
"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

author:MayHo wonderful
"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written by quoting network materials combined with personal opinions, and the reference information source has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

A Ukrainian beauty named Nadya met Zhao Peng, a young man from Henan, China, during her school days. The two fell in love not long after they met, and later gave birth to the crystallization of love.

However, it is a pity that Zhao Peng died young, and his foreign daughter-in-law Nadya was widowed for 17 years, raised her three children, and has been supporting her Chinese in-laws. So how is her life now? Did she regret her choice?

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

Accidentally fell in love

Nadya is a Ukrainian who has lived in Ukraine since she was a child, and her grades have always been very good, and she was later admitted to the Odessa Food Engineering Institute in Ukraine. Ukraine's economy has not been very good, and Nadya is still a girl, but in the end she was admitted to university by her own efforts, which is very unusual.

At that time, Zhao Peng also happened to study abroad, and the school he studied at was Nadya's alma mater, so the two met in school. At that time, Nadya was very interested in Zhao Peng, a young man, after all, it was not easy to see Chinese in Ukraine.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

And Zhao Peng at that time was handsome and humorous. After the two got to know each other, Zhao Peng often accompanied Nadya and told her jokes, so it didn't take long for the two of them to fall in love.

Nadya fell deeply in love with Zhao Peng, an international student from a foreign country. But it's a pity that Zhao Peng is not a local after all, and after he gets his degree, he will have to think about returning to China, and it is impossible for him to stay in Ukraine for development.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

If it were other transnational couples, they might break up after graduation. And Nadya did think about what she and Zhao Peng should do in the future, but she couldn't let go of this relationship with Zhao Peng.

So in 1998, Nadya left Ukraine despite her family's opposition. followed her husband across thousands of miles to the hinterland of Chinese mainland, that is, Zhao Peng's hometown Xinxiang.

You know, at the end of the 90s of the last century, China's level of development was still quite limited. It can be said that China will not necessarily be much stronger than Ukraine.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

At the very least, Ukraine at that time inherited a lot of the legacy of the Soviet era. Nadya's hometown is also on the edge of the picturesque Black Sea, so it can be very stressful for her to come to live in a place like China, where she is not familiar with life.

But Nadya persevered for love, and even as soon as she came to China, she fell in love with China. Half a year after she returned to China with Zhao Peng, she held a Chinese wedding with him and entered the palace of marriage together.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

At that time, the wedding of the two attracted a lot of attention, and even the local TV station sent a reporter to interview it. After all, it was really difficult to meet foreigners on Chinese soil at that time, let alone a foreign girl who took the initiative to marry in China.

But in general, everyone still welcomes and encourages the relationship between Nadya and Zhao Peng, so the married life of the two of them is also very happy and satisfying. Zhao Peng went out to earn money. Nadya adapts to Chinese living habits as much as possible.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

Later, after China's accession to the WTO, Zhao Peng even perceived business opportunities in it, because after all, once it became a member of the WTO, mainland products could quickly enter the international market without restrictions. China's entry into the WTO is a milestone event for China, and it is also very important for China's economic development.

At the same time, the WTO's acceptance of China means that domestic businessmen can also find ways to engage in foreign trade. At that time, many people started by engaging in foreign trade and turned into big businessmen.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

After all, Zhao Peng studied abroad and had a more long-term vision, so he and his wife created a company in Ningbo. The company specializes in selling domestic auto parts to Eastern European countries and West Asia.

After the establishment of the company, their career has developed very smoothly, after all, it is an outlet. It didn't take long for them to save tens of millions of dollars.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

It was at the beginning of this century, and the multimillionaires of that era were definitely at the top of society. Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhao Peng became ill.

Zhao Peng was seriously ill

In 2006, Nadya and Zhao Peng welcomed their youngest son. They have a happy life, a happy family, a successful career, and tens of millions of family fortunes, no matter how you look at it, they are absolute winners in life.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

But in this year, Zhao Peng was suddenly diagnosed with liver cancer. After getting liver cancer, Zhao Peng has been tormented by illness, and after a long time, he has no appearance anymore, it is difficult to speak every day, and he has lost the ability to take care of himself.

