
One code determines the future: the application of material coding of Sanpin PLM system software in the manufacturing industry

author:Sanpin software

Material codes are an integral part of material management in manufacturing companies, providing a unique identifier for each type of material. In the modern manufacturing industry with a wide variety of materials, a scientific and reasonable material coding system plays a vital role in improving the efficiency of material management, reducing costs, and preventing errors and fraud. This article will discuss the importance, principles, and skills of material coding in Sanpin PLM system and how to effectively implement material coding.

One code determines the future: the application of material coding of Sanpin PLM system software in the manufacturing industry

The importance of the item code

The material code is not just a combination of numbers or letters, it contains detailed information about the material, such as product name, specification, category, etc. An effective material coding system can:

Enhance data correctness: Ensure the accuracy of material information and avoid errors caused by confusing material names.

Improve work efficiency: Through systematic material arrangement, the material management process is simplified and work efficiency is improved.

Adapt to computer management: it is convenient for computer processing and realizes the automation of material management.

Reduce inventory and costs: Reduce capital backlog and reduce costs by precisely controlling inventory levels.

Fraud prevention: standardize material records to reduce the occurrence of fraud.

One code determines the future: the application of material coding of Sanpin PLM system software in the manufacturing industry

Common misunderstandings of material coding

In the practice of material coding, enterprises may fall into some misunderstandings, such as:

The drawing number as a code: the drawing number may not be unique, and the management is not standardized, which is not suitable as a material code.

Encoding carries too much information: It is unrealistic to expect encoding to express too much information, and encoding should be concise and concise.

Poor coding efforts: Coding should be done by multiple stakeholders, not a single department or individual.

Sanpin PLM system software material coding principle

A proper material coding system should follow the following principles:

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Simplicity: The coding should be simple and easy to understand.

Classification expansion: The coding should have good classification and subdivision capabilities.

Completeness: All materials should have a corresponding code.

Singularity: One material corresponds to one code, and vice versa.

Consistency: Coding should be standardized.

Scalability: Consider future material expansions or changes.

Organization: The code should be organized in an orderly manner and easy to query.

Adaptable to computer management: The coding should be easy for computers to process.

Sufficiency: There should be a sufficient number of codes.

Memorability: The code should be easy to remember.

One code determines the future: the application of material coding of Sanpin PLM system software in the manufacturing industry

Material coding skills

The following techniques can be used when developing material coding:

Reflect material categories: Facilitate quick identification of material categories.

Moderate encoding length: 7-13 digits encoding is reasonable.

Avoid the use of codes with special significance: to prevent confusion due to the increase in material variety.

Avoid using confusing characters, such as G and J, L and 1, O and 0, etc.

Do not code changes in the code: For example, the employee code should avoid becoming inaccurate due to personnel changes.

How to effectively implement material coding

To ensure effective enforcement of item coding rules, companies can take the following steps:

1. Set up a special person to be responsible for coding: through the development of material control process, set up a special person to control the material code to ensure the implementation of coding rules.

2. Implement software management systems: such as ERP and PLM systems, solidify coding rules, and realize automatic management. These systems not only automatically generate codes, but also provide convenient query and sorting functions to improve employee productivity.

One code determines the future: the application of material coding of Sanpin PLM system software in the manufacturing industry


Material coding is the core of material management in manufacturing enterprises, and a scientific and reasonable material coding system can effectively improve the material management level of enterprises. Enterprises should pay attention to the formulation and implementation of material coding, and realize the efficiency and accuracy of material management by following the principles and skills of material coding, combined with Sanpin PLM system software. Through such efforts, enterprises can not only reduce costs, but also gain an advantage in the fierce market competition.

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