
dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

author:Farmers talk about entertainment
dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Text: Farmers talk about entertainment

Editor|Farmer Entertainment

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Zhang Ruoyun and Liu Yifei failed to "suppress" "Ink Rain Clouds", and the ratings of the show remained high after it was broadcast.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

In 2018, Wu Jinyan became popular overnight with "Yanxi Raiders" and became a popular traffic flower.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

But she offended CCTV at the peak of her career, and was angrily criticized by CCTV, and then her resources plummeted, but Yu Zheng never gave up this "first sister of the company".

Whether it is a modern drama or a costume drama, she has starred in a lot, but the audience has not forgotten what she has done, and she is also tepid in the entertainment industry.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular
dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

It became an overnight hit

Back then, when Wu Jinyan starred in "Yanxi Raiders" and became popular, the audience thought she was a rookie actor, but in fact, she was 28 years old at that time.

And she has been "drifting north" alone for seven years, and has been playing tricks in various crews, although there are also popular TV series, but she has not been remembered by the audience.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

It was not Wu Jinyan's dream to be an actor at first, but a dancer was, she has loved dancing since she was a child, and her parents also thought that girls could learn dance to correct their posture.

So when Wu Jinyan was six years old, she began to let her learn dance, and she was very happy to know that she could learn dance, but she didn't expect that learning dance would be so hard.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

When she moved non-standardly, the teacher would come and press her legs, which was her most tormented moment, and several times her tears almost fell out.

But no matter how hard and tired she was, she gave up and still insisted on practicing, and at the age of ten, she was admitted to the Beijing Dance Academy with her excellent professional ability and continued to study ballet.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

This study is seven years, graduated at the age of 17, and then was assigned to work in the National Ballet of China, at this time, the people around her were very envious of her, and she had a regular job at a young age.

But the good times didn't last long, and once she was injured while dancing in the dance company, the injury was somewhat serious, which had a certain impact on her dance, so she had to develop in other directions.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

At that time, Wu Jinyan was very confused, she had been dancing all the time and suddenly wanted to change careers, she didn't know what she was suitable for, and at this time, her friends around her thought that she was outstanding in appearance and suitable for being an actor.

After careful consideration, Wu Jinyan decided to study acting and become an actor, and after her unremitting efforts, she was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy to study acting.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

She just got a film contract when she was a sophomore, but her acting career was not smooth, although she cooperated with popular stars, she has always been in a state of "transparency", and she only had 200 yuan in the card when she was the poorest.

Yu Zheng can be said to be the noble person in her acting career, Wu Jinyan, who was still a sophomore in 2010, was invited to participate in the costume comedy "Ancient and Modern Six" because of his outstanding appearance.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

In 2011, a film and television company took a fancy to her potential and threw an olive branch to her, and she successfully signed a contract with Zijun Film and Television Company.

Later, she starred in the love movie "Gravity" with Bai Lily, and she played the role of "Huang Juan" in the film and television film.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Although she played supporting roles at this time and was not well-known in the entertainment industry, she never complained about anything, and she was very happy to receive the role.

And playing a supporting role is regarded as accumulating experience for himself, watching the classmates who have no drama to shoot change careers one after another, Wu Jinyan is very confused about the future.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

But she is very insistent in her heart, Wu Jinyan has been a very stubborn person since she was a child, she does not "mix" some fame in the entertainment industry, and she will never give up.

At that time, she only had one contract a year at most, and her salary was very small, so she couldn't even afford her own rent.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

In 2013, she participated in the emotional drama "Beacon Beauty", in which one person played two roles, because she was outstanding in appearance and the character design was also more pleasing.

The most important thing is that her acting skills have not collapsed, and this time her acting skills have also been recognized by the audience and she is well-known in the entertainment industry.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

After that, she had more film appointments and participated in many film and television dramas, and in 2016, she signed a contract with Huanyu Film and Television and became an artist under Yu Zheng.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Named by CCTV

Yu Zheng also officially began to praise her, and in 2018, she starred in "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix", in which she played the powerful and resourceful Queen Mother Feng Ting.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Because her appearance is similar to Yuan Shanshan, she is also known as "Yuan Shanshan's successor", and even in order to make her popular, she also created a "Yanxi Raiders" specially for her.

