
Girls who have really seen the world will reject these 3 types of people

author:Yu Xiaoya Y

1. People who like to preach

There is a kind of person, you treat her as a friend, and if you confide in her any worries or troubles, she not only can't understand, but stands on the opposite side to accuse and preach.

Such a person has been in pain for a long time.

You're just angry and just want to vent, not really daunted by negative energy.

As for her, instead of considering the problem from your point of view, not understanding your feelings, and not giving sympathy and comfort, she misunderstands you and over-interprets what you say, so as to criticize and condemn you.

It seems that your unhappiness is caused by yourself, not caused by others, because you don't know how to accept and digest, and not because others are unreasonable.

In her eyes, the victim becomes deserved, and the perpetrator becomes taken for granted.

Not to mention how sad the person who wants to vent is, at least choose to speak out and trust her.

Girls who have really seen the world will reject these 3 types of people

Not only can she empathize with your grievances, but she also talks a lot of big truths, criticizing you for being ignorant, not skillfully handling interpersonal relationships, and taking your grievances as a slot while poking your sore spots.

If what she said makes sense, it would be fine, and if you listen carefully, there is no substantive advice at all except for the moral preaching that is good for the teacher. Isn't it too arrogant to say anything that is not worth mentioning in her eyes, but she can't say any effective solution?

People who like to preach, this is the case, they don't understand the actual situation, don't seriously analyze the reasons, don't try to agree, but intentionally or unintentionally push the responsibility for the problem to you, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Girls who have really seen the world, after seeing through the meanness of this kind of person's hypocrisy, will no longer entangle with them, let alone confide in them, and will not continue to be friends, but gradually alienate and cut off.

At first, I opened my heart because I was familiar, and finally I got away because I didn't speculate, and the uncomfortable relationship was enough to avoid being hurt twice.

Girls who have really seen the world will reject these 3 types of people

2. People who like to stab knives in the back

People who are not familiar with the world on the surface may not be really pure and good, but when you experience it, you will understand!

When I used to go to work, I was very busy once, so I handed over the prepared sample cloth to the assistant to send away.

Before handing it over to her, I marked the specifications of each sample cloth and the corresponding customer clearly, thinking that there should be no mistakes.

However, three days later, the customer reported that the sample cloth was incorrect, and the leader came to ask, but I couldn't explain it clearly, so I said to check it first.

After a while, the assistant took the initiative to find the leader and said that I gave the wrong sample cloth, not that she sent the wrong cloth.

I didn't look for an assistant theory, because I didn't have time to leave the bottom at that time, and I couldn't tell whose problem it was, so I had to swallow this breath.

Girls who have really seen the world will reject these 3 types of people

Later, if I have time to deal with it myself, I will never go through her hands, even if it is handed over to her, I will keep a copy of it, so that there will be a physical verification of disputes in the future.

Girls who have seen the world, while increasing their knowledge, they have also increased their wisdom, distinguishing the true from the false, recognizing scheming, seeing disguises, seeing tricks, and acting at the opportunity.

And for people who like to stab knives in the back, if they can reduce contact, they will not contact, if they really can't avoid it, they also know how to pay attention and take precautions, and no longer eat dumb losses as they did at the beginning.

A girl who has been planted with a mistake knows how to retain trust and choose people carefully.

And those who like to backstab, even if they are lucky, will eventually lose their positions because of their character, and they will not be able to last anywhere.

Girls who have really seen the world will reject these 3 types of people

3. People who like to talk big

There is also a kind of person who talks at the dinner table, and his words show awesome and glory.

People who don't know think how powerful he is, however, after a long period of contact, you will find that he is just a fake reputation, and he can't get a decent real skill.

Such a person is always proud of his self-righteous achievements, boasting about himself and slandering others at the same time.

When he didn't know the height of the sky and the earth to boast about himself, he never found that those who disdain publicity have already silently laid a solid foundation, but they are just inconspicuous.

People who like to brag have their own characteristics of leaking money, and after earning a little money, they begin to be arrogant, ignoring the people who struggled together, and finally suffer from the backlash due to poor conduct.

Girls who have really seen the world will reject these 3 types of people

A person who just talks but doesn't practice makes people feel insecure, no matter how good the promise is, not to implement it is tantamount to fantasticism, what is the practical significance?

Using braggart to whitewash life and decorate face, in fact, is a cover for self-confidence.

People who really have the foundation and strength can show their gestures, and they can't talk about it everywhere with great fanfare.

Girls who have really seen the world are comfortable in the social field, and for the newcomers they have just met, a few contacts and conversations can determine whether this person is a trick or has real skills.

After careful observation, she still feels that this person is unreliable, then, reason will tell her to stay away as soon as possible, so as not to be tainted with right and wrong.