
The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

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So far, the February 14 Kinmen incident has not been resolved, and on June 23, Taiwan's so-called Coast Guard again seized mainland fishing boats in the Penghu area.

In this regard, many public opinion believes that the Taiwan side has forgotten the lesson and given the PLA another opportunity to control the Penghu region!

But does the mainland really need this "opportunity"?

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

1. The Taiwan side has again maliciously seized the mainland's fishing boats

On 23 June, in the Penghu area, another mainland fishing boat was maliciously "inspected" and seized by Taiwan's so-called "patrol dawn" in the course of normal fishing operations.

And this is by no means the first time that the Taiwan authorities have played such a trick.

A few years ago, due to the bad weather in the Penghu area, many mainland fishing boats sailed into the area to avoid the wind.

However, instead of doing anything out of humanitarian behavior against the compatriots, Taiwan's "Coast Guard" threatened to "send large warships to forcibly drive them away."

The backstage authorities, on the other hand, have become even more rampant, not only detaining mainland fishing boats on the grounds of "crossing the line" through the so-called Taiwan "Coast Guard" on many occasions.

They have even thrown the blame on the mainland for various reasons, just to impose extremely severe punishments.

In this regard, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China has repeatedly appealed to the Taiwan authorities with "patience," because after all, both sides are Chinese compatriots, and the normal operation of fishermen on both sides of the strait is the most basic guarantee for "peace."

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

However, the Taiwan authorities have completely disregarded the goodwill of the mainland side, and this has led to the vicious incident on 14 February this year.

On that day, Taiwan's "Coast Guard" unreasonably pursued a mainland fishing boat in the waters off Kinmen and carried out a direct collision, resulting in the death of two people.

Moreover, more than four months have passed since then, and the Taiwan side still has not dealt with the four major demands put forward by the mainland for disclosure of the truth, apology, accountability, and compensation.

Naturally, the mainland side will not be "accustomed" to such an arrogant attitude of the Taiwan authorities.

After giving a window of explanation for a few months, it was found that Taiwan had no intention of handling it properly at all, and since Lai Qingde officially took office, he has preached "Taiwan independence rhetoric" and the so-called "Taiwan sovereignty" more times.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) on the mainland directly pointed its sword at the island and carried out the most powerful deterrent to the Taiwan side through live-fire exercises, which once caused these "Taiwan independence" elements to hide on the island "trembling" and "panicking."

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

Taiwan media said that four mainland coast guard ships entered the waters south of Kinmen in formation in the early morning of the 25th. China Times News Network reported with pictures

And this is just the beginning. The subsequent intensification of patrols by the coast guard has further reduced Taiwan's so-called "strategic locations."

For example, some time ago, four mainland coast guard ships directly patrolled the waters off Kinmen and reached a depth of only 5 nautical miles off the coast of Kinmen, which can be said to have directly sent a clear signal to the Taiwan authorities.

If the Taiwan side cannot effectively manage the people on both sides of the strait in these places, then the mainland side can directly take over the sea area!

After all, Taiwan is a province of China, and the Taiwan Strait area is also China's inherent territorial waters.

In the face of the intensification of all kinds of efforts on the mainland, it stands to reason that the Taiwan authorities should wake up and realize where their own problems lie!

Unfortunately, this is not the case, as the incident in Penghu on June 23 illustrates.

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

Although the mainland has always taken action with the protection of the people as the first priority for such vicious incidents, for many public opinions,

This incident is also considered to be a "good opportunity" for Taiwan to give the PLA a direct takeover of the Penghu area!

2. The PLA does not need so-called "opportunities" at all

Speaking of the Penghu waters, it is actually a strategic location for Taiwan since ancient times.

In the historical action of taking over Taiwan, the mainland has often taken Penghu first and then Taiwan. Such as Zheng Chenggong and Shi Lang.

Therefore, the island of Taiwan has always attached great importance to the Penghu area, and even listed it as the so-called "first combat zone" to arm Penghu to the teeth.

