An Lingrong, but she didn't want to sleep because she liked Zhen Heng, the brother of the Zhen family. Look, is this the plot of the drama version of Zhen Huan's reluctance to sleep?

The drama version of Zhen Huan's biography swapped the characters of Zhen Huan and An Lingrong in the original book, so that there is today's An Lingrong

In order to let An Lingrong be favored and become his help, Zhen Huan told An Lingrong that his brother was ready to get married, which completely broke An Lingrong's thoughts about Zhen Heng. Disheartened, An Lingrong could only accept favor and became Zhen Huan's help in the palace.

In order to break his brother Zhen Heng's thoughts about An Lingrong, Zhen Huan in turn hinted that his brother An Lingrong was favored in the palace, and Zhen Heng was also disheartened. didn't expect Zhen Huan's remarks to be heard by An Lingrong, so An Lingrong began to stay away from Zhen Huan and threw himself into the arms of the queen.

Therefore, An Lingrong in the original book will rebel against Zhen Huan, which is really not wronged at all. Even An Lingrong in the original book is the character of Zhen Huan's youngest daughter in the play, who is single-minded to her beloved and rejects the powerful, but later in the cannibalistic environment of the harem, she was forced to stand in line to protect herself. Isn't this the character of Zhen Huan in the drama version of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?

Therefore, the drama version of Zhen Huan is such a big heroine, but I really have to thank the director and screenwriter. If it is really acted like this according to the original book, it is estimated that Zhen Huan will be scolded to death.