
It's better to work hard than to be on the horse?

author:Fen Fa Wind Chime Bu

In this fast-paced, high-pressure society, we often face various competitions and challenges. In order to stand out, some people choose to work hard, while others prefer to work hard. However, is this really the case? Is it really better to work hard than to slap the horse? This article will give you an in-depth analysis of this issue from different perspectives.

First of all, we must be clear: hard work and slapping horses are not opposites, but can learn from each other and complement each other. Hard work is the cornerstone of our career goals and self-worth; And whiskers and horses, to a certain extent, are also a manifestation of our social skills. But the key is how to get the right balance between the two.

It's better to work hard than to be on the horse?

For those who are too superstitious about "swiping horses", they often lose sight of the essence of their work. They think that as long as they please the leader and welcome the contract, they can easily achieve success. However, this idea is short-sighted. Because real success comes from strength and hard work, not superficial flattery and flattery. As the old saying goes: "The road knows the horsepower, and the people will see the hearts of the people over time." "Time is the best inspector, and only those who are truly capable and pay can stand out in the fierce competition.

It's better to work hard than to be on the horse?

On the contrary, those who only know how to work hard and are not good at socializing will inevitably encounter bottlenecks in the workplace. Because they ignore the importance of interpersonal communication and are unable to build good relationships with their colleagues and leaders. In this era of increasingly important teamwork, it is difficult to adapt to the needs of society alone. Therefore, a moderate amount of "slapping horses", that is, being good at expressing oneself and being kind to others, is very beneficial for one's career development.

So, how do you find the right balance between hard work and whiskers? The key is to be clear about your career goals and values. Knowing what you really want is the only way to make targeted efforts. At the same time, they will continue to improve their professional skills and social skills to cope with various challenges in the workplace.

It's better to work hard than to be on the horse?

In short, hard work and slapping horses are not an either/or choice. We should use both strategies flexibly according to our actual situation and career goals. It is necessary not only to work the ground, but also to learn to show your social wisdom in a timely manner. Only in this way can we be invincible in the workplace and realize the value of our lives.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter which way you choose, keep a sincere heart. Because sincerity is the cornerstone of interpersonal communication and the key to success in the workplace. Only by treating people sincerely and doing things sincerely can we win the respect and trust of others and pave a broad path for our careers.


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