
The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

author:Institute for Earth Research

Some male stars, as if they were born with their own halo, caused a frenzy as soon as they debuted, and they were the focus of attention wherever they went. And some male stars, despite their outstanding appearance and acting skills, always seem to pass by the big hits, which makes people sigh, this star luck is really unpredictable.

The subtlety of the entertainment industry is that you never know who the next big star will be.

Today, I will take you to take stock of the male stars in the entertainment industry who are not popular.

The first place is Zhang Chao

In many film and television works, Zhang Chao has given a glimpse.

For example, the melancholy homecoming literary man in "People in Embarrassment", and the cameo fashion stylist in "Love Apartment", fascinated the actresses in it.

More people forget that he was drafted by "Come on, good boy", ranking fifth in the country, which is also a good result.

Jing Boran also came out of this draft.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

At that time, he received the award of the Most Gentlemanly Manner, which speaks volumes about his personal qualities.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Today's male celebrities will use these words in marketing, a sense of brokenness, and sexual tension.

He doesn't seem to have any, and never worked on it.

Gentle and elegant is his characteristic, when the entertainment industry becomes popular with this scenery of male stars, he may have a bright future.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God
The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Of course, there is another reason that is also important, and that is that he has negative press.

In 2020, a girl hammered him for emotional infidelity on Weibo, and he quickly responded.

But this kind of emotional scandal, it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, as long as someone comes out to scold you, it will definitely be nailed firmly to the scumbag's pillar of shame.

If you want to become popular on this basis, it is really difficult.

Second place: Chen Feiyu

Since Chen Feiyu's debut, he seems to be only one step away from becoming popular, and netizens joke that he is the eternal emperor of domestic entertainment.

As the name suggests, it is the next top stream.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

But wait, wait, Zhang Linghe, Deng Wei, Zhang Wanyi and other new male top performers have come out, what about Chen Feiyu?

If you want to calculate the conditions, he really ranks first in terms of comprehensive value.

's father is the great director Chen Kaige, and his mother's classical beauty Chen Hong, and he himself also hit Wu Moufan.

He was born in Nortel's experimental class, and at the age of 18, he gave up his American nationality and chose Chinese nationality.

has a good family background, is handsome and patriotic, why is he not popular?

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Acting is an issue.

Since his debut, he has played a lot of works as the male number one, such as the big IP "Jiang Ye", the high-popularity youth idol IP "The Best of Us" and "Ignite Me, Warm You", but there has been little response.

At present, Chen Feiyu's acting skills still have a lot of room for improvement.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

The other is his "bed photo door incident".

That's right, he was exposed to bed photos, and the female Internet celebrity secretly took pictures after he fell asleep.

This is fatal for any actor who wants to be a top-notch actor.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Chen Feiyu's studio reacted quickly, saying that both parties were in a relationship at the time, but can fans accept it?

It turned out that my brother set up a single character, and when he fired CP with the heroine of the hit drama, he was always in love.

This is inevitably too much of a blow to fans.

Third place: Qiao Zhenyu

Qiao Zhenyu, a beautiful man voted by netizens.

Many netizens are sorry for his career development, when he was young, he looked like a country and a city, why didn't there be a fire?

His most out-of-the-circle work is "Snow Goddess Dragon".

In the play, he is slender and thin, with a handsome face, a red dot on his eyebrows, a childish face, and his legs are disabled but his martial arts are strong.

The so-called beauty is miserable.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Viewers who have watched this drama will have a question, whether there is a problem with the eyes of the heroine goddess dragon, and they have to choose the male protagonist with the bubble noodle head.

Whether a person is popular or not also depends on the times.

Qiao Zhenyu was also born at the wrong time, when he was young, the entertainment industry was not popular with little fresh meat, but a big male lead actor like Jiao Enjun.

Now that the aesthetics of the times have changed, Qiao Zhenyu is no longer good-looking.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Looking at Qiao Zhenyu's photos, there is always an illusion that he is a short and beautiful man, but in fact, he is one meter eighty-two tall.

Such a height is very popular in costume dramas.

If he can work hard in costume dramas and choose scripts and roles with explosive potential, he may also be able to become popular.

But many actors who are not popular have one trait, that is, they do not fight or grab, get married early, and become thirteen filial husbands.

Qiao Zhenyu is like this.

This is not a bad thing, the front-page headlines tell us that the top class is not having a good time, and part of their glory comes from high exposure.

If the exposure rate is high, how can you have your own life?

Fourth place Lin Yushen

If Qiao Zhenyu is tepid, not fighting or grabbing, then Lin Yushen is another type, with strength and ambition, but no fire.

Lin Yushen is the second generation of stars, his mother is producer Li Xiaowan, and his godmother is director Li Shaohong.

