
missed the golden 5 minutes, and the national feather teenager was sent to the hospital without breathing! The organizers are careless about human life

author:Dingfuzhuang Xiaobawang

After the tragedy, the Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Federation wrote in the announcement that the tournament doctor and medical team rescued Zhang Zhijie, who was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes.

missed the golden 5 minutes, and the national feather teenager was sent to the hospital without breathing! The organizers are careless about human life

But it is clear that the outside world does not approve of such a statement; Public opinion has a lot of doubts about the treatment process of the event organizers.

At present, we can only trace the beginning and end of the unfortunate incident through a video.

After being tied by his opponent, Zhang Zhijie walked around to wipe his sweat and didn't see anything unusual, and then passed the badminton ball to the opponent to prepare to receive the serve, but in the 27th second of the video, he suddenly fell forward to the ground, and then his body began to convulse.

In the 34th second, Coach Zhang Zhijie walked into the stadium to observe; At that time, Zhang Zhijie was still conscious, raised his head, tried to support the ground with his hands, and wanted to continue to get up to compete, but he was unable to stand up.

After that, the referee let the coach leave the field, and at 1 minute 07 seconds, the medical staff had already entered the field and conducted a simple examination of Zhang Zhijie; At 2 minutes and 06 seconds, the stretcher was sent into the venue, and at 2 minutes and 13 seconds, the medical staff motioned for others outside the venue to come in and help, and then 2 volunteers and 4 medical personnel carried Zhang Zhijie onto the stretcher; At 2 minutes and 26 seconds, Zhang Zhijie was carried off the field.

missed the golden 5 minutes, and the national feather teenager was sent to the hospital without breathing! The organizers are careless about human life

From Zhang Zhijie falling to the ground in 27 seconds, to 1 minute 07 seconds, medical personnel entered the field, and then 2 minutes and 26 seconds, Zhang Zhijie was carried away from the field, which means that he was still in the process of being carried out of the field two minutes after he fell to the ground, so the official sentence "I was sent to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes" is talking nonsense with his eyes open.

And the reason why they were carried out and sent to an ambulance instead of being treated on the spot shows that the event organizer has a huge bug, that is, there is no AED on site. In general, the medical staff assigned by the organizer for such a large-scale event are basically related to sports medicine; In my personal judgment, the medical staff who may enter the scene will not be able to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation at all, so there is no way to carry out direct treatment on the spot.

Friends with a little common sense know very well that in the face of sudden death, the most golden treatment time is only 5 minutes; If you get on the AED within 5 minutes, the possibility of rescue is still relatively high. But once it has been more than 5 minutes, it is basically impossible to be rescued.

missed the golden 5 minutes, and the national feather teenager was sent to the hospital without breathing! The organizers are careless about human life

In less than a minute after Erikson collapsed in 21, the paramedics with the AED rushed in to start treatment, and Erikson finally regained consciousness after 8 minutes of treatment.

Last year, in the disbanded Shenzu base, there was an accident in a well-known media person who has been reporting on Chinese football for a long time; The team doctor rushed in with an AED at the first time of the incident, rescued the media person, and helped the media person save his life.

And this time, two minutes after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, he was carried away from the field, and we can probably speculate that when he was sent to the ambulance, he probably missed the golden 5 minutes.

Therefore, Zhang Zhijie's accident can be summed up in one sentence - at the first time of the accident, due to the insufficient preparation of the organizers, he could not be treated in time at the scene and missed the golden 5 minutes. This was actually confirmed from the side, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the local hospital (Sardjito) held a press conference to explain the sudden death of Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie on the field, and they made it clear that Zhang Zhijie had no spontaneous breathing and pulse when he arrived at the hospital.

I believe that the hospital must have tried its best to save it; But a person loses spontaneous breathing and no pulse. Basically, it can't be saved.

missed the golden 5 minutes, and the national feather teenager was sent to the hospital without breathing! The organizers are careless about human life

In the case that there is a clear chance to be rescued, because the supporting facilities on the site are not perfect, it is impossible to rescue in the first time, and the time is delayed again and again, and the behavior of the organizers is tantamount to disregarding human life.

17 years old is the right age in his life, and his life suddenly came to an end, and for his parents, there was no doubt that he encountered a bolt from the blue.

In the past, Serbian athletes were stripped of their waists due to insufficient blood in the blood bank, and then there were mainland badminton players who died suddenly on the field; It can only be said that the small countries in Southeast Asia, their medical security facilities, simply cannot support the hosting of large-scale events.

Zhang Zhijie's case is a tragedy, but it also serves as a warning to society as a whole. In recent years, more and more young and middle-aged people have devoted themselves to sports, but sudden deaths occur from time to time, which has a lot to do with the amount of exercise.

According to medical experts, during exercise, the maximum heart rate is 40% to 55%, that is, low-intensity exercise, such as slow walking, and continuous exercise will not feel uncomfortable. The maximum heart rate is between 55% and 75%, that is, moderate-intensity exercise, such as jogging, moderate-speed running, etc., which may be difficult to adhere to for a long time; The maximum heart rate is above 75%, that is, high-intensity exercise, such as brisk running or other intense exercise, etc., it is necessary to make appropriate and reasonable adjustments according to the individual's physical condition, considering whether there is recent illness, fatigue, nutritional status, etc.

Especially in summer, high temperature and humidity will have an impact on the cardiovascular system. It is recommended that friends do not exercise during the period when the temperature is too high and the humidity is too high, if the body has sent out an 'alarm', do not be reckless, and resume exercise after a thorough recovery and sufficient rest.

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