
As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

author:Yujing Hunting History

The article was first published by Yujing Hunting History Headlines

The content of this article is based on reliable sources, and the end of the article has been repeated

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

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As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

The Taiwan Strait issue, as an internal affair of national reunification that needs to be resolved urgently, has plagued the mainland government for decades. Although the mainland government has been working hard to promote the process of cross-strait reunification, the United States and Taiwan independence forces have been trying in vain to obstruct the mainland's complete recovery of Taiwan Province.

In the face of stubborn resistance from the United States and the Taiwan independence forces, the mainland government has also begun to gradually change its policy toward Taiwan. At a meeting held there, Lu Shaye, the mainland's ambassador to France, openly said that the mainland could recover Taiwan Province at any time.

Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks have evoked tremendous repercussions within Taiwan Province and the US Government. The day after this remark was published, a senior official of the US Government immediately made telephone contact with a senior official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland and made clear the US position on the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

The mainland's ambassador openly declared that he could take Taiwan at any time, and a senior US official called the mainland the next day

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

In order to prevent the mainland from recovering Taiwan Province, the United States and the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan Province have not only chosen to collude and jointly "set up a card" in the process of promoting the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. It has also slandered the mainland in the international community on many occasions in a vain attempt to obstruct the mainland's reunification by exerting pressure from public opinion.

Not only that, the US Government has also given a large amount of military aid and economic support to the Taiwan independence forces. It even sent an aircraft carrier squadron to appear in the Taiwan Strait, and US warships flew directly over Taiwan Province, ignoring the mainland's territorial sovereignty.

In the face of frequent provocations by Taiwan Province and the US Government, the mainland government has also stopped resorting entirely to peaceful settlement of cross-strait reunification. In the face of countries and regions that ignore the mainland's ban, only strong measures can make these forces aware of the mainland's attitude.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

Lu Shaye, the mainland government's diplomatic ambassador to France, thoroughly set the tone for Taiwan Province and the Taiwan independence forces at the local Sino-French cooperation meeting. Ambassador Lu Shaye not only publicly stated that China's civil war was not completely over, but also defined Taiwan Province as a "rebel regime".

Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks are almost equivalent to the mainland government's outright declaration of war against the "regime" in Taiwan Province. With regard to any hostile forces and sovereignty that dare to invade and occupy the mainland's territory, only a tough counterattack can prove the mainland's determination to safeguard its territorial integrity.

In the face of such a tough statement by the mainland's ambassador to foreign countries, the United States, which has always supported the Taiwan independence forces behind the scenes, was also caught off guard. After all, the US Government's support for the Taiwan independence forces is only an attempt to hinder the mainland's eastward development and limit the mainland's development momentum.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

However, if it continues to support Taiwan independence forces when the mainland recovers Taiwan Province by force, it is almost equivalent to the United States wanting to split the mainland territory. At that time, if the US government's warships remain in the Taiwan Strait, the mainland military can also regard them as enemy forces.

Naturally, the US government would not be willing to engage in a head-on conflict with the mainland. Therefore, the day after Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks, Campbell, a senior US government official, quickly called Ma Zhaoxu, an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the mainland.

During the phone call between senior officials of China and the United States, Vice Minister Ma Zhaoxu once again reiterated that the mainland government regards the Taiwan issue as a red line that cannot be crossed in maintaining normal relations between China and the United States.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

In addition to stopping supporting and arming the Taiwan independence forces, the US government should also stop interfering behind the Tibet issue and the South China Sea issue. Nor should the U.S. government obstruct the cooperation between the mainland and Russia.

The "four noes and one unintentional" are also the commitments that Vice Minister Ma Zhaoxu emphasized and need to be fulfilled by US government officials and President Biden. Not seeking a "new Cold War," not seeking to change China's system, not seeking to strengthen alliances and opposing China, not supporting "Taiwan independence," and not having any intention of engaging in conflict and confrontation with China are the bottom line for China and the United States to maintain normal relations.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

Unwilling to accept reunification, Lai Qingde tried in vain to die

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

In the face of Ambassador Lu Shaye's public remarks in France, not only the US Government felt nervous, but also Lai Ching-te, the current leader of Taiwan Province, felt tremendous pressure.

The mainland has now publicly conveyed its attitude that it will recover Taiwan Province by force. Prior to this, actions such as the Joint Sword military exercise were ultimatums to Taiwan Province.

In the face of the mainland government's tough stance, Lai Qingde not only did not choose to consider accepting the mainland government's policy of peaceful reunification, which is still upholding. On the contrary, they want to continue to resist stubbornly in a vain attempt to realize the "independence" of Taiwan Province.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

Therefore, the day after Ambassador Lu Shaye's speech, Lai Ching-te went to inspect the military barracks in Taiwan Province. After the inspection, Lai Qingde also made a public speech at the scene.

At this time, Lai Qingde was still trying in vain to turn the Taiwan Strait issue from China's internal affair into an international dispute. It not only declared that Taiwan Province is closely linked to world peace, but also warned the mainland not to take any means to recover Taiwan Province.

Before this, the United States and other Western countries also tried to turn Lai Qingde's idea into reality. Whether it is the United Nations General Assembly or the World Health Organization meeting, Western countries have jumped up and down.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

In the eyes of these Western countries, as long as they can obtain the status of an "observer" for Taiwan Province in these international organizations, it is equivalent to declaring that Taiwan Province is a "sovereign state." At that time, once the mainland chooses to recover Taiwan Province by force, the United States can characterize this incident as the mainland's illegal invasion of a sovereign state.

But how can world organizations such as the United Nations not understand the ambitions of these Western countries. After the United States and other countries put forward this idea, the United Nations immediately announced its support for the "one-China" principle.

The United Nations' stance has almost completely blocked the US Government's vain attempt to seek the status of a so-called "sovereign state" for Taiwan Province. As long as this goal is not achieved, the mainland can rely on international law to confirm that Taiwan Province is mainland territory. It is naturally the inherent power of the mainland to be clear about the "rebel regime" on its own territory.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

The joint sword military exercise, which has just ended, has already demonstrated the mainland's strong military strength and excellent confidential intelligence work like Taiwan Province and the United States. By announcing the news of the exercise one hour before the start of the exercise, we can ensure that we do not leak the slightest rumor, and we can send troops to Taiwan Province without any precautions from Taiwan Province and the United States.

The US government should stop continuing to engage in conflict with the mainland over the Taiwan Strait issue. It is no exaggeration to say that the current economic situation of the United States is difficult to protect itself. At this time, it is the wisest choice for the US Government to seek to improve relations with the mainland and restore cooperation between the two countries. If China and the United States continue to oppose each other, they will only end up losing both.

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As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait

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"Ma Zhaoxu and Campbell had a phone call, focusing on clarifying China's solemn position on Taiwan-related, Tibet-related, South China Sea, Ukraine and other issues" - Global Network

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished speaking, a senior US official called the Chinese side to make clear his position on the Taiwan Strait


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