
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data


According to the sales data of 618 in 2024, the sales volume of comprehensive e-commerce will be 571.7 billion yuan, the live broadcast e-commerce will be 206.8 billion yuan, and instant retail and community group buying will contribute 24.9 billion yuan and 13.9 billion yuan respectively. Various platforms have launched a variety of preferential strategies, such as cross-store full reduction, tens of billions of subsidies, etc., to attract consumers. and Tmall are competing fiercely for price advantage, while Pinduoduo and Douyin are ensuring price competitiveness through automatic price matching systems.

Taobao and Douyin cooperated to launch the "Star Cube Plan" to realize a full-link solution from content planting to transaction conversion. In addition, the platform also focuses on improving the user experience, such as Taobao's internal test store experience points, and's price insurance service upgrade. Consumers' attention to health food, smart home appliances, domestic beauty products and other categories continues to rise, driving the sales potential of related products.

Full report: 32 pages

The report reads in part:

2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data
2024 618 Whole Network Sales Data Interpretation Report - Xingtu Data

Official account: "BR Xingyan Society"