Moreover, the most interesting thing is that under the condition that the mainland can achieve full coverage of the so-called "first island chain", it can be said that Taiwan's armed forces have begun to shrink all of them into the island.

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

Among all the outlying island areas, only Penghu is in the form of increasing troops and troops. Even Taiwan's "complacent" Tiangong-3 air defense missiles, as well as Hsiung-2 and Hsiung-3 anti-ship missiles, have also been deployed here.

But in fact, can this really "seek independence by force"?

Just this month, Lai Qingde once again mentioned in a speech the erroneous argument that the two sides of the strait "are not subordinate to each other." Within 48 hours, people on the island discovered that the mainland's nuclear submarines were infesting near Penghu.

Moreover, according to the photos taken by Taiwan media, the nuclear submarine is also the latest third-generation nuclear submarine of the PLA.

In addition, there are more Continental Army aircraft patrolling, and showing the situation of encircling the island, including the southeast where the Penghu area is located.

It can be said that, in fact, the Penghu area is already under the complete control of the mainland.

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

In this regard, the Taiwan side still dares to carry out vicious arrests in this place, but in fact it has not seen the facts clearly at all.

If we think about it carefully, this move by the Taiwan authorities is not only a simple provocation, but I am afraid that it will also have a deeper "sinister" intention, that is, to test the mainland's attitude toward the Penghu region.

However, it is a pity that the Taiwan side not only has a wrong understanding, but is even more biased in its vision of the overall situation.

As the largest outlying island in the Taiwan region, the Penghu Islands indeed have an important position in the economic, cultural, and military fields.

However, the issue of recovering Taiwan is far less important than the Taiwan side thinks. This can be seen from the joint sword 2024 military exercise.

Under the strong military strength gap, if it really wants to use force, the mainland side does not need to use Penghu as an entry point at all, and can directly and quickly control the island of Taiwan.

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?

Moreover, even the United States, Taiwan's collusive force, has clearly pointed out that the mainland does not even need to dispatch the People's Liberation Army, and only needs to send a coast guard to besiege Taiwan.

This can be seen from the recent fact that the mainland coast guard in the Kinmen region made Taiwan's "Coast Guard" turn around and leave in a hurry just by shouting, and even hurriedly crossed its own shipping routes.

So, in the current malicious seizure in Penghu, how can the Taiwan side test the mainland's so-called "attitude"?

Naturally, it will not be like some public opinion that this is a "chance" for the PLA.

Just as the mainland ambassador to France said recently, the Taiwan regime is nothing but a rebel regime, and the resumption of control over the Taiwan region depends only on whether we are willing to do so, and there is no "opportunity" at all.

The "one-China" principle is a red line that we must not trample on, and all the actions of the Taiwan authorities are nothing but "performances" and will inevitably be met with the ultimate backlash!

The Taiwan authorities have seized the mainland fishing boat again and forgotten the lesson, so the PLA is waiting for this opportunity?


In the face of Taiwan's intention to stage the 2.14 vicious incident again and maliciously seize the mainland's fishing boats, it can only be said that it has taken another step forward on the wrong path.

In this regard, the PLA does not need to regard it as a so-called "opportunity", after all, the control of the mainland's inherent territory and territorial waters is reasonable and legal.

In the face of great strength, we can at any time further strengthen management and allow the "Taiwan independence" elements to completely retreat back to the island.


Taiwan Strait Network "Panic and Don't Choose the Way!" In the face of the mainland coast guard's shouting, the Taiwan Strait patrol ship immediately turned around and ......"

RTI Radio "On June 23, a mainland fishing boat and its personnel were seized by the Taiwan Strait Guard near Huayu in Penghu. 》

Global Network "Taiwan Media Closes Eyes: 4 Mainland Coast Guard Ships Entered the Waters of Kinmen This Morning, "Only 5 Nautical Miles from Jinhu at One Time"