
The United States warned Israel not to go to war with Allah, and 200,000 rockets would dismantle the Iron Dome system

author:Cloud worldview
The United States warned Israel not to go to war with Allah, and 200,000 rockets would dismantle the Iron Dome system

In recent days, as the military standoff between Israel and Lebanese Allah forces on the border has intensified, the simmering tensions have aroused great concern in the international community. At a time when Israel is threatening to "strike a heavy fist" on Allah, the United States has issued a warning to Israel, clamoring that Israel will pay a heavy price if it rashly starts a war. What is the reason that the United States and Israel, which have always smelled like each other, are suddenly discordant in this border crisis? What kind of interest game is behind this?

The perilous Lebanese-Israeli border

When it comes to the Lebanese-Israeli border, it can be said that the road is narrow. Since the escalation of the conflict in Gaza, Lebanese Allah forces have frequently launched provocations against the Israeli army here in a vain attempt to contain their military operations against Gaza. It has been learned that the militants of Allah even crossed the border at one point and smashed several strongholds of the Israeli army, waging a modern version of guerrilla warfare. In the face of Allah's step-by-step pressing, Israel naturally did not want to show weakness, threatening to fight the other side "without leaving a piece of armor," and it had the momentum to fight the male and female.

The United States warned Israel not to go to war with Allah, and 200,000 rockets would dismantle the Iron Dome system

For a time, the Lebanese-Israeli border was tense and full of gunpowder, as if a single misfire could rekindle the flames of war. Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly recently urgently called on her citizens to evacuate Lebanon as soon as possible, for fear that one day it will become a Shura field of bullets. This move undoubtedly added fuel to the already tense situation, and was widely interpreted by the outside world as a red flag before a full-scale escalation of the conflict. It seems that the Lebanese-Israeli border, a powder keg in the Middle East, is at risk of being detonated at any time!

The Iron Dome air defense system may not be able to withstand a saturation attack by Allah

In the face of Allah's armed eyes, Israel has made bold statements and threatened to transfer more military resources to the northern front, preparing to annihilate this sworn enemy in one fell swoop. However, according to senior US officials, once it goes off the rails with Allah, Israel's proud "Iron Dome" air defense system may be unable to withstand the other side's saturation attack. Hey, that's no joke!

You know, as one of the most powerful paramilitary organizations in the Middle East today, the Allah armed forces are outnumbered, with nearly 100,000 well-trained fighters. Not to mention the strength of the troops, it is also equipped with as many as 200,000 rockets, hundreds of ballistic missiles and guided rockets. Such a long-range firepower reserve is by no means in vain. During the Lebanese-Israeli war in 2006, the Allah armed forces inflicted heavy losses on more than 1,300 Israeli troops at the cost of more than 600 dead soldiers.

The United States warned Israel not to go to war with Allah, and 200,000 rockets would dismantle the Iron Dome system

Now, if Israel's Iron Dome system is crushed and paralyzed by Allah's dense rain of bullets, the safety of both military and civilian lives and property will be at risk. It is no wonder that the United States has repeatedly tried to be a good man, vigorously urging Israel to exercise restraint and restraint, not to set fire to the Lebanese-Israeli border, and it is not good to play with fire and set itself on fire.

The Mediterranean Sea may be blocked, and Israel's economy and people's livelihood are worried

In addition to the possibility of military defeat, if Israel insists on going to war against Allah, there is an even greater risk of destroying its own economic lifeline. You must know that the Houthis in Yemen have been stirring up trouble in the Red Sea region, blocking sea lines of communication, causing a lot of trouble to passing ships. If Allah follows suit and cuts off Israel's maritime lifeline in the Mediterranean, it will undoubtedly be a drain on the bottom of the kettle and will make it difficult for a country that is highly dependent on import and export trade.

The United States warned Israel not to go to war with Allah, and 200,000 rockets would dismantle the Iron Dome system

It is conceivable that if the Mediterranean Sea is blocked, Israel's import and export trade volume will drop sharply, and it is inevitable that the pillar industries of the economy, such as diamond processing and high technology, will be hit hard. At the same time, people's daily lives will also be impacted, and people's livelihood problems such as soaring prices and shrinking employment are likely to follow. The so-called fierce soldiers are in danger, the people are displaced, and once the war escalates out of control, it will be out of control. No wonder some Israeli scholars have warned that lightly starting a war against Allah is tantamount to "drinking water to quench thirst" and will only reap its own consequences. It can be seen that peace is the last word!

The United States may be dragged into the water, and the troops stationed in the Middle East may become victims

In addition to worrying that its ally Israel will be hit hard, the United States is trying to prevent Israel from making rash moves, and it also has deeper strategic concerns. That is, once Israel and Allah meet each other, the United States, as Israel's number one military aid country, is likely to be forced to get involved. At that time, the US military will not only have to contribute money and efforts, but may also "accompany the funeral" for this.

You know, according to the leader of a certain Iraqi militia organization, if the United States continues to support Israel in its fight against Allah, the organization will regard the US military presence and interests in the Middle East as the target of attack and make a big move. In the face of the naked threat of its "allies", how can the United States stand alone? This has undoubtedly put the United States in a dilemma.

The United States warned Israel not to go to war with Allah, and 200,000 rockets would dismantle the Iron Dome system

At present, although the United States has mediated it, the tense situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border has been temporarily brought under control. But it's like an active volcano that erupts at any moment, and the situation is uncertain, and it doesn't know when it will come back. Xiaobian believes that for the powder keg of the Middle East, any spark may detonate a war, and we must not take it lightly, and must always maintain a high degree of vigilance, pay close attention to the development of the situation, and prevent problems before they occur. What do you think?

That's almost the end of the article, do you have any different opinions on this state of affairs? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area and interact with the post! See you next time! #头条创作挑战赛#

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