
Why don't you take Zhang Ziyu to the Olympics, three considerations to avoid seedlings to help grow, geniuses need to be protected

author:Venom Sports

Recently, the Chinese women's basketball genius Zhang Ziyu has a very high call to enter the Olympic list, but the Chinese women's basketball team does not plan to take the 226CM giant, yesterday the Chinese women's basketball U18 game just ended, Zhang Ziyu led the Chinese U18 women's basketball team to win the second place, it can be said that this ranking is completely won by Zhang Ziyu alone. Zhang Ziyu's advantage in the same age group is very large, and it can almost be said that there is no solution, but it can also be seen from the final and Australia that Zhang Ziyu played relatively hard, and the reason why he did not take Zhang Ziyu to participate in this Olympic Games has the following considerations.

Why don't you take Zhang Ziyu to the Olympics, three considerations to avoid seedlings to help grow, geniuses need to be protected

First of all, the confrontation ability needs to be improved, although Zhang Ziyu played well in U18, and his height stood out from the crowd, but when he went to the adult professional team to face world-class opponents, the confrontation must not be able to keep up, and there is no shortage of athletes above 2 meters in the Olympic Games, Zhang Ziyu's height advantage is not so obvious, and Zhang Ziyu will indeed be reduced in the face of a stronger confrontation with Australia. She's too slow to defend now, and she might even backfire.

Why don't you take Zhang Ziyu to the Olympics, three considerations to avoid seedlings to help grow, geniuses need to be protected

Secondly, Zhang Ziyu's technical characteristics are relatively simple, that is, to use the height advantage to eat cakes under the basket, Zhang Ziyu now does not even have the tactics of blocking and dismantling, whether she can still be in the position like the youth team in the Olympic Games, whether this answer is yes, it is even difficult for her to receive the ball comfortably under the basket, once she makes a mistake, she will be converted by the opponent, and the Chinese women's basketball team is likely to defend less and more. The offensive end also has to do specific tactics for her, she must slow down to play, and the defensive end is also easy to be targeted, referring to the U18 game with Australia, the opponent uses footwork and outside shots to punish Zhang Ziyu's weakness of not being able to defend and slow foot.

Why don't you take Zhang Ziyu to the Olympics, three considerations to avoid seedlings to help grow, geniuses need to be protected

In the end, not taking her is mainly out of her protection, her physical condition is top-notch, may be the hope of the Chinese women's basketball team in the future, reluctantly participate in the Olympic Games, once injured, the gains outweigh the losses, now Zhang Ziyu is very heavy, the risk of injury in the face of the Olympic Games is very large, or if she doesn't play well, she may also be criticized by public opinion on the Internet, and the frustration of self-confidence is not conducive to her growth, and she now needs more scientific training and growth. Moreover, now the Chinese women's basketball team is full of talents, the combination of Li Yueru and Han Xu is almost irreplaceable, even if Zhang Ziyu is brought in, there will be no chance to appear, the Chinese women's basketball team is going to win cards in this Olympic Games, not a simple warm-up game and friendly match.

The era that belongs to Zhang Ziyu is still ahead, what she needs to do now is to train scientifically, improve her core strength, physical confrontation, body coordination, etc., step by step, instead of forcibly pushing her into a field that does not belong to her.

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