
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

author:Farmers talk about entertainment

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Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Text: Farmers talk about entertainment

Editor|Farmer Entertainment

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

The whole month of June can be said to be Wang Xingyue's "world".

With the role of "Xiao Yu", he has millions of fans and his popularity has soared.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

As a result, just after becoming popular for a month, he floated:

was exposed to changing age, backstabbing studio, and bad love habits......

Is he going to follow Wu Jinyan's old path?

After digging deeply, I found out that he was teaching everyone a lesson in "this way".

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

1. The two nobles in life: Yu Zheng and Chen Hao

About Wang Xingyue, there is an even louder name: Brother Child.

Probably because he made his debut in movies when he was 17 years old.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

And his acting skills are not bad, so everyone calls him "Brother Kid".

What's even more surprising is that he was favored by Yu Zheng when he was 18 years old.

He also successfully signed a contract with Huanyu Film and Television, and Wu Jinyan is a colleague.

Although Yu Zheng's strength is not as good as Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

But Yu Zheng also brought out a lot of big names and stars.

Even Zhao Liying was pulled out by him.

He is also very lucky to be able to work by Yu Zheng's side.

However, the luckiest thing in his life was the "interview" in high school.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Before he was exposed to acting, his ideals were very ordinary.

He wanted to open a small supermarket near his home.

This way he can eat snacks every day and don't have to go out to work.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

He has been sober since he was a child and is easily satisfied.

Ever since he accompanied his friends to take the art exams.

The gears of his fate began to turn.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

One day, his good friend was going to take an art exam.

In order to cheer up, he also accompanied his friends to take the exam.

When he arrived at the school gate, he watched his friend walk through the gate and stood outside waiting by himself.

Suddenly, a teacher suddenly stepped forward to "talk".

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

The teacher thought he was also a student and let him in for the exam.

As a result, he told the teacher that he was not an art student.

Because the thinner and taller Wang Xing grows, the more he looks good.

So the teacher suggested that he also sign up for an art school, and his appearance is very suitable for developing in the entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

After hearing the teacher's advice, he decided to give it a try.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed, and he walked on the "battlefield".

Unexpectedly, he was admitted and got an admission letter from Chinese opera.

Coincidentally, the teacher of his class was actor Chen Hao.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Even if you can't provide him with resources, you can teach him a lot of useful things.

Under Chen Hao's careful teaching, he grew up very fast.

Chen Hao is a great nobleman in his life.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

If it weren't for the fact that he had a good teacher with an experience.

Then he wouldn't have improved so fast.

He was only 15 years old that year, so it's no wonder everyone called him "Brother Kid".

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

On the campus of the university, he entered the crew to film while studying.

In 2019, he starred in the movie "Deep Water".

Probably because his performance in this movie is amazing.

So before he graduated, Yu Zheng came to the door.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

In 2020, Wang Xingyue officially signed a contract with Huanyu Film and Television.

In 2021, he starred in "Yulou Chun".

Through this TV series, he met actor Bailu.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

And both are from the same company.

After that, they also collaborated on "Zhou Shengru".

The two were fated in the play, and they couldn't get together in the end.

It is precisely because of this TV series that everyone began to pay attention to Wang Xingyue.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

In addition, he is a negative character in the play, and many netizens hate him to the core.

Maybe it's because his acting skills are better and he looks handsome.

So he turned into the hero of "Childe Allure".

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

He debuted in 2019 and will star in "Ink Rain Clouds" until 2024.

In just five years, he has gone from a little hairy kid who doesn't know anything to a hot star.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Now he is only 22 years old, and he has already become popular.

I can't imagine what he will be like in the future.

However, he has only been popular for a month, and there have been a large number of "scandals" on the Internet.

It was revealed that he changed his age, backstabbed the studio, and had bad habits......

Are these true?

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Second, Internet rumors, true or false

Recently, Wang Xing, the actor of "Ink Rain and Clouds", has been on the hot search more frequently.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

It's not just because of the high popularity of this TV series and the acting skills of the protagonist online.

There are also Wang Xingyue's own "rumors", which have been uploaded on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

At first, netizens were just curious about his age.

Everyone knows that he was relatively young when he debuted.

He had already graduated from college at the age of 19, and some of them had just entered the university campus.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Looking at his online profile, it shows that he was born in 2002.

However, some attentive netizens found his previous video.

The video was released in 2017, but he said he was 17 years old.

Could it be that he was really born in 2000?

So why did he lie about his age?

In addition to the matter of age, he also "backstabbed" the studio.

The TV series "Ink Rain Clouds" starring him has ended.

But now the popularity is still very high, and the audience also likes his performance.

The ending of the TV series is also a very perfect ending.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Even director Yu Zheng said that this TV series is a HE ending.

I don't know what affected him, but he posted the side video of the TV series privately.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Many netizens think that this TV series is a bad ending.

Because of the heat of the matter, many netizens sued Yu Zheng.

Yu Zhengcai, who realized it later, found out that Wang Xingyue's studio released the video without authorization.

For this reason, Yu Zheng also issued a special article to explain this matter.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

In the end, Wang Xingyue also took the initiative to apologize and was forgiven by netizens.

However, there is also a "big melon" about Wang Xingyue.

Some people said that Wang Xingyue's love life was not "ordinary" and he had bad habits.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Now it's all over the Internet, and I don't know if it's true or not.

Seeing things get bigger and bigger is about his career.

If it is not handled well, he will also follow the old path of Wu Jinyan.

I think that when Wu Jinyan became popular, he was complained by netizens because of "playing a big name".

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

Fortunately, her acting skills are passable, and netizens have forgotten about it.

But Wang Xingyue has just become famous, and he can't lose a big one because of a small one

It wasn't until July 1 that he finally clarified the matter.

He took screenshots of all the false news on the Internet and posted it on social platforms.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

As for bad habits and changing the age, he said it was all rumors.

The news on the Internet is all fake, I hope you don't believe it.

It's just that I didn't expect Wang Xingyue to be on the hot search on Weibo because of these fake news.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

It seems that there are really many people who are popular, and we have to learn to distinguish the rumors on the Internet.

In this matter, Wang Xingyue's method is correct.

He also taught a lesson to actors in the entertainment industry.

If someone encounters such a thing, everyone should stand up and defend their rights and interests.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".


Wang Xingyue inexplicably appeared on the hot search, and many people thought it was a "collapsed house".

As a result, there was a big oolong.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

It seems that there are a lot of false rumors on the Internet.

I hope you can polish your eyes and eat melons rationally.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, Wang Xingyue taught everyone a lesson in "this way".

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