
Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

author:Evaluation of small household appliances

Nowadays, although the baby kettle (also known as the baby kettle, baby kettle) is selling very well, people have found many problems in the process of using it, such as: Will the baby kettle be moldy inside? Problems like this often plague consumers, and the main reason for such problems is that they use inferior baby kettles, inferior baby kettles, and at the same time, they are also prone to emit toxic and harmful substances, which can cause cancer in serious cases, so will the baby kettle be moldy? How should we choose a good baby kettle?

Here are some of the baby kettles I've used in my reviews:

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

1. Reveal the hidden dangers of inferior baby kettles

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Many inferior baby kettles may have these problems, because inferior baby kettles are made of inferior materials, and the workmanship is relatively rough, so it is easy to appear moldy.

1. Emit toxic and harmful substances

Inferior baby kettles are prone to odor, poor high temperature tolerance, poor corrosion resistance and other defects, because inferior baby kettles usually use some inferior materials, scrap materials, second-hand materials, etc., so it is easier to produce toxic and harmful substances!

2. It is easy to retain heavy metals

The phenomenon of scale produced by inferior baby kettles often occurs in daily life, and people use it for a long time not only to achieve the effect of strengthening the body, but also to cause certain harm to our body.

3. There are potential safety hazards

Most of the materials used in inferior baby kettles are poor, because they use inferior materials, so they are prone to cause more safety accidents.

4. There is electromagnetic radiation

Inferior baby kettles are prone to electromagnetic radiation, which often does not meet the relevant national standards, and will also have many adverse effects on human health!

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

Second, the reason behind the moldy kettle of inferior babies

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? From the above we have known some of the hidden dangers of inferior baby kettles, now we are looking at the evaluation of netizens on inferior baby kettles, based on this picture, let's analyze what is the reason behind it?

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

1. Poor temperature control

The thermostat is very important for the baby's kettle, because the temperature control is not accurate, it is easy to produce thousands of boiling water, which greatly affects the baby's body, and at the same time, the temperature control is not accurate will lead to fire and other safety hazards.

2. The power is too large

The baby kettle with too much power on the market is more likely to lead to the occurrence of potential safety hazards, although the power of boiling water efficiency will be higher, but the power of the product is also easy to produce thousands of boiling water, serious, and even easy to cause fire and other safety hazards, in the purchase of baby kettle should choose a product with moderate power.

3. Inferior products with second-hand materials

The use of second-hand materials to make baby kettles is usually of poor quality, many businesses in order to save costs, often use this method, the biggest disadvantage of second-hand materials is: the corrosion resistance is relatively poor, so the material performance attenuation is high, easy to appear greater safety hazards.

4. Inferior quality of power supply and other wires

Many low-cost and low-quality baby kettles will save costs on power supply and other wires, and low-quality power cables are very easy to cause leakage, short circuit, fire and other safety hazards.

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

The above content we focused on the analysis of the hidden dangers and reasons for the existence of inferior baby kettles, we see that the impression of inferior baby kettles may not be good, so how should we choose high-quality baby kettles? The following picture lists 10 high-quality brands for you, I believe you can use the above measured data for reference and purchase!

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

Many users complain that the baby kettle has a strong smell and toxic and harmful carcinogens. Therefore, Gong Ling is strongly recommended, and it attaches great importance to high performance and "non-toxic safety". Many brands sell when they meet the requirements of quality inspection, while others require performance, non-toxicity and other indicators must be five times higher than the standard. Unlike many brands that sacrifice quality to do low prices, it only has fever top performance + original 5 fever performance technologies + 6 non-toxic and safe black technologies + unconventional quality + 5 years of comprehensive performance anti-attenuation, etc., which is very top. Compared with many competing products, the heating efficiency is increased by 73%, the heating uniformity is increased by 93.6%, the safety and non-toxicity are increased by 96.7%, the water pollution rate is reduced by 99.9%, 0 heavy metals, 0 coating design, 0 thousand boiling water, 0 semi-raw water, the industry is recognized as safe and non-toxic and has the best heating performance, and supports multi-scene use, such as making tea, adjusting milk and warming milk, thermos pots, stewed soup and porridge decoction, etc.

