
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan


"Knowing the Constant and Changing Minds" has a deep understanding and insight into the self-pleasing needs and trend changes of those who need medical aesthetics, especially those who pursue high-quality medical aesthetics, which is the cornerstone for practitioners in the medical aesthetic industry to build their core competitiveness and long-term development.

Under the K-shaped differentiation trend of "beauty economy" demand, the demand for high-quality medical aesthetics among middle- and high-income groups is still growing strongly. Understanding the portraits, medical aesthetic needs and institutional product selection of such customer groups, and gaining in-depth insight into how they pursue and choose better and safer medical aesthetic products and services at the moment will help medical aesthetic practitioners to do a good job in market positioning, retain core customer groups, and formulate targeted business strategies, so as to form a unique competitive advantage.

Changes in macro trends:

  • Light medical aesthetic projects have gradually become the mainstream of medical aesthetic demand
  • Social platforms have become the main front for medical aesthetic penetration
  • The decision-making of medical aesthetic needs is gradually becoming rational
  • There is an obvious trend of younger medical aesthetic demand groups
  • Men's needs are further awakened
  • The aesthetic of the demander is becoming more personalized
  • Outbound medical aesthetics are becoming increasingly popular

Institutional business insights

  • The tripartite platform is more friendly to public medical aesthetics
  • Public medical cosmetology has received more policy support
  • The development of public medical aesthetics has entered the fast lane?

Full report: 48 pages

The report reads in part:

China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan
China Medical Aesthetic Industry 2024 Annual Insight Report - Deloitte x Allergan

Official account: "BR Xingyan Society"

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