
The daughter-in-law threatened and said: If you go home at more than ten o'clock in the evening, you will be fined 300, and I sneered: What can you do if you don't pay it

author:Saitaka Sora Hanto

The daughter-in-law's nose "snorted" slightly: Then you try it?

I said, "Try it, try it, as if someone is afraid of you."

It's true that I've been a little late late, for a variety of reasons, sometimes friends get together; Sometimes after work, colleagues invite me to play mahjong; Of course, sometimes it's really because of overtime.

After a long time, she became impatient, so she specially set this rule for me. But she only gave me 1,000 yuan of pocket money a month, and she wanted to fine me 300 once, but it was really whimsical, and I don't know what she thought.

After work that day, several friends called me again to urge me to drink, and I lied that I couldn't go and that there was something going on at home (in fact, I was mainly afraid that my daughter-in-law would be angry). Where are they willing to believe it, saying that if they are afraid of their daughter-in-law, then forget it.

I have a good face, and I am most afraid that others will look down on me, if I don't go, then I will confirm their speculation, and I will have no right to speak in the circle of friends in the future, and the relationship will gradually drift apart. I thought to myself: Why don't you just have a drink? Who's afraid of whom? It's not the first time, what else can my daughter-in-law do to me?

The daughter-in-law threatened and said: If you go home at more than ten o'clock in the evening, you will be fined 300, and I sneered: What can you do if you don't pay it

By 9:40, I was a little drunk, and my daughter-in-law sent me two messages urging me to go home. I saw that they didn't mean to end yet, so I made an excuse to leave early. I don't know that they sneered, saying that I don't look like a man, and my daughter-in-law is fragrant when she puts a P, so if you are told to go, you will go obediently, and you will lose the man's face.

I can't talk about it, I can't lose my breath, I have no choice but to sit down and continue to drink with them until half past ten.

After hurrying home, I found that the door could not be opened, and it seemed that my daughter-in-law had deliberately locked it.

I took out my phone and called her, and I called three times in a row before she answered. I asked angrily: What are you doing? Why don't you answer the phone?

I can take it if I want to, and I don't want to take it, is there a problem?

So what do you mean, why do you lock the door?

It's hilarious, isn't that knowingly asking? If you have the ability, you can drink until dawn, don't go home.

This is my own home, why can't I go back?

Whether you can go back or not, now I have the final say, unless you pay 300 yuan.

If you want to be beautiful, you don't have a dime of money, so I ask you if you can open it?

No, it doesn't open.

Are you sure?


Okay, you forced me to leave, there are a lot of beautiful girls outside, and I'm afraid that there will be no place to spend the night? Don't regret it. After saying that, I hung up the phone, retreated to the staircase door next to the elevator, and quietly hid.

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, the daughter-in-law stepped on her slippers, rushed out in a huff, and then took the elevator downstairs.

I looked at the elevator floor display: I smiled proudly: Hmph! If you want to fight with me, you're still a little tender.

After entering the house, I quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower, then lay down on the bed and turned off the lights in the dormitory. I was curious to see what kind of expression my daughter-in-law would have when she came back and suddenly saw me.

After more than ten minutes, the daughter-in-law came back again, and listening to the sound of her slamming the door, she must have been angry. While walking to the bedroom, he scolded and scolded: I'm angry, my guts are getting fatter and fatter, don't come back if you have the ability to die outside, otherwise see how I clean you up.

The moment she turned on the bedroom light, her body instinctively shrank back, and her face was full of surprise. When I saw it, I almost laughed out loud.

The daughter-in-law settled down, and when she confirmed that it was me, she rushed over with three steps and two steps, knelt on me with one foot, waved her two hands at me, and muttered: Are you sick? In the middle of the night, the three watchmen pretended to be ghosts, and they were almost scared to death by you.

When she stopped, I gloated and said, "How do you feel?" Not surprised? Surprised? Isn't the sting irritating? With your intelligence, you still dare to fight with me?

The daughter-in-law stood up, crossed her waist with one hand and said, "Okay, you are powerful, I can't fight you." Now you go out for me immediately, go to sleep on the sofa in the living room, I don't want to see you, I will be annoyed when I see you.

As soon as I heard this, I was in the middle of it, and I wished she said this, otherwise she would be nagging in your ear endlessly, and you couldn't say it yet, and she would be even more energetic when she said it.