This is a costume drama, in which Wu Jinyan plays the brave, intelligent and lively Wei Yingluo, and after the show was broadcast, the popularity remained high.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

has won the love of the audience on the whole network, with a Douban score of 7.1 points, and the ratings and praise are far higher than "The Legend of Ruyi" starring Zhou Xun and Huo Jianhua.

The audience also compared this drama with the classic "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which shows the popularity, and the most important thing is that this drama has become popular with a group of actors.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

The biggest benefit is the protagonist Wu Jinyan, who can be said to have become popular overnight, whether it is the video circulating on the Internet or the media, she is all there.

She also received unprecedented attention, but she did not cherish this opportunity, the so-called popularity is too much, and Wu Jinyan played a good hand of cards.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

After becoming popular, many media wanted to interview her, and CCTV was no exception, so the "CCTV Six Princesses" sent an invitation to her

If it were another actor, he would definitely attach great importance to this opportunity, but Wu Jinyan didn't take it seriously, at that time, Wu Jinyan's team and the interview team of the movie channel had already agreed on the time and place.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

In order to show the importance of Wu Jinyan, the interview team of seven people arrived at the pre-agreed place half an hour early, but when the time came, Wu Jinyan was not seen.

At this time, Wu Jinyan's team suddenly informed the interview team that the location of the interview had changed, and this change caught the interview team off guard, but in order to be able to interview smoothly.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

The group hurriedly packed up their equipment and rushed to the new location, which was more than ten kilometers away, and the interview team came to the new location non-stop.

I thought that I could conduct a smooth interview, but I didn't expect that Wu Jinyan did not negotiate the venue, and the venue fee for this interview time had to be paid by the interview team.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Immediately afterward, Wu Jinyan's team said that her work was very full, and there were already arrangements below, and the remaining time may not be enough for interviews.

Wu Jinyan's back-and-forth behavior completely angered the "Six Princesses of CCTV", and she was probably the first one who dared to "play" CCTV like this.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

So CCTV criticized her by name, saying that she was "playing a big name", and asked her whether she was too deep in the drama or not enough artistic?

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

After CCTV posted the article, Wu Jinyan's reputation can be said to have plummeted, and netizens commented that "I really think of myself as Wei Yingluo".

Under the pressure of public opinion, Wu Jinyan hurriedly came forward to apologize, admit his mistakes, and then self-reflect, but this incident left a deep impression on the audience.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Everyone's impression of her has also changed from "Wei Yingluo" to "playing a big name", and her travel battle has once again appeared on the hot search.

In the mall, she was surrounded by dozens of bodyguards and assistants, separating her from passers-by, and the battle was bigger than that of A-list stars.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

After that, her career was greatly affected, and although she continued to appear in works, the audience didn't buy it, so the response was mediocre.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Whether it is the costume drama "The Legend of Haolan" or the inspirational struggle drama "Youth", she has not been able to become popular again, and after co-starring with Xu Kai in "Shangshi" in 2022, her works have also decreased.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Seeing that there are more and more Bailu who are also Yu Zheng's artists with her, netizens are speculating whether Yu Zheng has given up on her, but Yu Zheng gave an answer.

He called Wu Jinyan the first sister of their company, and valued her more than any artist, even when she hadn't filmed for two years, there were still 11 dramas waiting for her to choose.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular
dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular


And in June this year, Wu Jinyan returned again with the costume drama "Ink Rain Clouds", both in acting skills and word of mouth.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

Through this drama, it can be found that her acting skills have improved a lot, whether it is highlights or crying scenes, they are much better than before.

If it weren't for the past, presumably her acting career would have developed better than now, but despite holding several hit dramas, she still didn't catch fire, and Yu Zheng also said that he would give her the golden six years.

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

[Disclaimer]: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

Information sources:

Why is the returned Wu Jinyan popular again-China Youth Network-2024-06-14

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular

CCTV commented on "Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan playing a big name: is it too deep in the drama or is it not enough artistic virtue? -CCTV-2018-08-28

dared to offend CCTV and went out with 30 bodyguards, Yu Zheng "smashed" many popular dramas and couldn't make her popular