
Wanhe Central School carried out summer safety education

author:Anhui Education Online

On June 30, the Education and Sports Bureau of Daguan District, Anqing City, together with the District Justice Bureau, walked into Wanhe Central School to carry out safety education of "Rule of Law Special 'Summer' and Guarding Safety for 'Summer'".

Qian Liang, deputy director of the Bureau of Justice, combined with the key content of summer safety education, explained to students drowning prevention, traffic safety, home safety, network security and other related knowledge in easy-to-understand and lively language, and educated and guided students to cherish life and stay away from danger, improve their awareness of safety precautions during the summer vacation, consciously use the law to regulate their words and deeds, cultivate good behavioral habits, and master the methods of seeking help and self-rescue skills in case of danger. During the lecture, Mr. Qian interacted with the students in a question-and-answer manner, and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant, and the students actively participated.

Wanhe Central School carried out summer safety education
Wanhe Central School carried out summer safety education

Huangfu Tianjiao, deputy secretary of the Education and Sports Working Committee of Daguan District, once again told the children to pay attention to holiday safety and have a safe, happy, fulfilling and meaningful summer vacation.

Wanhe Central School carried out summer safety education

In the subsequent discussion, Lu Guanghua, director of the District Bureau of Justice, hoped that the school would take this publicity activity as an opportunity to carry out legal education activities at multiple levels and from multiple angles, create a good publicity atmosphere, build a rule of law campus, cultivate more law-abiding, law-abiding, and law-abiding citizens, and help build a rule of law society. (Wanhe)

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