
On the day of my neighbor's wedding, my grandfather died suddenly, and my father quickly closed the door: no one should speak!

author:Observation Room 7
This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


My family lives in an old neighborhood in the city, and the building is more than 30 years old.

On the day of my neighbor's wedding, my grandfather died suddenly, and my father quickly closed the door: no one should speak!

Although the community facilities are aging, the relationship between the neighbors is very harmonious, and there are often people downstairs playing chess and chatting under the old banyan tree, or taking a walk together at night, which feels like a big family.

That day was a special day, and the son of Aunt Wang's family next door was going to get married.

At six o'clock in the morning, the continuous sound of firecrackers is like a city alarm clock, waking up the entire neighborhood.

That sound is not only deafening, but also fully reflects the importance that Chinese attach to festive days.

My parents were at home with my grandfather, who was in his 80s.

Grandpa has always been in poor health, with three highs and a bad heart, but there is always an aggressive spirit in his eyes.

We were in the living room, listening to the rumbling firecrackers outside and talking about the happy events of the house next door, who knows, grandpa was talking and laughing with us, and suddenly "bang" and collapsed on the sofa.

My father, an honest man in his fifties, was usually known for his mild-mannered manners in the unit.

Seeing this, he frowned, hurriedly got up from the sofa, and ran to check on his grandfather.

My mom and I panicked and then gathered around.

At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and all I could hear was my mother's nervous breathing and the untimely sound of firecrackers outside.

After a few seconds, my father's face turned pale, and his voice trembled to confirm the worst outcome to us, "He, he's out of breath." ”

After finishing speaking, his eyes turned red, and in an instant, I felt a heaviness that I had never felt before.

The outside world continues its festivity, with the sound of firecrackers, laughter, and auspicious words for the newlyweds to go out, in stark contrast to the atmosphere at home.


On the day of my neighbor's wedding, my grandfather died suddenly, and my father quickly closed the door: no one should speak!

Grandpa's sudden death was like a dark cloud suddenly rushing down from the sky, enveloping the whole family in an inexplicable sadness.

My father, as the pillar of our family, was unusually calm at this critical juncture.

He immediately stood up, quickly closed the door of the hall to the hallway with one hand, and said to us in a serious tone that I usually saw, "Don't talk to anyone!" ”

This sentence made the air in the entire living room seem to condense, and I instinctively felt the seriousness of the matter, but it was full of doubts.

After all, for me, the death of my grandfather was a huge pain in my heart, so why should I remain silent at such a moment and not let the outside world know?

For a moment, countless questions flashed through my mind, but seeing my father's heavy eyes, I knew that this was not the time to ask.

After a while, my father slowed down his tone a little and explained to us: "Today is the big day of the family next door, and we can't sweep away other people's happiness at such a time and make everyone feel unlucky. ”

It dawned on me that my father was thinking about the emotions of the whole community, and despite the great grief in his heart, he still had to take into account the feelings of the neighbors.

After that, my father began to deal with my grandfather's funeral, and although he didn't say a word, I could see that his mood was unusually heavy.

My mom secretly wiped her tears in the corner of the kitchen, and she didn't completely calm down until dinner in the evening.

On the one hand, I felt sad and sad about my grandfather's eternal departure, and on the other hand, I had to keep this emotion to the bottom of my heart, because we could not disturb our neighbors on their happy day.

In this way, our family started a long and heavy day against the festive background of the incessant sound of firecrackers.

The bustle of the neighborhood contrasts sharply with the tranquility of my home, as if they were really two parallel worlds.

At that moment, I deeply realized the impermanence of life and the meaning of joy and sorrow, and also saw the beauty of my father's adult who did not hesitate to suppress his emotions for the sake of neighborhood harmony.

The sudden death of my grandfather left a deep mark on our family, but my father's way of doing things also taught me that in this society, sometimes we must not only face our own joys and sorrows, but also learn to be considerate and respect the feelings of others.


On the day of my neighbor's wedding, my grandfather died suddenly, and my father quickly closed the door: no one should speak!

On the second day of the happy event next door, after my father came back from work late at night, he began to visit the neighbors and inform them of the news of my grandfather's death.

I followed my father and saw that every neighbor had a look of surprise and sadness when they heard the news.

They all said they wanted to come and help, and they all showed great understanding and respect for what their father did yesterday.

The next day, the family was busy.

Uncle Wang next door came early in the morning to help set up the mourning hall, saying that he had many years of experience.

Aunt Li was responsible for helping our family contact distant relatives, and also made a few hometown specialties to express her grief for grandpa.

The children in the community also helped to paste the word "longevity" and hang white paper.

The whole process, although busy, with the help of the neighbors, everything was in order, which not only reflected the warmth between the neighbors, but also allowed the grandfather's funeral to be properly handled.

In the middle of my busy schedule, I heard my father say to some old neighbors, "Although I am very sad that my grandfather is gone, I don't want to affect the happy events of other people's families because of our family's affairs." Life is like this, there are joys and sorrows, and we have to respect them. ”

The father's words made everyone present nod their heads in praise, and everyone said that this is exactly the truth of life.

I was very impressed by this incident.

From my father's approach, I deeply felt the deep affection between home and neighborhood.

In our community, whether it is a happy event or a funeral, everyone can understand and help each other, forming a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

This is not only a respect for the deceased, but also a consolation for the living.

Although my grandfather's death brought us sadness, through this incident, I have better understood my father's kindness and wisdom in dealing with the world.

He uses his practical actions to convey a positive energy, that is, in the face of life and death, joys and sorrows, he can still maintain a kind and considerate heart for others.

This is not only a kind of edification for my growth, but also taught me how to cherish every relationship with the people around me.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.