The daughter-in-law threatened and said: If you go home at more than ten o'clock in the evening, you will be fined 300, and I sneered: What can you do if you don't pay it

I picked up the pillow and came to the living room sofa happily, but as soon as I lay down, my daughter-in-law followed closely and said with a straight face: What do you mean, do you want to separate from me?

I looked confused: You drove me out, why did I want to separate from you? Does this make sense?

Is my word so good? Told you not to go out for a drink, did you listen?

Those are two different things.

If you are asked to come out, you will come out, then I will tell you to eat Si, will you go?

So what's going to be? I'm going back to my bedroom to sleep?

Did I tell you to go to sleep? Unless you pay 300 yuan, you don't think about it for the rest of your life.

Where there is still money, it has long been spent.

Then deduct it from the next month's pocket money.

Don't, it's not enough, if you deduct it again, won't I have to drink the northwest wind?

It's best if you don't have money, and as soon as you have money, you will go out to wave. After saying that, he went back to the bedroom in a hurry.

Looking at her back, I couldn't help but smile bitterly: how could you put such a daughter-in-law on the stall, she was quite unreasonable, and she became so capricious before she reached menopause.

For the next week, I slept on the sofa in the living room, and my daughter-in-law once suggested that I go to sleep in the bedroom, but I pretended not to see it, and secretly thought that I wanted to see who could survive whom.

On the tenth night, my daughter-in-law wore a sexy lingerie and deliberately dangled in front of me, and I pretended to ignore it.

Seeing that I ignored her "good intentions", my daughter-in-law finally couldn't help it anymore and asked me: Are you going to sleep on the sofa all the time?

I sarcastically said: Didn't you drive it out? Where are you embarrassed to go back. Besides, I won't dare to go against your will.

Then I'll call you back now.

That's not good, if you tell me to come out, come out, and tell me to go back, then I don't have any face at all? Besides, this month's salary was paid the day before yesterday, and you are still withholding my pocket money.

The daughter-in-law said, "That's it, then you should have said it earlier." Tell me about picking up the phone on the coffee table and immediately turning it around for me.

I saw that there were only 700 and asked very unhappily: What about 300?

Didn't you say that 300 would be deducted last time?

Do you have my consent? In that case, forget it, I'll continue to sleep on my couch, and you go to the bedroom. After saying that, I lay down on the sofa and ignored her.

Okay, I'll give it to you. While transferring money, the daughter-in-law said with resentment: How can there be a couple like us in the whole community, who are young, one sleeps inside and the other outside, and this will not be laughed off by others.

Hearing her say this, my heart trembled, and I felt that I had gone a little too far. She married me because she wanted to enjoy the fun of life with me and live happily, not to be a bag. How can a man go out to drink and play cards every day, and leave his daughter-in-law alone at home and ignore it. Think about it from another perspective, if I were a woman, I would definitely not be happy, I would definitely be upset, my mood would be good and bad, and my speech would be capricious.

The daughter-in-law threatened and said: If you go home at more than ten o'clock in the evening, you will be fined 300, and I sneered: What can you do if you don't pay it

Looking at her blank and helpless expression, I suddenly felt sour, impulsively turned over and sat up, grabbed her waist from behind, and pressed close to her ear and said: Daughter-in-law, I was wrong, I'm sorry for making you wronged.

Unexpectedly, when my daughter-in-law heard me say this, she choked up, burst into tears, beat my arm vigorously and said: You are a harmful spirit, why did you know that you were wrong now, I really don't want to spend a day like this. If it weren't for the oath we once swore to the mountains and seas, I would have gone a long time ago, so as not to suffer the pain and torment of being disliked.

It wasn't until this moment that I deeply realized how shameless I was, not only did I live up to my daughter-in-law's affection, but I almost ruined this happy marriage.

I said in a trembling voice: Daughter-in-law, I promise you that I will never leave you alone at home in the future, I want to cut off the past, please give me another chance to perform, okay?

My daughter-in-law nodded silently with tears in her eyes, and I reflexively pulled two tissues from the coffee table to wipe the tears off her face. The daughter-in-law swept away the sadness of the past, and the sweet smile that had not been seen for a long time appeared on her face again.

That night, we were so drunk and tender that we felt like we were back in the good old days of our newlywed honeymoon.
