
The top is hot and the bottom is cold, there must be a problem in the middle, and the old stomach disease diarrhea cold hands and feet have a good effect

author:Arishina Ryo Physician

In TCM theory, the human body is seen as a whole, and various organs and systems are interrelated and interact with each other. When the body has symptoms of heat and cold, it often means that the balance of yin and yang in the body is broken, and there is a problem with the function of the spleen and stomach in the middle. Today, we are going to talk about this topic and introduce a famous recipe - black plum pills, which have a significant effect in regulating cold and heat.

The top is hot and the bottom is cold, there must be a problem in the middle, and the old stomach disease diarrhea cold hands and feet have a good effect

1. Symptoms and causes of upper heat and lower cold

Patients usually have symptoms such as fever, thirst, bad breath, and mouth ulcers in the upper part (such as the mouth, throat, face, etc.), accompanied by cold in the lower part (such as abdomen, lower limbs, etc.), diarrhea, cold hands and feet, etc. The appearance of this symptom is mainly related to the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the central focus of the human body and play the role of a lifting hub. Normally, the spleen and stomach are able to convert food into nutrients and transport them to all parts of the body, while excreting waste products from the body. If the spleen and stomach are dysfunctional, it will cause the clear qi not to rise and the turbid qi not to fall, so that the yang energy of the upper coke cannot fall, and the yin qi of the lower coke cannot rise, forming the symptoms of upper heat and lower cold.

In addition, long-term emotional stress, poor eating habits, overwork and other factors can also lead to spleen and stomach dysfunction, which can lead to symptoms of upper heat and lower cold.

The top is hot and the bottom is cold, there must be a problem in the middle, and the old stomach disease diarrhea cold hands and feet have a good effect

2. The composition and efficacy of Wumei pills

Wumei Pill is a famous prescription created by Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty, which is composed of black plum, fine pungent and dried ginger, Coptis chinensis, angelica, aconite, Shu pepper, cinnamon branch, ginseng, cork and so on. This formula has the characteristics of combining cold and heat, attacking and supplementing, which can regulate the spleen and stomach, reconcile cold and heat, and has a significant effect on the symptoms of upper heat and lower cold.

The main benefits of Ume pills include:

1. Regulate the spleen and stomach: The ingredients in Wumei pills, such as black plum, Coptis chinensis, and Phellodendron chinensis, have the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, purging fire and detoxifying, and can clear the dampness and heat in the spleen and stomach; Ingredients such as dried ginger, aconite, and Shu pepper have the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, strengthening the spleen and dampness, warming the spleen and stomach, and removing the cold in the spleen and stomach. These ingredients work together to regulate the spleen and stomach and restore the normal function of the spleen and stomach.

The top is hot and the bottom is cold, there must be a problem in the middle, and the old stomach disease diarrhea cold hands and feet have a good effect

2. Reconcile cold and heat: The ingredients in Wumei pills, such as Coptis chinensis and Phellodendron chinensis, can clear away heat and relieve fire, and reduce the yang energy of scorching; Ingredients such as dried ginger, aconite, and Shu pepper can dissipate cold in the middle and improve the yin qi of the lower coke. These ingredients work together to reconcile cold and heat, so that the yang energy of the upper coke decreases and the yin energy of the lower coke rises, so as to achieve a state of yin and yang balance.

3. Replenish deficiency and strengthen the body: The ginseng, angelica and other ingredients in the Wumei pill have the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, strengthening the body and strengthening the body, which can enhance the body's immunity and improve the body's resistance. These ingredients can replenish the body's righteous qi and make the body healthier.

3. How to use Ume pills

Wumei Pill is a Chinese herbal medicine prescription that needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor. In general, the use of Ume pills is as follows:

1. Dosage: Depending on the patient's condition and physical condition, the doctor will determine the appropriate dosage. Generally, the dosage for adults is 6-9 grams 2-3 times a day.

The top is hot and the bottom is cold, there must be a problem in the middle, and the old stomach disease diarrhea cold hands and feet have a good effect

2. How to take: Ume pills can be made into pills, powders, or decoctions. Pills and powders can be taken directly by mouth with warm water; For decoction, the herbs need to be soaked in water for about 30 minutes, then boiled over high heat, and then decocted over low heat for about 30 minutes, and then taken with juice.

3. Treatment: The course of treatment of Wumei pills is generally 1-2 months, but the specific course of treatment needs to be determined according to the patient's condition and physical condition. During the period of taking Wumei pills, patients need to pay attention to dietary conditioning, avoid spicy, greasy, raw and cold and other irritating foods, and at the same time pay attention to rest and avoid overwork.

4. Precautions

1. Pregnant women, lactating women, children and the elderly should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

2. Wumei pills contain toxic ingredients such as aconite, which need to be used under the guidance of a doctor and avoid self-medication.

3. If you experience allergic reactions or other uncomfortable symptoms while taking Ume pills, you should stop using them immediately and seek medical attention in time.

4. Wumei pills need to be used under the guidance of a doctor to avoid interactions with other medications.

The top is hot and the bottom is cold, there must be a problem in the middle, and the old stomach disease diarrhea cold hands and feet have a good effect

5. Summary

Upper heat and lower cold are a common symptom that is related to dysfunction of the spleen and stomach. Wumei Pill is a famous prescription for regulating the spleen and stomach, reconciling cold and heat, and has a significant effect on the symptoms of upper heat and lower cold. When using Ume pills, you need to use them under the guidance of a doctor and avoid self-medication. At the same time, patients need to pay attention to dietary conditioning, avoid eating spicy, greasy, raw and cold and other irritating foods, and at the same time pay attention to rest and avoid overwork.