
Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

author:Insects from Chongqing

My car was damaged and had to be repaired in an auto repair shop, which not only brought me a lot of financial losses, but also seriously affected my pouting and rushing to the countryside to farm these days. According to the plan, last Friday, taking advantage of the precious opportunity of the final exams and the summer training has not yet begun, I should drive to the countryside to pick all kinds of seasonal vegetables and simply remove waist-deep weeds from the field. However, the car was damaged and had to be repaired at a garage, completely disrupting this near-perfect plan.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

On Friday last week, when I accepted the repair plan and quotation from a certain auto repair shop, I pointed out to the proprietress very seriously, because I need to use the car at any time, please repair it as soon as possible. The proprietress promised to be cheerful, but I knew that they had a grinding style of doing things, and I couldn't take my car home if I waited impatiently for a week. The long cowpeas, water spinach and eggplant in the field, to tell the truth, should be picked every three or four days, but since the last picking, unconsciously, nearly ten days have passed, and I don't know what the long cowpeas that I have worked so hard to plant have become, I don't know what the eggplant has become, and I don't know what the water spinach has grown. The urgency in my heart can really be described as anxious, but I feel powerless and helpless.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

You may strongly recommend that I take public transportation, but you can take public transportation, but it will take several tosses back and forth, and the time it takes, conservatively estimated, is only one way, at least three hours. Leaving aside the fatigue of the journey, the ride alone took at least six hours, and I would rather cruelly throw away the long cowpeas, eggplants, and water spinach that I don't know what they looked like, rather than take the subway and then several buses. Although the damage to my car seems to be very serious, I naively think that it is very quick and easy to repair, because the required parts are all purchased by the owner of the garage on the black market, and the workers only need to install the large and small parts according to the map.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

In order to see how the car was being repaired, I lied to my wife about 9 a.m. yesterday morning and took the No. 111 bus to a certain auto repair shop about 10 kilometers away. The journey was smooth, but when I was about to arrive at a station near the garage, two private cars were illegally parked side by side on the right side of the road, and the separation zone in the middle of the road was expanding, and the bus I was taking almost got stuck near the bus stop. Looking at the two trains of cars that were illegally parked on the right side of the road, I felt very puzzled, I took the same bus to this place on Thursday evening last week, and I did not find so many private cars illegally parked on the right side of the road here.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

Under the command of a road maintenance worker, the stuck bus finally got out of its predicament and slowly drove into the bus stop near the auto repair shop. I cautiously got off the train, took a look at the sidewalk near the station, poured, the flow of people and people's hearts, took a closer look, and figured out that this is a spontaneously formed pet market. According to an uncle with bare hair and eyebrows, every Sunday, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy, there will be a very lively pet market here. Oh, I see, no wonder there are two long rows of cars parked side by side on the road outside the sidewalk, but you can't get in the way of the bus. Looking at the bustling pet market with a group of female porridge, I thought to myself, after checking the maintenance of my car in an auto repair shop, I pouted my ass and went around the pet market, not to buy a pet to feed at home, just to turn around with my little hands on my buttocks.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

Came to the auto repair shop, searched for a round cross-eyed carpet, did not find the figure of the car, and finally, only came to the front desk, snorted to the front desk of a beautiful staff, I don't know if it was the boss, stammered and asked where my car went, is it sold in front of scrap? After learning about my car model, the beautiful staff member said that my car was almost repaired and had been driven to a nearby place to be painted. Do you believe this nonsense, I don't believe it a little, yesterday the weather was good, it was a hot weather with blazing sunshine in more than 30 degrees, if it was really making paint, theoretically speaking, the next day, that is, today, I can take my car home. Maybe this beautiful front desk staff didn't deceive me, although the damage to my car seems to be serious, but the repair is not difficult, just the installation of parts.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

After figuring out where my car was going, I couldn't stay in the garage and flirt with the beautiful staff at the front desk, so I limped to a Sunday shop near the garage where we heard was the largest and only open-air pet market. When you come to the pet market with a foul smell, cats and dogs barking and people buzzing, you find that the pets sold are either cats or dogs. I walked around the pet market with my little hands behind my back and briefly inquired about the price of kittens and dogs, and the price of each pet was roughly between 200 yuan and 1,000 yuan. There may also be tens of thousands of pets, such as the wolf dog with round eyes, ears up, and a physique about the same size as an adult, although I didn't ask the price in a hurry, but, looking at the majestic appearance of this wolf dog, I guess that it will not be able to take it home without spending 10,000 yuan.

Coming to the pet market with small hands, I like all kinds of cats and dogs pets

There was a dog dealer with a hideous expression on his face, he was carrying a Shiba Inu that was already an adult dog, and when he saw me walking back and forth in the pet market with his small hands behind his back several times, he pointed to the Shiba Inu in his hand and asked me, 70 yuan, do you want it? Shiba Inu, seventy yuan a piece, isn't that kidding me? Although I don't know the price of a Shiba Inu, I see a palm-sized Chihuahua that costs 300 yuan, and such a large Shiba Inu actually takes the initiative to shout for 70 yuan, there is no doubt that this must be a fraud. I'm sure this not-so-cute Shiba Inu is a mixed breed and may have an incurable disease, but in the future, when I retire, in order to pass the boring days, I think it's pretty good to buy a puppy or a kitten to feed, what do you say?

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