He often suffers excruciating pain in his upper abdomen, accompanied by various symptoms including nausea and vomiting. Nadya was very distressed when she saw her husband's pain, but there was no way, after all, even today, 20 years later, the human medical community has not been able to overcome cancer, let alone 20 years ago.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

Nadya and the others would not be able to save Zhao Peng's life even if they were bankrupt. Finally, in 2007, Zhao Peng left his wife, children and parents behind and passed away.

Nadya felt that the whole world had collapsed, and she had three children, and they were very young, the oldest was only nine years old, and the youngest was less than a year old. But their father died, and they lost the breadwinner of the family.

Moreover, Nadya's parents are not with her, and she has to take care of her children and support her mother-in-law in a foreign country alone, which is really stressful. But Nadya withstood the pressure, and she wiped away her tears.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

She knew that she had to take care of her children first and didn't have so much energy to continue doing business, so she sold the company out, but she used the company in exchange for a lot of money. With money, she can ensure that her children and husband's parents don't have to worry about life problems, and then Nadya began a long life with a baby.

In fact, she also had a choice at that time, if she was ruthless, gave up her husband's parents and only took the children back to Ukraine; Or be more ruthless, don't even have children, and go back to Ukraine alone, the pressure will be much less. In this way, I am afraid that even Zhao Peng's parents will understand her, after all, their son died young, and Nadya is alone in a foreign country, and the pressure must be very great.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

But out of a sense of responsibility, Nadya finally persevered and stayed in China, and even for 17 years, she did not remarry, and has been replacing her deceased husband, taking care of the children as a father and mother, and supporting her in-laws at the same time, which can be said to have endured all the hardships. This is enough to prove that the world does have its own true feelings, and love is enough to change everything.

Raise all three children to become talents

Although her husband died, she and her husband left behind three children. These three children have become Nadya's own, and her biggest dream is to train all these children to become talents, so Nadya puts almost all of her energy on children.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

She works every day, takes care of the children, sends them to school, tutors the children's homework, and finishes everything every day, and it is already late at night. If it were a normal person living like this, I am afraid it would not last long, but Nadya is different, she has lasted for more than ten years.

And Nadya stays in China, and has to bear some other risks. After all, she is a Ukrainian, and her husband did not get Chinese nationality when he was there, and she did not even have a Chinese ID card for a long time, so she could only go to the local relevant departments regularly to apply for visas.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

And her status as a foreigner also makes it difficult for her to find a stable job. She can only rely on odd jobs and some money left by her husband to take care of her children and take care of her parents-in-law.

Once her youngest son suddenly became seriously ill and went to the hospital with a fever, she had to take the child to the hospital alone, and she had to wait for the child to come out at the hospital gate. At that time, she felt very powerless, she was an ordinary person after all, and she had thought about giving up, but that sense of responsibility still made her support.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

Later, her story also spread, and many people knew the deeds of this daughter-in-law from Xinxiang from Ukraine, so everyone was moved. In 2013, Nadya was selected as the most beautiful Xinxiang person.

Then more and more people learned about her life, and later no matter where Nadya went, there would be people to greet her, and there would be people to help this most beautiful foreign daughter-in-law. In 2014, she was named one of the top ten people of the year in the Central Plains, and she was also the only foreigner on the online list.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

So far, Nadya has successfully raised her children to adulthood, and she is still living a lonely life in China and has not chosen to remarry. She is willing to remain loyal to her relationship with her husband for the rest of her life.

Nadya's insistence on feelings and emphasis on responsibility are indeed worth learning from many people. If it was to put other people in Nadya's position, maybe I would have given up a long time ago, because the pressure was too much.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?

Being widowed for 17 years without one to accompany you, taking care of three children, and taking care of the parents of her deceased husband is not something that everyone can do. Among them, how much Nadya has suffered, we probably can't think about it.

Fortunately, she persevered, and now Nadya can be regarded as living a happy life. I believe that her deceased husband Zhao Peng will always be in heaven silently praying for his wife and children.

"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?


The story of Nadya and Zhao Peng tells us that there is indeed true love in the world, and love can really change everything. Love is also a very great power.

I believe that there are many mothers and wives in the world who are as persistent as Nadya, and I hope that each of them can get through the difficult situation and have a good life again. Because they deserve a happy life, they have given so much for their families.


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"Foreign daughter-in-law" Nadya has been widowed for 17 years, raised 3 sons to support her Chinese in-laws, do you regret it now?
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