
There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

author:Video life
There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

Recently, the Magnolia Award came to an end, in addition to the award-winning works and award-winning actors who have attracted much attention, the editor especially noticed that this award has 5 nominations for a TV series "Wind Chaser", although it failed to win, but this work is really good.

Many viewers commented: The second exquisite Republic of China period drama after "The Awakening Age" is very worth watching.

Especially the lines in it, they are not inferior to this year's Magnolia winner "Flowers", and even surpass it.

The editor has summarized the 11 lines that I think are the most classic, every sentence is sober in the world, which one moves you more?

There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

1 People don't use you because you don't have enough in you. If your value is enough, it doesn't matter what your resume, experience, or relationships are. Even if you're a grenade, they'll grit their teeth and hold you in their hands.

This is what my uncle said to Wei Ruo, who failed to go to the central bank for an interview, Wei Ruo came to the central bank for an interview, and his performance was excellent in all aspects, but because of the doubts about his geographical and political background, he missed the post, which was a pity.

The advice given to him by an old uncle can be described as a very classic. Yes, whether it is a resume, experience, or relationship, it is not as important as value.

The cooperation between people, and the willingness of the other party to cooperate with you, is ultimately positioned in value, as long as your value is large enough, anyone will be tempted.

Value is the foundation of everything.

2 You can learn the skills, remember to abstain from greed, and control your desires.

In the financial world, it is not better than who makes more money, nor faster than anyone who earns money, but who lives longer than whom, and if you don't lose, you win.

This sentence is Uncle Uncle's advice to Wei Ruo, who is about to enter the central bank after successful negotiations, and it has to be said to be great wisdom.

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, how many capable people with lofty ideals were eventually defeated by the word "greed", and one greed destroyed everything. Especially in the financial industry, the money handled all day long is like flowing water, and the temptation is greater, which can easily arouse people's desires, make people go astray, and succeed or fail.

In the financial world, money comes and goes quickly, so making money is temporary, and success or failure is fleeting. Therefore, in this circle, being able to live for a long time is the fundamental test of a person's ability.

After all, life is too long, and it doesn't happen overnight, so if you don't lose, you win.

There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

3 Please go elsewhere for promotion and wealth, don't enter the gate if you are greedy for life and fear of death, and the revolutionaries will come.

This is what Shen Tunan said to Wei Ruo, who came to interview, that the central bank, as a bank of banks, is too important in terms of the economic status of the country, and working here is more important than ability.

In today's troubled times, what is needed is a capable person with a sense of virtue and mission to solve the problem. If this person is promoted to become wealthy, greedy for life and afraid of death, not only will he not be able to solve the problem, but he will also make things worse.

Therefore, any position should choose the right person for him. Of course, the reverse is also true, and anyone should choose the right position according to their own situation.

This is the most reasonable way to benefit others and oneself.

There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

4 The winners and losers are all off-the-board moves.

This is the experience that Wei Ruolai summed up based on Shen Tunan's acquisition of a private bank, and the financial battle between the two sides is in full swing, and it is very glue-burning.

It is not yet known who will kill the deer, but understanding the weakness of the place, attacking it unprepared, and winning by surprise can be described as a wonderful trick in the art of war.

It also tells us a truth: never let your opponent know your weakness.

5 A man may seek advantage and avoid harm, but he must not forget what is right.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a normal human choice, and there is no right or wrong. But the nature of forgetting righteousness has changed, and it is a kind of villainous behavior.

There is no virtue and no character of pure profit-seeking, such a person is very terrible, maybe he will get temporary benefits, but no one will trust such a person, and no one will cooperate with such a person for a long time.

The road will only get narrower and narrower, and eventually become a monster with no bottom line, reaping the consequences.

6 The talented people of ancient and modern times have all been defeated by pride, and if they want to win, they must first lose.

Once a person becomes arrogant, he will not make any progress, because he can no longer see others in his eyes, and in the long run there will be great failures.

This is why we often see that some people are doing well, but often can't withstand setbacks and are prone to collapse.

Life is a marathon, not a 100-meter sprint, victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers, and only if you can afford to lose can you win. It is a person who is really strong in his heart and really powerful.

There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

7 A man does not despise a young man, and he must not miss a single detour that should be taken.

As smart as Wei Ruolai, he has seen it with his own eyes next to Shen Tunan, has learned a lot of financial knowledge and practical experience, and when it comes to reasoning, he is still too frivolous, too immature, and has suffered heavy losses.

This is what we often say, the eye height must not be the hand low. It's easier said than done.

However, in the end, who has not been frivolous, the detours that should be taken are indispensable, and detours and shortcuts are sometimes the same road.

8 Only by going through it, reflecting on it, and thinking about it can we climb out of the ruins of the so-called faith and cherish the light in the darkness more.

This sentence tells us the importance of practice and summary reflection, and practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Only when you experience it yourself and think about it yourself, all of this is your own.

Otherwise, it is all hearsay, confused and repeated in a crowd of opinions, like walking in the fog, the truth has been tested by practice, in order to distinguish right from wrong, in order to distinguish where the light is.

There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

9 When playing chess, you only care about winning or losing, and you will forget your heart.

This sentence tells us the importance of the heart, life is like a chess game, not only winning or losing, too much attention to the result, often forget the heart, do something that does not conform to their original intention.

The meaning of playing chess is lost.

10 If you don't beat the eggs, you can't make poached eggs, and you can't get your purpose unscathed.

This sentence tells us that if we want to achieve our goals and achieve our goals, we must pay. Many times when we make a choice, we must take into account what we are willing to give.

If you are willing to give, you will get if you give up.

There are 11 classic lines in the spy war drama "Wind Chaser", which one is your sobriety in the world?

11 Judge the situation, and a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Only by saving one's life can one have a chance to recover the defeat, and it is not a hero who dies in vain, but a fool.

Many times, we understand the environment and the current situation we are in, evaluate the current situation, and make the most reasonable behavior.

Instead of fighting hard and working hard, this will only increase losses, and having courage without strategy is not the embodiment of wisdom.


The value of good film and television works to us is immeasurable, we are relaxed because of chasing dramas, and we are sublimated by thinking because of the plot, which brings some guidance to our lives, and is also very inspiring for our life choices and thinking.

The above are the 11 classic lines summarized by the editor watching the play, which one is your sobriety in the world?

Audio-visual life, film and television, music and life

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