
Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

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Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

1, "The Brothers Karamazov" has a Douban score of 9.6

Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

Have you ever suffered something painful in your life? Have you ever doubted your life, your future, or even the world?

As human beings, we seem destined to face pain. In the face of all this, have you ever thought for a moment: why do I live in this world? Am I here to suffer?

If you've ever thought so, then be sure to read Dostoevsky.

Dostoevsky's novels are intricate in the relationships and psychology between the characters, and it is difficult to tell what a person thinks in his heart. It can be said that his understanding and analysis of the deep psychology of human beings has reached a point where it is so real that it is unbelievable that this is actually a fictional novel.

2, "1984" Douban score 9.5

Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

The famous "dystopian trilogy": "We" by the former Soviet writer Ye Zamyatin, "Brave New World" by the British writer Adous Huxley, and "1984" by the British writer George Orwell.

Some say Ogilvy's work is full of social concern, human ideals and anti-totalitarian ideas, and is "the cold conscience of a generation"; Some people say that "1984" projects the essence of totalitarianism in real society through the meticulous portrayal of the life of an ordinary person; Others say that Orwell was a magical prophet, satirizing the dehumanizing totalitarian society and power seekers with spicy strokes.

3, "Gone with the Wind" Douban score of 9.3

Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

The saddest thing for a woman is not to encounter a love that has no result, but to gamble on the happiness of her life knowing that there is no result.

Constantly consuming himself in unworthy relationships, obsessing over face, and being willing to degenerate for the sake of will. Those young and ignorant choices often take a lifetime to pay.

"Gone with the Wind" has a deeper meaning: a woman's greatest sobriety is to love herself first and then love others, and to make a living and then seek love.

4, "Good Morning, Monster" Douban score 9.1

Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

The book was named Good Morning America's Book of the Year and one of Newsweek's 30 Best Books.

The shocking stories in the book make us deeply feel how terrible the misfortune of the original family is. And those pains that go deep into the bone marrow have to go through many twists and turns before they can be slowly healed.

This is a psychotherapy book, finding the self.

5, "Golden Dreamland" Douban score 9.0

Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

"Golden Dreams" is not only a gripping escape novel, but also a magnificent poem about humanity and hope.

The core plot of the story revolves around how Aoyagi seeks to survive in the midst of despair. He had to constantly think and reflect on his life, and gradually understand the important relationships that had been overlooked.

In the process, Aoyagi discovers a conspiracy hidden around him and gradually uncovers the truth of the incident.

6, "Retreat Notes" Douban score 9.0

Summer vacation Douban 9.0 book list recommendation: 5 good books to enhance your vision, vision and pattern

The fragment of "Me and the Altar of Earth" still lingers in my mind, and at this moment, it is the chapter of "Retreat Notes" that unfolds gently, and I am once again amazed that Mr. Shi Tiesheng exudes boundless expanse of thinking despite being trapped in physical suffering.

This time, in the interval of a business trip, accompanied by the laughter of children and the noisy conversation of passengers, I was immersed in the text of "Retreat Notes", drifting in the long river of history and soul, shielding from the chaos of the environment as if I was in another time and space.