
I watched the top students with a score of 680 or more, and finally found that their families all have such characteristics!

author:Tsinghua University studied science Song Shaowei

In the past few days, the most eye-catching thing is that the results of the college entrance examination have been released, and many students have emerged in this college entrance examination, which makes people can't help but have a lot of questions in their feelings:

"Why are these kids able to become top students? Is it a high IQ? How are their families educated? ”

After watching a lot of top students with a score of 680 or more, I finally found that these children's families have such a characteristic - a sense of relaxation!

Chen Xiaoyu, a science bully from Inner Mongolia, scored 710 points, 30 points higher than his estimate, especially in mathematics, and got an astonishing 148.5 points, close to a full score.

I watched the top students with a score of 680 or more, and finally found that their families all have such characteristics!

When asked what kind of "secret" he had to achieve such results, Chen Xiaoyu said: He has achieved such results, not blindly immersed in hard study, nor endless "sea of questions tactics", but depends on a good attitude.

In the three years of high school, no matter when, he was able to "have no distractions" and maintain inner peace and self-confidence.

He also has many hobbies in his daily life, such as table tennis, playing Go and so on.

And he can be so relaxed and peaceful, which is inseparable from the long-term nourishment and encouragement of his parents behind him.

In the past few days, I have studied the family education of many high-scoring students in recent years, and I was surprised to find that many parents of excellent students will not work too education, but learn to loosen their children and give them a sense of relaxation from the inside out. This sense of relaxation is the secret behind many excellent children.

I watched the top students with a score of 680 or more, and finally found that their families all have such characteristics!

The family has a sense of relaxation, and the child will become calm and confident

The word "relaxation" has frequently appeared in people's mouths in recent years, and the sense of relaxation in life, the relaxation of family, the relaxation of parents... And as a result, without exception, relaxation is something that everyone is constantly pursuing in this tense and fast-moving society.

If the family has a sense of relaxation, what will become of the child?

Let's take a look at a little story:

A little girl was very happy to see her mother busy at home, so she took a broom and tried to help sweep the floor when her mother went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

But she was too small, the broom was taller than her, and in the process of sweeping the floor, she accidentally knocked down a ceramic ornament on the ground, and the little girl was very surprised.

When the mother heard the voice, she quickly ran over, and when she saw this situation, she immediately looked at the child to see if she was injured, and then asked the reason under the child's worried expression, and then praised her behavior of wanting to help, and of course informed her of the safety matters of the idea.

At that time, the mother also took the child to the mall, and the two chose a plastic ornament together.

"It's never going to break again!" Mom's words made the child laugh happily.

I watched the top students with a score of 680 or more, and finally found that their families all have such characteristics!

Netizens commented below, "It turns out that breaking things will not be reprimanded!" "It turns out that parents will ask the reason before educating them." ……

Behind every unconfident child is a pair of emotionally unstable parents, and the relaxation of the family will make the child become calm and make the child's future more promising.

The family has a sense of relaxation, and the parent-child relationship is not internally frictional

Last year, Yuan Shuai, a student from Chengdu, Sichuan, scored 711 points in science.

Yuan Shuai's mother once suggested in an interview that parents should be friends with their children and have a good parent-child relationship. When Yuan Shuai was in the first year of junior high school, because he was in the rebellious period of youth, he got along with his mother a little stiffly.

In order to get closer to her child, she chose to start with her son's favorite game and began to play Honor of Kings.

I watched the top students with a score of 680 or more, and finally found that their families all have such characteristics!

There are also twin brothers from Changsha, Hunan, who scored 688 points in the college entrance examination at the same time.

Their parents have said in interviews that the couple are very busy with work, but they still try to find time to spend with their children. Moreover, they carefully observed that both children are very sensitive and require extra care from their parents.

Therefore, they do their best to give their children timely emotional support and maintain a good parent-child relationship with their children.

Only in this way can the child be free of distractions and devote all his energy to learning.

I watched the top students with a score of 680 or more, and finally found that their families all have such characteristics!

Without a good parent-child relationship, all education is equal to zero. Parents should usually give their children more company, understand more about what their children like and think, and provide emotional support in a timely manner, so as to continuously nourish their children's hearts.

The sense of relaxation in the family starts from the parents, when the parents have a stable mood, when the parents can always look at the child's behavior from the positive side, then this situation persists for a long time, the sense of relaxation will naturally occur, parents, hurry up and try it!

If you don't know how to do it, you can send me a private message~

#松弛感##给人生来点"Matsu Relaxation"##头条创作挑战赛#

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