
The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

author:Yujing Hunting History

The article was first published by Yujing Hunting History Headlines

The content of this article is based on reliable sources, and the end of the article has been repeated

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

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Who would have thought that the Chang'e-6 moon landing had a mediocre response in China, but due to the widespread attention of the international community, it triggered continuous heated discussions among domestic netizens, which is a bit of a "domestic sales to exports and then domestic sales".

Since Chang'e-6 successfully returned to China from the moon's south pole and the Aikent Basin, the focus of international media attention has shifted from "Chang'e" to the lunar soil it brought back.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

This time, Chang'e-6 landed on the moon and brought back a total of 1,935.3 grams of lunar rock and lunar soil samples, which have been handed over to the Chinese Academy of Sciences by the China National Space Administration, and it is believed that new results will be produced soon.

The rock and soil samples brought back by "Chang'e" this time are extremely precious, because they are samples from the South Pole of the Moon-Eikent Basin, which are more pure and primitive than the previous lunar samples, and are also more conducive to scientists studying the early evolution of the moon, the earth and even the solar system, and the research value is very great.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

Therefore, the US media not only wants to sour our Chang'e-6 landing on the back of the moon, but also has a sour taste of lunar soil.

As early as the day Chang'e-6 landed on Earth, CNN published an article complaining that China did not give the United States the green light, and the international team waited three years for the samples brought back by Chang'e-5 in 2020, and before that, Chinese scientists had already published a large number of research results.

Clearly, CNN is expressing dissatisfaction with the way China's lunar soil is allocated.

I don't know what the Americans think, how to distribute the spacecraft developed by China itself, the lunar soil brought back from the sky by itself is the Chinese's own business, when will it be the turn of the Americans to point out?

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

Of course, the lunar soil brought back by China requires Chinese scientists to use it first to study the results, and then share it with other countries that are friendly and cooperative with China after three years, and finally consider other countries.

As for CNN's outrageous remarks, even our scholars in Taiwan can't help it, and Lai Yueqian, a well-known scholar in Taiwan, has acted as an "Internet mouthpiece" for us netizens, he said, "How do Chinese distribute, do you Americans have room to speak?" "What's the matter with you Americans?" ”

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!
The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

Not only that, Lai Yueqian also poked at the pain point of the Americans - the Boeing spaceship.

You know, the Boeing Starship, a spacecraft jointly developed by NASA and Boeing, and his two astronauts are still in the sky.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

Previously, due to the problem of failure, the return date of the Boeing spacecraft was postponed again and again, from June 14th to June 18th and then to June 22nd, as a result, now it is simply not announced that it has been postponed, anyway, the ship and people have not returned, and I don't know if it has been repaired or not, whether it can be repaired, Boeing may have to ask its old rival SpaceX to send the Dragon spacecraft to bring back the astronauts, and the two astronauts are also unlucky.

In the end, Lai Yueqian did not forget to remind Americans that they can start to "beg" for lunar back samples, and they should ask for "decades".

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

If China wants the green light, it depends on whether they can brew a good dream at night.

Who would have thought that NASA, which could step on the first human footprint on the moon as early as 1969, would not even be able to do a private enterprise (referring to SpaceX) a few years later, and now, NASA is facing the dual problems of moon landing and lunar exploration.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

Boeing Starliner spacecraft docking with the International Space Station (NASA)

On the other hand, it is not too much to say that it is not too much to say that the technology is fully surpassing NASA, the probe Chang'e-6 that landed on the back of the moon for the first time in human history, is very stable, and arrived home "on time", but this is only a step in China's lunar exploration, China is also expected to achieve manned landing on the moon by 2030, but this is not enough, and in another ten years, China will build an unprecedented lunar scientific research station.

As for the successful return of Chang'e-6 this time, CNN also quoted NASA Administrator Nelson as saying that China will not share the latest lunar soil with NASA.

Don't forget that it is not China that is blocking Sino-US space cooperation, but the United States itself.

In 2011, the U.S. Congress passed a proposal by House Chairman Frank Wolff, named the Wolf Clause, which aims to prevent the White House and NASA from engaging in international space cooperation with China.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

NASA Administrator Nelson

As soon as this clause was promulgated, the whole world was in an uproar, which directly caused the instant suspension of Sino-US space cooperation, which was originally hot at that time, and China had to move towards a more independent road of aerospace scientific research.

At that time, European aerospace also turned China away, after all, the big brother of the United States has spoken, how dare the people below not follow up.

This is also why the Western-led International Space Station, India went up, but China couldn't, you must know that even at that time, China was one of the world's leading space powers.

Thirteen years have passed in the blink of an eye, and China has not only achieved a surpassing in aerospace technology, but also brought Pakistan, which has not even fully rolled out the power grid in the village, to the moon, so that the Pakistani railway brothers shouted long live the friendship between Pakistan and China.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

International Space Station

Even, NASA has to beg China to share the lunar soil in turn, although their attitude is still condescending, but the demand is also a request.

Director Nelson once said that the United States had sent 1g of lunar soil to China in the past, and China should also return the gift, and did not forget to mention that China "has not shown its willingness to cooperate with the United States and other countries in the field of space."

This is true, at the beginning, you in the West "kicked China out of the group chat", and now that China's aerospace industry has made a reputation, on the other hand, it is China that does not take you to play, and Westerners are playing a very new kind of "standing upright".

In fact, when the space agency announced that Chang'e-6 had successfully obtained samples on the far side of the moon, the international community sent congratulatory messages, and the US space agency did the same, but in addition to the congratulatory messages, NASA also hoped to cooperate with China in space.

The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!

After the return of Chang'e-6, some reporters asked relevant questions at the space agency's press conference, and the Chinese side said that we are willing to carry out space cooperation with the United States, but due to the "Wolf Clause" of the United States, China-US space cooperation cannot be carried out.

Although the Chinese side was tactful, it very clearly rejected the US offer of cooperation.

And all this is the result of the United States and the West behind closed doors, and they are completely to blame.

Do you have anything to say about that?

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The U.S. media is dissatisfied with China's lunar soil allocation, and Taiwan experts respond domineeringly: What does it matter to you and the United States!
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