
31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

author:Interesting and wonderful world

Explore the wonder and diversity of the world, from the micro to the macro, from the natural to the artificial, each with an amazing story to tell.

This article will take you on a journey through a series of unique and lesser-known wonders, revealing the extraordinary that lies behind the ordinary.

1. There is a tiny bag in the world, staggeringly sized as a grain of salt, so detailed that it needs to be seen under a microscope, and it sells for 460,000 yuan.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

2. Parasitic skull, an extremely rare phenomenon of parasitic twins. The most famous example occurred in Bangladesh in 1783, when a two-headed boy was born, the skull of which is still in the collection of the Hunter Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. It is reported that the head below can even hear the voice of another brain.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

3. During the First and Second World Wars, before the advent of radar technology, the Dutch army adopted a unique acoustic listening device to detect the sound of enemy aircraft and provide early warning for air defense.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

4. An ant plant is a plant that forms a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with ants. It provides a habitat for ants, and ant excrement becomes an important source of nutrients for plants.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

5. These items, which look like bicycle saddles, are actually processed from the tail of a deer, and it is incredible that they have important applications in traditional Chinese medicine.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

6. The Øresund Bridge is a bridge-tunnel complex connecting Denmark and Sweden in that half of the structure is located at sea and the other half is under the sea, making it appear at first glance that the bridge is only half built.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

7. In 2001, a plastic cup was shipped to the Titanic wreck site, where it was reduced to a quarter of its original size due to extreme water pressure.

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8. The United States has an underwater acoustic wave detection vessel dedicated to the study of submarines and marine life, which is unique in that it is inverted when working.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

9. Fossils of some kind of peculiar skulls have been found on various islands in Greece, and the locals had never seen elephants in ancient Greek times, so these skulls are easy to evoke various associations with them.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

10. The Ritter dwarf mammoth is an extinct dwarf mammoth and the smallest species of mammoth ever recorded, with a height of only about 1 metre at the shoulder. It is widely believed that its skull is most likely the origin of the image of the cyclops in ancient Greek mythology.

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11. This is a photograph showing a cross-section of a large fireworks.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

12. British textile expert Simon Pierce and American fashion designer Nicholas Godley led a team of 80 people over a five-year period to extract spider silk from 1.2 million golden round spiders to create the rarest textile on the planet: the golden silk shawl.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

13. The Order of Victory of the USSR is one of the most precious medals in the world, set with 150 diamonds and 5 rubies. The distinction has been given to only 17 people, including a prominent leader.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

14. During the European Middle Ages, the protective clothing worn by beekeepers gave people a creepy feel and was reminiscent of some horrific scenes.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

15. When heavy snow falls on water near freezing, the snow quickly becomes saturated with water and forms a pasty, sticky substance that resembles a bratwurst in shape.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

16. The Flag-winged Nightjar is a distinctive bird that grows two long feathers on the wings of the male during breeding, which has a distinctive appearance that resembles a human pulling a banner for love.

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17. In some parts of Norway, granaries are built on trees to prevent rats from destroying the grain, a unique way of building a house that at first glance looks like a house has come to life.

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18. The trailer used to transport the seaplane is so ingenious in its design that at first glance it appears to have only one nose.

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19. The Kulai River is a river in Inner Mongolia, with a total length of 17 kilometers, but its average depth is only twenty or thirty centimeters, the width is only a dozen centimeters, and the narrowest point is even only a few centimeters wide. With such a width, you can even build a bridge with a single brick.

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20. The larvae of demoiselles have a unique behavior in that they build a "cabin" for themselves. Since a lot of time and effort is spent on this "home", even when they move, they carry this "cabin" on their backs.

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21. The sprinkler device equipped on an aircraft carrier has multiple functions: first, it can wash off the salt on the deck to prevent corrosion; the second is for fire prevention; The third is that when a nuclear explosion occurs nearby, nuclear fallout with radiation can be removed.

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22. In an abandoned mine in New Mexico, USA, a pair of Levi's jeans from the 1880s was found. The pants sold at auction for a total of $87,400, and traces of candles used by miners while working underground can be clearly seen on the pants.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

23. It is a weapon that combines the functions of a musket, a mace, and a gun, and it belonged to King Henry VIII of England in the 16th century.

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24. These black items are actually carbonized bread excavated from the ruins of Pompeii.

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25. Norias is the tallest waterwheel in the world, it is located in the Hama region of Syria and was built in the 13th century AD and is 21 meters high. The watermill was in use until the 20th century, when it was discontinued.

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26. In isolation wards in Brazil, medical staff soothe patients by tying two disposable gloves together and filling them with hot water, simulating impossible human contact. This innovative form of comfort is known as the "Hand of God."

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27. The snake accidentally fell into a trap while preying on a rat and swallowed the rat and the rat trap in its stomach.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

28. This is a photograph of a hollow pier under construction, which is refreshing in its unique structural form.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

29. Sea slugs are the only animals found so far that can photosynthesize. It is so similar in shape to a leaf that it can even go up to nine months without eating.

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30. The hammerhead bat is one of the largest bat species in the world, and its appearance is as unique as if it were a creature from another planet.

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31. In Portugal, there is a cork oak tree that is more than 230 years old, which is considered the most precious tree in the country. Since 1820, the bark has been harvested from this tree every nine years by locals to make the cork needed to make wine.

31 eye-opening photos, after reading it, I rose again

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