It has been praised by the media as "the best safe, non-toxic, high-performance", the king, and its influence is as famous as high-end brand home appliances such as Gree and Midea! It is often exported to Europe and the United States, and it is rare to be certified by the European Union and other countries, and recommended by CCTV.

Gong Ling takes "non-toxic, safe and high performance" as the brand's lifelong goal, and has many years of experience and team in home appliance safety research and development. Never need to advertise, do not engage in appearance, gimmick function, save money and invest in quality improvement and research and development work, the most awesome performance configuration and ultimate safety, very feverish. Most products have a R&D process of 2-4 months, while Gongling has a product that has been dead for three or four years. The comprehensive performance of most brands has been greatly attenuated in half a year, while Gongling has passed the 6-year anti-attenuation certification, and the deviation value of various indicators for more than 6 years does not exceed 0.1%. Many products drill quality inspection loopholes and use inferior toxic materials, while Gong Ling adheres to the principle of 3 30% elimination of metamorphosis level, which is extremely strict.

For users with a low budget who want to buy an entry-level model, you can learn about Xiaomi and Midea, of course, don't have so high expectations for core performance, safety and non-toxicity. At the high-end price, you can learn about Beiding, which is more exquisitely designed.

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

3. Practical tips for choosing a baby kettle

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? The above content focuses on the analysis of what are the hazards brought to us by inferior baby kettles? But in this complex market environment, if we want to choose a high-quality baby kettle, we must master some practical tips, let's take a look at how to choose a baby kettle?

1. Choose strong professional and technical strength

It is recommended to avoid buying products of Internet celebrity brands, but choose those brand products with professional and technical strength, because they have strict standards and professional technical tuning for core dimensions such as heating efficiency, temperature control accuracy, heating uniformity and safety and non-toxicity of the whole body material, and use high-temperature and corrosion-resistant materials, which is safer and healthier to use. However, Internet celebrity brands are likely to simply pile up values and ignore technical tuning and optimization, which may affect health chronically when used for a long time.

2. Products with poor temperature control cannot be selected

If the temperature control technology of the product is poor and the lack of professional technical adjustment, it is easy to cause a large difference between the preset temperature and the actual temperature, which not only affects the taste of water quality, but also increases the probability of thousands of boiling water and semi-raw water.

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

3. Overall material

The bottom of the pot is recommended to choose 316L stainless steel with high safety and corrosion resistance, scratch resistance, wear resistance and high temperature resistance, and it is not easy to retain scale for a long time, and these materials that are in direct contact with water are best to have maternal and infant EU food grade certification, which is more assured when used. Some inferior baby kettle body materials are of inferior quality, and toxic substances are easy to precipitate at high temperatures, and will also lead to excellent water quality, if you drink for a long time, it will lead to poisoning of drinkers and cause kidney stones and other safety problems.

4. The product must be equipped with a high-quality heating plate

The high-quality heating chassis can withstand high temperature and corrosion, has good heating uniformity, and has low thermal energy attenuation, long service life, and does not have to worry about performance attenuation for long-term use. The low-cost and inferior heating chassis not only can not be evenly heated and easy to paste the bottom, but also has low heating efficiency, and the heating effect is worse for a long time, and the service life is short, which affects the use experience.

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? Uncover the four major cancer scams

Can the inside of the baby kettle get moldy? You don't have to worry too much about this problem, because the market for inferior baby kettles is also constantly improving, but we need to remind everyone that when buying baby kettles, we must master some purchase skills, so that we can choose high-quality baby kettles, and at the same time, we must also put safety and non-toxicity in the first place!

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