This condition is much better than that of an actor who came out of the show.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

His original name was Lin Shen, and later in order to show his love for his wife Yang Yuchen, and in order to change the aura of his original name, he changed his name to Lin Yushen.

This move is quite romantic, but the stars who change their names and luck in the entertainment industry do not seem to be successful.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

His appearance is also quite distinctive, especially those peach blossom eyes, which have a yuppie temperament.

His career has not taken off, which may also be related to the drama he acted.

Lin Yushen's works include period dramas and urban dramas, but none of them are out of the circle.

In fact, he has also acted in hit dramas, such as "I, Like You".

When this drama was broadcast, Zhao Lusi and Lin Yushen's CP was quite popular.

But after the broadcast, everything was as usual, everyone only remembered Zhao Lusi, not Lin Yushen.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

What's even more tragic is that his president performance was complained about being greasy, and greasy is a middle-aged man's worst enemy.

Past cases tell us that the plot of Xianxia ancient puppet and domineering president is easy to become popular, but it is not new if you act too much.

Instead of playing some so-called explosive roles, it is better to choose a good script and act a good story.

Fifth place: Yan Yikuan

Yan Yikuan is also one of the four beauties of the world.

When he was young, he was really a handsome guy who made people shine!

The face does not have the childishness and youthfulness of teenagers of the same age at all, but gives people a sense of maturity and stability. His bone appearance is super European, and he looks like a European aristocracy, noble and elegant.

But his handsome appearance did not bring him a soaring career.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

In 2007, 27-year-old Yan Yikuan was interviewed, he debuted at the same time as Huang Xiaoming, but his fame was far inferior to the latter.

At that time, he spent most of his time in the crew every year, but the works he shot were not popular.

On the contrary, I feel inferior because I am out of touch with society.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

After the advent of the top era in the entertainment industry, the former god-faced actors have also been excavated.

Yan Yikuan is one of them, taking advantage of the east wind of the Internet, Yan Yikuan has acted in some spy war dramas of the Republic of China, such as "Xiaolou and Dongfeng", and cooperated with Song Yi, the goddess of cheongsam, to show that he came to "The Pretender", but the broadcast effect was not satisfactory.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Now, Yan Yikuan has passed the age of not being confused, and his works are still mainly based on show appearance. If you continue to develop in this way, I'm afraid it will be difficult to become popular.

Sixth place: Dou Xiao

Dou Xiao is 35 years old this year, and after marrying He Chaolian, his attention has increased significantly.

This is not the first time he has received high-traffic exposure, but his popularity is always phased.

Dou Xiao's starting point is not low, and his first work is "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" filmed with Zhou Dongyu, this Zhang Yimou's work is very eye-catching.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

As the male number one, Dou Xiao also became the darling of the media, and after that, he developed amphibious in movies and TV series, but the splash was very small.

"Yanyuntai", which cooperated with Tang Yan, was very optimistic before it was broadcast, and finally hit the street.

Once again, it attracted a lot of attention in "The Legend of Chu Qiao" with Zhao Liying, although the appearance in the play is a bit ugly, he is still the second male lead, which does not prevent him from conquering the audience with his acting skills.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Just when everyone was waiting for his better works, Dou Xiao was silent again.

As for the question of always not being popular, his answer is not to rush.

I made a lot of other works, but in the end, they couldn't be broadcast for various reasons.

In 19 years, when he should have taken off, he had 6 plays suppressed, which was really unlucky.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Seventh place: Xiang Zuo

Xiang Zuo is the son of film and television tycoon Xiang Huaqianghe, and Xiang Huaqiang and his wife have spared no effort to make their son popular.

When they first entered the entertainment industry, the couple spent 500 million yuan to shoot a movie "Legend of the Gods" for their son, and invited Jet Li and other big names to help, but they made a big bad movie, and the reputation was a mess.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Movies are filmed one after another, and even marrying a wife has to be on a hot search, but Xiang Zuo just can't become popular.

Xiang Zuo's appearance is not outstanding in the entertainment industry, and it can even be said to be a little ordinary.

And his acting skills are also very average, although he has made a lot of movies, there are not many impressive roles.

If a star in the entertainment industry wants to be popular, in addition to being strong, he must also have an audience.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

Obviously, Xiang Zuo does not have such conditions.

In the case of no appearance and acting skills, he has a strong family background, and he can also slowly boil in the circle, but the peachy news is constant.

In the face of negative news, Xiang Zuo often remains silent, and his mother charges forward to explain it to him.

With such doting parents, how can children grow up.

The 7 male stars who are not popular in the entertainment industry, Xiaohong relies on support, Da Hong relies on life, and strong praise is punished by God

In 2024, 40-year-old Xiang Zuo will participate in "Wireless Transcendence Class", trying to practice acting skills and reshape his image, we will wait and see how far he can go on the road of being an actor.

The above is the content of this issue, can these actors still be popular? What do you guys think.

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